Where do we get on the gathering wait list?


<font color=#000080>Member of Poopie's AK mini-mee
Apr 3, 2000
Sorry to ask ---I've been reading about others who missed getting reservations----but I was in the hospital having surgery during the sign-up period. not complaining as I feel so much better after surgery--just hopeing I might still be able to get in on the hardest ticket to get this year---THE GATHERING OF FRIENDS-. Thanks for listening just wondering if there will be any advance notice. Patty :) :) :) ;)

Patty, as it stands now there is no official waiting list, but you may want to convey your interest to Linda@Dreamsunlimitedtravel.com. I do believe that there will be future openings, but I am not absolutely sure..

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Hope you can come Patty. :) I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :)

<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

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