Where do I get the "Entertainment Book" for discounts?


Miss my Happy Place.
May 7, 2000
I just reserved a room at the HRH at the "Entertainment Book" rate - the reservationist said I now need to get this book in order to receive the discounted rate upon check in - where do I order it from?

Thank you!
You can go to www.entertainment.com and order it on-line. Or - you can probably find one at your local bookstore, such as Borders (where I bought mine) or Barnes and Noble. A lot of groups sell them as fund-raisers, so check with a local school. You can buy a book for your local area of NJ, or for any other part of the country.

When are you going? The Entertainment membership card is good from Nov. 1, 2000 until October 31, 2001. (You need to show the membership card at check-in to get the discount.) Some of the national coupons don't expire until the end of 2001, however.
We're going Oct 19 - 27, so the book won't be expired by then - thank you for the information on how to get this book!
If you are going to WDW also I would consider buying the Disney Club card. It is "partenered" with "entertainment" that you will get the entertainment discount on your hotel stay. You can also us the DC card for Discounts at WDW.
I do have the Disney Club card - but when i made my one night ressie at HRH in October, i was given the Entertainment Book discounted rate and told i have to now buy the Entertainment Book in order to get the membership card (which must be presented upon check in at HRH in order to get this discounted room rate) - i also mentioned i had the Disney Club card, and that it should be good for a room discount at HRH, and was told absolutely not - only the Entertainment Book discount was acknowledged at HRH, not the DC card - so what's the deal?
about using your DC card for ressies at the PFB and HRC. I bet the person/pinhead you talked to was probably thinking of the old MKC card. The DC card should be accepted at any hotel that the Enertainment card is accepted. Unless there is an exclusion for Universal, then I'm the pinhead :eek:. I would call DC and Universal and find out for sure. SEarch for the thread also that shold help.
I found the thread and re-read all the posts - also just tried calling the DC (there's a 1/2 hour wait time to be connected - i'll try tomorrow again) - it just seems odd to me that the Disney Club would give discounts on rooms at Universal (their competition)- on the back of my DC card there is no mention of Loews hotels or the Entertainment Book - i'm confused.....

I'll just be happy with my $117.50 room rate (once i provide my Entertainment Book membership card upon check in, after i buy the Book) and leave it at that
Since you're a Disney Club member, go to www.disneyclub.com and register. Then - look on the left side of the screen, and you'll see the Entertainment icon. Click on it, then type "Orlando" and "Hotels" - and you'll see that there's a 50% discount at PBH and HRC.


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