When do you start packing?


DIS Veteran
Oct 23, 2005
Thinking of taking out the suitcases this weekend. Dh will be home the following weekend and then we go. I have one suitcase out already but didn't do anything with it yet - thought with this being a 3 day weekend I'd try to get going!

Kids are dying to start packing - but I don't want them to pack everything yet... I can just see us having to go through the suitcases just for them to wear stuff before we go because they have it all packed already.
Ugh, I love packing for my trips! But I really can't until the day before. You know, as soon as you pack it you'll need it the morning before you leave...:laughing: I'll be packing the evening before we leave I guess. 13 more days! :banana:
I have already started putting some items in a rubbermaid container like, meds(motrin, cold meds etc.) first aid kit, ponchos, travel games (we are driving), books, shampoo, soap , toothpaste etc. We leave on Feb. 5th driving down and checking in on Feb 6th!

The kids are dying to pack so I think we will bring the suitcases out of the attic this weekend. I usually do the bulk of my packing the weekend before we leave but, the kids are really anxious to get started.

* My sister in law packs on the morning they leave right out of the dryer while that car service is waiting in the driveway to take them to the airport. It drives my brother crazy! :laundy::lmao:
Well we are going to be so busy next week I am working on it this weekend.

I am making piles for each boy in the spare room right now, so I can see what I have and what is still needed, this way the night before we leave I just move the piles into suitcases and hope I do not forget anything!
We leave in about 4 months... I have all of our suitcases pulled out and wiped down... Anything I know that'll deff be sure commin with me i'll toss in the suitcause... already have random things in there at this moment... then exactly 2 weeks i'll have everything packed for myself and the kids... Every visit i search the boards on neat things and tips of things to bring im always sure to pick them up in advance so i'll have them and everything is together!!!
I pulled the suitcases out and started a pile at the 90 day mark. Then, about 3 weeks ago, I started working on the clothing. 3 days ago, I had to take everything out and redo it because, we leave in 5 days (I can't believe it), and the weather forecast is showing 70s everyday. I assumed it was going to be typical January, and I had packed for every occasion. But, with highs in 70s and lows in the 50s, we won't need much more than shorts, ts and sandals. At least, not my family!

So, I start early, but have to redo it a lot. I should have just waited!
Our next trip is in November....I started packing several months ago.

I have a large bin in the spare room. It's almost full. :cool1:
Anything I know we'll need to pack, goes into the bin......toys, toiletries, games & activites for the plane backpacks, Disney gift cards, new Disney themed t-shirts and hoodies, gifts for the kids, decorations for the condo etc.. Basically, anything we'll need there that we don't need now. I even buy the kids new underwear and jammies to take with us.

A month out, I'll pull out the luggage and clean it off. I'll lay the luggage out open on the floor in the spare room floor and start *really* packing.

By 2 weeks out, the only things not packed are meds, cameras and phones.
I will start setting things aside that I know I need as early as a month in advance! (snacks, dollar store buys, etc)

About 2 weeks before, I'll start pulling clothes to wear in the parks so I know they are clean and where they are.

Night or two before we leave I ransack the bathroom for any and all toiletries we'll need that are not daily-use items - all the little stuff that I normally forget to pack.

Night before lay it all on the bed by person and start pulling things out that aren't absolutely necessary to take (too many pairs of shoes, sandals, pants, tops) grab at least 3 pair of extra undies and socks for all and throw it in the suitcase! Bathroom stuff has it's own bag and then it all goes by the back door. Carry-ons are packed last and all thrown by the door.
.. I'm stuck packing for all of us...and as much as I love WDW and I love planning and reading the DIS Boards, I hate packing for this trip!!

We're leaving in 10 days and all I have done is take out the suitcase. Well, I threw in some dollar store items and the new fleece hoodies i ordered but those are the only things in there so far. Yesterday I bought new toothbrushes, but thats about it!

It is so overwhelming to pack for myself, all 3 kids and wait for my DH to throw all his clothes in there too! Trips in Jan are harder to pack for because the weather fluctuates so much. We wear layers everyday so I have to bring long sleeves, t-shirts, shorts, pants, bathing suits etc.

PLUS I make it harder on myself that I like to dress the kids similar! :confused3 They dont always match (2 boys, 1 girl) but i find it easier to find them in the parks/airports/hotels when they are all wearing the same color! Does anyone else do that???

enough procrastinating, must get off the computer and get back to laundry!:surfweb:
I usually say 2 weeks-1 week before leaving is a good time to pack. Don't want everything too creased.
I usually start packing about two weeks before... I notice that a lot of the stuff I start buying for the trip starts piling up all around the house and I am a very organized person so it drives me nuts for stuff to be laying around! So I just start throwing it all in the suitcase and I write down everything that I put in there so I know what's in and what's not. Probably a lot more trouble than its worth, but I love to pack and it makes me feel like I'm that much closer to leaving :rotfl: I don't usually have to take anything out though, so that's good! On another note, I usually get down to the hotel and start unpacking and I forget what I put in there! :dance3: I'll be like, "Oh, I forgot I packed this shirt!" So, hey its like a mini adventure seeing what I get to wear while I"m there haha!
I don't like packing or unpacking! For our 2 week trip to Disneyland last month I packed all of our cases the day before!!! Usually I will take a few days to pack though. I start making lists a few weeks out though so I know what I'm going to pack.

The advantage for we Aussies is when we travel to the USA (or Europe) is that you are the opposite season! So all of the clothes we usually need to pack are not being used due to being a different season. So Summer at WDW, it is Winter here. It's quite handy.
Um, haven't started yet and leave the house in 9 days...Packing for 4.5 (DH only 1/2 packs)

We are driving too so I really need to get organized!!!! To keep everyone happy.

Think I'll hit the dollar store later today! And pull out the big suitcase, maybe go through the kids spring/summer clothes and pull some of those out too. Actually today would be a good day to do that, their closet is usually so cold in the winter, but today is supposed to be in the 40s.

I have to squeeze in a couple hours work/study time in there too, somehow.

leaving in 9 days!!!

usually we pack the night before and even scramble a little the morning of the flight.

BUT, this year we're bringing an infant so i've already started packing. we are shipping down a box tomorrow and that is pretty much all packed. i've put together all the disney themed shirts and hats and stuff for my little guy in his suitcase.

i actually decided NOT to pack alot for him or even for us. we'll be there for 8 days/7 nights but since he's a big time barfer still i know we'll be doing laundry. so, i'll just bring a few outfits and plan on doing laundry every other day.
I have a checklist made up months in advance.
Go through the list and pick up anything extra that we need.
I usually have everything packed the week before.
I start packing about a month before. I lay out the suitcases and boxes (we drive) and just add stuff to it as I come across it or buy it.
The real packing is about 4 days before, with daily essentials going in the night before.
I pack about a month or so ahead of time then a week before we leave I take everything back out and wash them then replace them, I enjoy packing for WDW it makes it seem like the trip will come sooner if I pack early. :thumbsup2
Oh, I love packing!! It's one of my favorite things to do!! We are going in September this year and I have a duffle bag that has already started collecting things that we will bring. I have started picking up ponchos, misting fans and a bunch of travel size items, like, lotion, powder, gel, deoderant, toothbrushes etc... I love to be ready early. About two months before is when i'll get the suitcases out and start putting our items in there. Obviously, starting that early we will be adding things over the 2 months, but I have to start setting things aside anyway, so they might as well be packed and in the suitcases.:goodvibes Ooooo, Is it too early to bring the suitcases out now :woohoo: My dh would kill me :rolleyes1
We are leaving tomorrow and I will start packing in the morning (don't have to leave until just after lunch).

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