What's the best way to check a booster seat on the plane?


DIS Veteran
Aug 23, 1999
I was going to rent a booster seat for my 4-y-o, but that would cost $40+. Heck, mine only cost $20 at home. So, we decided to take our own with and check it as luggage. Should I check it alone or put it in a duffle bag with some other items? Has anyone done this? I thought maybe the booster seat and a pack of diapers would fit in a big duffle bag. What do you guys think?

Last year when we went down we borrowed a neighbors ice hockey goalie bag. It was HUGE.
It fit both seats no problem. We did however wrap the in big beach towels.
I hope this helps
We just put our booster seat in a clear plastic garbage bag and checked it with our luggage. It came through just fine.

I have a high backed booster seat and got the car seat travel bag for it - like a duffle only shaped like the car seat. It had room to put other things in (like our winter coats when we got to the airport). It arrived just fine. We travelled on UA and they did bring it out with odd sized luggage instead of having it come out on the belt with the regular luggage. Also: some of the airlines (like UA) have large heavy plastic bags to cover items like this to help protect them.

1993 - Off Site
01/27/01 - YC - 7 days
02/03/01 - 7 day Magic Cruise
Next WDW trip Dec. 2001
the yard size or lawn/leaf size. I believe Delta also has clear plastic bags too. We use duct tape or the tough, durable tape the airlines have at check in desks to close them up. We put new bags for the flight home in our regular luggage. We have done this on more than a 2 dozen plane flights and never had a problem. At most airports, the seats will come to baggage claim in the oversized section but occasionally we find them on the regular carousels. Good luck.
Thanks for all the answers! It's too bad we don't have a "DIS connection" in Orlando where you could drop off and pick up toddler seats and such. I'm sure that would be a logistical nightmare, but taking those with is a hassle too when you already have 2 strollers and a car seat to take to the gate. Oh yeah, plus a diaper bag and goodie backpack. Such are the luxuries of traveling with the kids. (Wouldn't trade it for the world!)



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