What's in a BLT? - Or, Configuration of the Tower *UPDATED 11/23*

The following chart shows BLT declarations by UY through September 30, 2009. Currently, February remains the most prevalent UY, but that may change. dizfan mentioned to me that Disney may be switching BLT's default UY on new sales from February to March.

Based on my data, Disney has declared 3,103,655 points for BLT, and has sold 2,219,023 points through 9/30/2009. This leaves about 28.50% of the declared points still to be sold. I have been tracking BLT sales for a few months, and it appears that Disney makes a new declaration when its declared inventory drops below 25%. If I'm right, we should see a new declaration by the end of October. Of course, with BLT's price going up, I don't know whether BLT sales will continue at the same pace as before.


See the following posting regarding the THV: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=34253025&postcount=10. SSR is averaging only a few hundred points/day in recorded deeds and AKV is averaging about 1,000 points/day. BLT is greatly exceeding those numbers, but things have slowed down this past month compared to sales this past summer. The last BLT Declaration was on 9/2/2009, and I keep thinking another Declaration will happen any day. Of course, I've been saying that for the past 2 weeks!

wdrl - I was also expecting a new BLT declaration at the end of October. As you said, you've been anticipating a declaration for 2 weeks.

Based on your earlier post where you referenced the 25% threshold you believe to be the trigger for a new declaration, how close are they currently to dropping below that (if they haven't already)?
wdrl - I was also expecting a new BLT declaration at the end of October. As you said, you've been anticipating a declaration for 2 weeks.

Based on your earlier post where you referenced the 25% threshold you believe to be the trigger for a new declaration, how close are they currently to dropping below that (if they haven't already)?

All of the indicators I've used in the past to predict BLT Declarations have been blown aside:

Pct of Total declared points unsold - In the past, when the percent of unsold declared points reached 25% or less, than a new declaration was usually made. Currently, we have only 20% of the declared points still in inventory.

The default UY has less than 15% of declared unsold points - We have seen a new Declaration when February's points inventory dropped below 15%. February was, until recently, BLT's default UY. We currently have only 10% of the declared February points left to be sold. But as of the first of this month, March is the default UY, and it has about 34% of its inventory still available for sale. So maybe this indicator still holds some predictive value.

Declared but unused Units are less than 10 - As of 10/10/2009, there are only four declared Units (05a, 20b, 42b, and 45a) that have yet to have deeds recorded at OCC.

According to my data, DVD has about 633,000 declared BLT points unsold as of 10/10/2009. Dizfan has also been tracking BLT and his point counts might be more reliable than mine. He shows slightly more points sold and slightly less points unsold.

I suspect that DVD wants to whittle down this inventory before they make a new Declaration. But I really don't know when we might see another Declaration. Surely we'll see a new one by Thanksgiving! (I hope!!!)

I guess this is another example of iwikwiwta (I wish I knew what I was talking about).
For contracts through 11/10/2009, my data is showing 15105 contracts, 2,516040 points sold.

Unit 46b (latest one to start seeing new contracts) is gradually seeing more contracts show up. Depending if the unit sees mostly small contracts or new member (160 and up), units range from in the 90's to 150 or so contracts per unit. Unit 46B contracts were sent out around 10/30. I suspect they've already sent enough contracts to use up the points for this unit.

Will they assign a lower numbered unassigned unit to more March contracts or another declaration?

If I read the last declaration info correctly, it occurred on 9/2/2009, but didn't show up on the OCC until 9/11/2009. Might we be at a point where the declaration is already done and we're just waiting to see it show up on the OCC web site?

The Annual meeting was just announced for 12/9/2009. Interesting that it's being held at the Contemporary, instead of the usual Boardwalk.
Sales numbers for contracts I've found on the Orange County Comptroller's web site for all documented and proofed contracts through 12/16/2009.

This includes a few older contracts I found that were entered incorrectly entered on the OCC web site.

16,025 total contracts
2,653,718 total points sold

Unit	UY	#Cont	Sold	Total
02A	Feb	228	38002	39280
02B	Mar	135	18873	19640
03A	Mar	261	36810	39280
03B	Apr	137	19243	19640
04A	Apr	257	37086	39280
04B	Jun	127	19133	19640
05A	---	0	---	---
05B	Aug	138	18889	19640
05C	Aug	129	19033	19640
06A	Sep	235	35670	39280
06B	Sep	133	19199	19640
07A	Oct	138	18842	19640
07B	Oct	145	18183	19640
07C	Dec	131	18966	19640
08A	Dec	266	37051	39280
08B	Feb	101	19236	19640
09A	Dec	120	18823	19640
09B	Feb	117	19048	19640
09C	Feb	115	19229	19640
10A	Mar	227	34342	39280
10B	Apr	138	17919	19640
11A	Feb	102	17992	19640
11B	Feb	94	18166	19640
11C	Feb	115	18391	19640
12A	Jun	315	37275	39280
12B	Feb	106	19083	39280
13A	Aug	165	18363	19640
13B	Feb	99	17264	19640
13C	Feb	95	18318	19640
14A	Feb	177	35409	39280
14B	Oct	136	19019	19640
15A	Feb	83	15960	19640
15B	Dec	166	15227	19640
15C	Feb	110	19121	19640
16A	Dec	249	35918	39280
16B	Feb	96	18335	19640
17A	Feb	101	18948	19640
17B	Feb	98	17722	19640
17C	Feb	97	18417	19640
18A	Dec	271	35614	39280
18B	Feb	100	18577	19640
19A	Feb	103	18880	19640
19B	Sep	105	16312	19640
19C	Jun	214	36292	39280
20A	Feb	236	37590	39280
20B	---	0	---	---
21A	Sep	31	3687	19640
21B	Sep	121	18212	19640
21C	Sep	136	17634	19640
22A	Feb	195	37256	39280
22B	Aug	111	13604	19640
23A	Feb	197	37445	39280
23B	Oct	96	14402	19640
24A	Feb	109	18805	19640
24B	Feb	99	18870	19640
24C	Feb	97	18600	19640
25A	Feb	198	38013	39280
25B	Feb	110	18653	19640
26A	Feb	103	19047	19640
26B	Feb	110	18955	19640
26C	Feb	207	38700	39280
27A	Feb	195	38443	39280
27B	Feb	107	19205	19640
28A	Feb	105	18611	19640
28B	Feb	100	19209	19640
28C	Feb	102	18324	19640
29A	Feb	193	37006	39280
29B	Feb	106	19231	19640
30A	Feb	199	38301	39280
30B	Feb	101	18581	19640
31A	Apr	121	17072	19640
31B	Feb	98	17881	19640
31C	Feb	106	17702	19640
32A	Aug	247	35402	39280
32B	Jun	48	6019	19640
33A	Jun	116	18298	19640
33B	Oct	129	17452	19640
33C	Feb	200	37794	39280
34A	Feb	195	36686	39280
34B	Feb	98	16550	19640
35A	Feb	101	18051	19640
35B	Feb	98	17882	19640
35C	Jun	121	18112	19640
36A	Feb	189	37063	39280
36B	Feb	97	16987	19640
37A	Feb	188	35785	39280
37B	Feb	98	16994	19640
38A	Oct	3	826	19640
38B	Oct	2	600	19640
38C	Oct	1	250	19640
39A	Feb	202	36931	39280
39B	Oct	1	250	19640
40A	Oct	1	250	19640
40B	Oct	1	250	19640
40C	Feb	189	33911	39280
41A	Feb	183	34763	39280
41B	Feb	92	17104	19640
42A	Mar	86	15345	19640
42B	---	0	---	---
42C	Feb	106	17240	19640
43A	Feb	196	34296	39280
43B	Feb	80	14770	19640
44A	Feb	175	32912	39280
44B	Mar	77	13900	19640
45A	---	0	---	---
45B	Apr	93	14686	19640
45C	Mar	107	18195	19640
46A	Mar	162	31498	39280
46B	Mar	78	13655	19640
47A	Feb	54	6430	19640
47B	Jun	15	2850	19640
47C	Dec	1	160	39280
48A	Apr	7	1553	39280
48B	Jun	1	200	19640
82A	Mar	220	32693	34975
82B	Feb	190	33655	34975
82C	Jun	233	32266	34975
87A	Feb	183	33852	34975
87B	Feb	182	33290	34975
87C	Feb	106	18881	19640
88A	Feb	195	33541	34975
88B	Feb	185	33250	34975
88C	Feb	122	19174	19640
89A	Feb	186	32294	34975
89B	Feb	159	31090	34975
89C	Apr	62	10613	19640
Sales numbers for contracts I've found on the Orange County Comptroller's web site for all documented and proofed contracts through 11/18/2009.

Anyone else find it odd that there are several Oct. UY units with only 1 contract in each of them? :confused3 Not that it matters but seems strange to me; I would think they'd keep selling contracts in the same unit until it is (nearly) sold out then move to the next for that use year...
Anyone else find it odd that there are several Oct. UY units with only 1 contract in each of them? :confused3 Not that it matters but seems strange to me; I would think they'd keep selling contracts in the same unit until it is (nearly) sold out then move to the next for that use year...

Actually, its not that uncommon to see a single deed for a Unit show up on the OCC, and then not have another deed recorded for weeks for that Unit. And its not a situation unique to BLT. AKV Unit #105D had a single deed recorded on 9/30/2009, and has not had one recorded since.

There are several times that I wonder how reliable the information is on the recorded deeds. Back in July, I ran across a BLT deed with Unit 105A. Well, there is no Unit 105A for BLT, but there is an AKV Unit with that number which, BTW, was actively in use at that time. I'm compiling a database of all AKV contracts (sounds like fun, doesn't it?) going back February 2007, and I have seen a handful of deeds in which the number of points was the same as the number of the Unit: 35 points for Unit 35, 52 points for Unit 52, etc. Mere coincidence? Or did someone creating the deed type in the Unit number twice by mistake? Anyway, the OCC deeds make for interesting reading. :rolleyes1
I've been holding off updating my chart of BLT Units and points, thinking that DVD would make a new Declaration of Units. The last Declaration was made on 9/2/2009, and I thought we'd have another one by late October. My wife said that perhaps if I update the chart, DVD will make a new Declaration by tomorrow so that my chart is out-of-date. Well, we'll see if that happens.

Since the last update, more Units have been declared for UYs other than February. March is now the default UY, but there are still many contracts being sold for February. The chart also shows that the October UY has the second highest number of assigned Units, but this is somewhat of an oddity. For some reason, last month DVD rolled out four Units in the same day for the October UY, but only put one deed each in three of the Units. And no other deeds for been recorded for those Units.

Even though BLT's price-per-point has gone up, BLT is outselling AKV, SSR, and the other "sold-out" WDW resorts by 2-to-1. As dizfan points out, 15,454 deeds have been sold for BLT. I find it interesting that BLT has over 11,500 master contracts sold. AKV has slightly more master contracts, but it has been selling contracts since February 2007. SSR, by the way, has over 66,000 master contracts.

When reading the chart, remember that "Unit" is not the same as a villa or room. Each BLT Unit has either one two-bedroom villa (19,640 points), two two-bedroom villas (39,280 points), or one Grand Villa (34,975 points) assigned to it.

I think there is a new declaration for BLT showing up on the OCC web site.

47A, 47B, 47C
48A, 48B
49A, 49B, 49C
50A, 50B
51A, 51B
52A, 52B, 52C
53A, 53B
54A, 54B, 54C
The first post has been updated to refelect the new units declared on 10 November and posted today - the rest of the 8th floor and part of the 9th - 26 2BR villas.
I have updated the BLT Declaration chart to show the newest declaration made on 11/10/2009. The new Declaration brings 20 more Units into the DVC Membership inventory. These 20 Units represent 26 2-bedroom villas and 510,640 points. BLT now has 62.04% of its estimated 5,825,540 points declared.

As of December 31, 2009, DVD has declared about 62% of BLT for the DVC Membership inventory. In addition, about 46% of the estimated 5,825,540 points have been sold according to deeds recorded on the Orange County Comptroller's website. The following chart shows that the vast majority of BLT points are in Units with a February UY.

Since raising the price of BLT to $120 per point in October, sales of BLT have slowed compared to the rate of sales during the first 6 months of 2009. BLT was outselling AKV about 2-to-1. Currently, AKV sales are exceeding BLT sales, but not by much.

Until September 2009, February was the default UY for BLT contracts. March was used as default UY in the late Fall, and more contracts were being sold for June and the other UY months. However, in December, more first-time buyers were being offered contracts with February 2009 points. The big incentive with February 2009 points is, of course, almost a year's worth of points with little or no MF.

There are about 937,000 points that have been declared but not yet sold. At the current rate of sales (about 15,000 points a week), it might be late Spring before DVD does another Declaration of BLT Units for the Membership. However, if DVD continues to push February contracts, then a new Declaration might have to be made sooner to replenish the stock of February points.

That is really interesting. It would lead me to conclude that trying to buy BLT resales in future years with non February use years may be more difficult.
That is really interesting. It would lead me to conclude that trying to buy BLT resales in future years with non February use years may be more difficult.

Interesting point; I think that is probably valid since there will be less supply... Anyone know what the distribution of use years is like for the other resorts (i.e. are there other ones that are so highly weighted to a single UY, and if so, is it also feb?)
Anyone know what the distribution of use years is like for the other resorts (i.e. are there other ones that are so highly weighted to a single UY, and if so, is it also feb?)

I have only looked at all of the recorded deeds for two other resorts besides BLT. At AKV, 41.77% of the points declared to date are in the December UY (see http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1783357&page=9). The next largest percentage of AKV declared points is in the June UY with 11.21%. Even if DVD does not declare any future Units with a December UY (AKV still has about 2.9M points undeclared, by my estimation), December will account for 23.57% of all AKV points once the resort is sold out.

VWL has about 1,962,300 points. August is the most common UY with 23.72% of VWL's total points. December is the next most common UY with 18.19%.

I have looked at the Units at SSR that comprise the THVs (see http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2265909). In those 15 Units, December UY accounts for 20% of the 452,625 points, and February UY accounts for 13.33%. I haven't looked at the previously declared SSR Units, so I don't know if that mix holds true for the entire resort.
Sales numbers for contracts I've found on the Orange County Comptroller's web site for all documented and proofed contracts through 1/31/2010.

This includes a few older contracts I found that were entered incorrectly entered on the OCC web site.

16,787 total contracts
2,779,791 total points sold

Unit	UY	#Cont	Sold	Total
02A	Feb	228	38002	39280
02B	Mar	135	18873	19640
03A	Mar	261	36810	39280
03B	Apr	137	19243	19640
04A	Apr	257	36976	39280
04B	Jun	127	19133	19640
05A	---	0	---	---
05B	Aug	138	18889	19640
05C	Aug	129	19033	19640
06A	Sep	235	35670	39280
06B	Sep	133	19199	19640
07A	Oct	138	18842	19640
07B	Oct	145	18183	19640
07C	Dec	131	18966	19640
08A	Dec	267	37211	39280
08B	Feb	101	19236	19640
09A	Dec	120	18823	19640
09B	Feb	117	19048	19640
09C	Feb	115	19229	19640
10A	Mar	231	35022	39280
10B	Apr	138	17919	19640
11A	Feb	102	17992	19640
11B	Feb	94	18166	19640
11C	Feb	116	18551	19640
12A	Jun	315	37275	39280
12B	Feb	106	19083	39280
13A	Aug	165	18363	19640
13B	Feb	99	17264	19640
13C	Feb	95	18318	19640
14A	Feb	177	35409	39280
14B	Oct	136	19019	19640
15A	Feb	83	15960	19640
15B	Dec	177	16167	19640
15C	Feb	110	19121	19640
16A	Dec	249	35918	39280
16B	Feb	96	18335	19640
17A	Feb	101	18948	19640
17B	Feb	98	17722	19640
17C	Feb	97	18417	19640
18A	Dec	272	35724	39280
18B	Feb	100	18577	19640
19A	Feb	103	18880	19640
19B	Sep	107	16774	19640
19C	Jun	215	36492	39280
20A	Feb	236	37590	39280
20B	---	0	---	---
21A	Sep	58	7542	19640
21B	Sep	124	18572	19640
21C	Sep	138	18114	19640
22A	Feb	195	37256	39280
22B	Aug	144	17553	19640
23A	Feb	197	37445	39280
23B	Oct	101	15252	19640
24A	Feb	109	18805	19640
24B	Feb	99	18870	19640
24C	Feb	97	18600	19640
25A	Feb	198	38013	39280
25B	Feb	111	18703	19640
26A	Feb	103	19047	19640
26B	Feb	111	19080	19640
26C	Feb	207	38700	39280
27A	Feb	196	38483	39280
27B	Feb	107	19205	19640
28A	Feb	105	18611	19640
28B	Feb	100	19209	19640
28C	Feb	103	18524	19640
29A	Feb	193	37006	39280
29B	Feb	106	19231	19640
30A	Feb	199	38301	39280
30B	Feb	102	18791	19640
31A	Apr	121	17072	19640
31B	Feb	99	17931	19640
31C	Feb	106	17702	19640
32A	Aug	247	35402	39280
32B	Jun	52	6849	19640
33A	Jun	116	18298	19640
33B	Oct	133	18022	19640
33C	Feb	200	37794	39280
34A	Feb	195	36686	39280
34B	Feb	100	16775	19640
35A	Feb	101	18051	19640
35B	Feb	101	18452	19640
35C	Jun	128	18837	19640
36A	Feb	191	37363	39280
36B	Feb	100	17507	19640
37A	Feb	189	35945	39280
37B	Feb	101	17439	19640
38A	Oct	20	2871	19640
38B	Oct	2	600	19640
38C	Oct	1	250	19640
39A	Feb	203	36981	39280
39B	Oct	1	250	19640
40A	Oct	1	250	19640
40B	Oct	1	250	19640
40C	Feb	191	34531	39280
41A	Feb	190	36103	39280
41B	Feb	96	17719	19640
42A	Mar	93	16630	19640
42B	---	0	---	---
42C	Feb	110	17880	19640
43A	Feb	203	35261	39280
43B	Feb	91	16910	19640
44A	Feb	184	34362	39280
44B	Mar	88	16015	19640
45A	Aug	4	697	19640
45B	Apr	112	17827	19640
45C	Mar	113	18845	19640
46A	Mar	180	34853	39280
46B	Mar	94	16065	19640
47A	Feb	108	14493	19640
47B	Jun	78	14390	19640
47C	Dec	43	6069	39280
48A	Apr	56	10713	39280
48B	Jun	78	14292	19640
49A	Mar	14	2025	19640
49B	Feb	73	12767	19640
49C	Feb	61	10590	19640
50B	Jun	6	1340	19640
51B	Feb	33	6085	19640
52A	Feb	0	---	19640
82A	Mar	221	32943	34975
82B	Feb	190	33655	34975
82C	Jun	233	32266	34975
87A	Feb	183	33852	34975
87B	Feb	184	33650	34975
87C	Feb	106	18881	19640
88A	Feb	196	33741	34975
88B	Feb	185	33250	34975
88C	Feb	122	19174	19640
89A	Feb	186	32294	34975
89B	Feb	163	31868	34975
89C	Apr	75	12893	19640

Sales have slowed since the BLT price increase to $120/pt, but are still going at a respectable pace. A third of the January sales showing up on the OCC site between 1/25/10 and 1/29/10.

Month	#Cont	Points
Aug09	1104	186431
Sep09	1127	189160
Oct09	1203	205306
Nov09	846	124660
Dec09	521	82214
Jan10	620	102927
Thanks Dizfan for the new sales information. I was surprised to see that December and January sales dropped so much when the BLT sales were eligible for the extra 2009 points. I wonder if the December and January sales for AKV increased during that promotion. I don't think anyone on the DISboards tracks those figures though. Our guide mentioned that they were adding the 2009 points to the current promotions for December and January to attract more sales since during the holiday and post holiday months sales frequently decline. I suppose that this dip in sales at BLT could be a normal seasonal decline. I know there are many out there that hope a better incentive will be forthcoming for BLT.
I updated my BLT chart that shows the number of points by Use Year. You will notice that February is still the predominant UY at BLT. Even if DVD does not place another Unit at BLT within that UY, February will account for over one-third of all BLT points.

I have also adjusted downward my estimate of the total number of points BLT will have once it is completely sold out. My revised estimate of 5,733,530 points is about 92,000 points less than my earlier estimate. The lower amount is based on DVD allocating 34,975 points to each Grand Villa and 19,640 points to each two-bedroom villa. Since BLT will have 14 Grand Villas and 267 two-bedroom villas when it is fully declared for the DVC membership, its total points should end up at 5,733,530.

Like dizfan, I track the deeds and number of points recorded at OCC. When he and I compared data at the end of January, my data showed about 120 points less sold points than his. However, I use a very manual process and I suspect dizfan's numbers are probably more reliable than mine.

Although BLT sales have slowed compared to six months ago, it is still selling at a decent rate. Unless DVD unveils new incentives for BLT that really ramp up sales, I suspect that BLT will not sell out until the Spring or Summer of 2011. I also don't expect to see another Declaration of additional Units for BLT until April, at the very earliest. DVD has about 815,000 points that have been declared but not yet sold, which should be enough to handle sales for the next several weeks.

VWL has about 1,962,300 points. August is the most common UY with 23.72% of VWL's total points. December is the next most common UY with 18.19%.

August being highest there is probably good for me; that's my UY and I just did a small add-on @ VWL today! :rotfl:
Sales numbers for contracts I've found on the Orange County Comptroller's web site for contracts through 3/4/2010.

17,363 total contracts
2,872,149 total points sold

Unit	UY	#Cont	Sold	Total
02A	Feb	228	38002	39280
02B	Mar	135	18873	19640
03A	Mar	261	36810	39280
03B	Apr	137	19243	19640
04A	Apr	257	36976	39280
04B	Jun	127	19233	19640
05A	---	0	---	---
05B	Aug	138	18889	19640
05C	Aug	129	19033	19640
06A	Sep	235	35670	39280
06B	Sep	133	19179	19640
07A	Oct	138	18842	19640
07B	Oct	145	18183	19640
07C	Dec	131	18966	19640
08A	Dec	267	37211	39280
08B	Feb	101	19236	19640
09A	Dec	120	18823	19640
09B	Feb	117	19048	19640
09C	Feb	115	19229	19640
10A	Mar	233	35122	39280
10B	Apr	140	18019	19640
11A	Feb	102	17992	19640
11B	Feb	94	18166	19640
11C	Feb	116	18551	19640
12A	Jun	315	37275	39280
12B	Feb	106	19083	39280
13A	Aug	165	18363	19640
13B	Feb	99	17264	19640
13C	Feb	95	18318	19640
14A	Feb	178	35569	39280
14B	Oct	136	19019	19640
15A	Feb	83	15960	19640
15B	Dec	181	16875	19640
15C	Feb	110	19121	19640
16A	Dec	252	36218	39280
16B	Feb	96	18335	19640
17A	Feb	101	18948	19640
17B	Feb	98	17722	19640
17C	Feb	97	18417	19640
18A	Dec	274	35974	39280
18B	Feb	100	18577	19640
19A	Feb	103	18880	19640
19B	Sep	107	16774	19640
19C	Jun	215	36492	39280
20A	Feb	236	37590	39280
20B	---	0	---	---
21A	Sep	73	9412	19640
21B	Sep	124	18572	19640
21C	Sep	139	18314	19640
22A	Feb	195	37256	39280
22B	Aug	147	17803	19640
23A	Feb	197	37445	39280
23B	Oct	103	15562	19640
24A	Feb	109	18805	19640
24B	Feb	101	19069	19640
24C	Feb	97	18600	19640
25A	Feb	198	38013	39280
25B	Feb	111	18703	19640
26A	Feb	103	19047	19640
26B	Feb	111	19080	19640
26C	Feb	207	38700	39280
27A	Feb	196	38483	39280
27B	Feb	107	19205	19640
28A	Feb	105	18611	19640
28B	Feb	100	19209	19640
28C	Feb	103	18524	19640
29A	Feb	195	37706	39280
29B	Feb	106	19231	19640
30A	Feb	199	38301	39280
30B	Feb	103	18891	19640
31A	Apr	121	17072	19640
31B	Feb	101	18056	19640
31C	Feb	106	17702	19640
32A	Aug	248	35452	39280
32B	Jun	54	7229	19640
33A	Jun	116	18298	19640
33B	Oct	133	18022	19640
33C	Feb	201	38094	39280
34A	Feb	196	36846	39280
34B	Feb	104	17225	19640
35A	Feb	101	18051	19640
35B	Feb	102	18612	19640
35C	Jun	128	18837	19640
36A	Feb	193	37513	39280
36B	Feb	101	17667	19640
37A	Feb	191	36315	39280
37B	Feb	101	17439	19640
38A	Oct	45	6441	19640
38B	Oct	2	600	19640
38C	Oct	1	250	19640
39A	Feb	206	37131	39280
39B	Oct	1	250	19640
40A	Oct	1	250	19640
40B	Oct	1	250	19640
40C	Feb	194	34941	39280
41A	Feb	193	36943	39280
41B	Feb	97	17879	19640
42A	Mar	96	17200	19640
42B	---	0	---	---
42C	Feb	112	18340	19640
43A	Feb	205	35685	39280
43B	Feb	93	17310	19640
44A	Feb	190	35552	39280
44B	Mar	91	16365	19640
45A	Aug	32	5229	19640
45B	Apr	112	17827	19640
45C	Mar	113	18845	19640
46A	Mar	181	35053	39280
46B	Mar	98	16465	19640
47A	Feb	119	16108	19640
47B	Jun	83	15460	19640
47C	Dec	71	9829	39280
48A	Apr	73	13113	39280
48B	Jun	90	16842	19640
49A	Mar	60	9212	19640
49B	Feb	97	16696	19640
49C	Feb	108	16178	19640
50A	Feb	51	10629	39280
50B	Jun	31	5605	19640
51A	Feb	17	2370	39280
51B	Feb	87	14630	19640
52A	Feb	53	9497	19640
52B	Aug	32	6310	19640
52C	Mar	2	360	19640
82A	Mar	222	33068	34975
82B	Feb	190	33655	34975
82C	Jun	233	32266	34975
87A	Feb	183	33852	34975
87B	Feb	184	33650	34975
87C	Feb	106	18881	19640
88A	Feb	197	33806	34975
88B	Feb	187	33535	34975
88C	Feb	122	19174	19640
89A	Feb	188	32664	34975
89B	Feb	163	31868	34975
89C	Apr	78	13043	19640

Sales have slowed since the BLT price increase to $120/pt, but are still going at a respectable pace.

Month		#Cont	Points
Aug09		1104	186431
Sep09		1127	189160
Oct09		1203	205306
Nov09		846	124660
Dec09		521	82214
Jan10		620	102927
Feb10		445	71318
Mar10(1-4)	132	21010

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