whats a gatekeeper and how do you do it?


Oct 5, 2004
I was reading some other post and came across this. what is it? How do your kids get to do this? Is it just being in the right place at the right time? Is it only MK? :D
My dd has done this twice... if I could get search going I would send a link. It is just being in the right place at the right time. Chatting up the CM at the turnstyle before opening is very helpful
Yes I thank the Gate Keeper was in Ghostbusters. Do you get an edible Stay Puff Marshmellow Man as well? :cloud9:
Ok so we have established that this happens at MK. Ok at least we can narrow this down to a location. We still don't know what, who or when. We know why because it's Disney and enough said. But until someone can say hey the gate keeper is this and he looks like who and when the gate keeper will arrive, I am still sticking with SyracuseWolvrine and my saying. It's a Ghostbusters thing. :cheer2:
OK OK!!! I'll give more detail.
They pick 2 children out of the crowd, in my experience ones where the parents have been talking to the CM's and take them on the other side of the turnstyle. They give them "magic wands" (candy) and they lead the countdown to open MK. The last time we had PS's at the castle so they gave us a ride up main street in the fire truck.


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