What would your first day be like if you arrived at your resort by Noon.


Earning My Ears
Mar 17, 2001
We are staying at Port Orleans Riverside. We have a 3 and a 5 year old that will have been up since 5:00 (1 to 2 hours earlier than normal). Would you just relax at the hotel for the day? Eat a meal somewhere relatively close by for dinner? What would your first day be like?

I already have my first day planned and we arent going until May of 2002. :)
We are planning on arriving by 12:30-1:00pm.
We are going to check our luggage with the hotel, assuming our room wont be ready.
Then we are going to check out the hotel. Walk the grounds, check out the pools and lobby.
Then get some lunch at the food court.
Assuming by then our room will be ready, we will go to the room, unpack our things, freshen up some and head on over to Downtown Disney for some shopping and play time.
I will then have PS for Ohanas at about 8:30pm.
We will head on over there after having our purchases sent to our room.
After dinner we are going to hit the beach at the Poly and watch the torch lighting ceremony and the MK fireworks.
Then back to the hotel for some pool time and then bed for our first official day at the parks.

Cant wait!!! :D :D :D

All Star Music 10/4/98
Next trip All Star Movies 05/3/02-05/12/02
Depends on the pass type. If it is a package with UPH or you have an AP maybe head to a park for dinner (Epcot would be my choice) but still make it an early night - remember it is possible your room will nt be ready till 3 or 4 PM. If you don't have passes take the boat to Downtown Disney and browse the shops, visit the LEGO store, let the kids play in the foutains (carry a change of clothes with you) you can have an early dinner at the Rainforest, Wolfgang Pucks Express or McD's..


Family Board Host

Coordinator Dis Convention 2001
Do you think your kids will sleep on the plane? If so, they might not be too tired when they arrive. If you have length of stay passes I would then head over to a park for a late lunch. Or, you could do DD and let them walk around, play a bit and burn off a little energy. I would suggest going back to the hotel early for tub time and bed. Children who are overtired will not be as fun as well rested ones! Then, you can start your first full day fresh and ready.

Another thought - If you do not have passes for the parks on the day you arrive you could always do a character meal. The kids would be able to see the characters and have some fun! Perhaps Chef Mickey's? I believe they start seating for dinner at 5. Don't forget to make PS.
If I had a 3 & 5 yo, was up at 5:00am, and arrived at noon, I would go to MK of course!
My first day would have to be spent at MK complete with dinner at the Castle. I would rather be in the Parks having fun that hanging around the Hotel waiting for my room. If it turned out we were absolutely not up for it, I would have Plan B in place with an extra bag with swimsuits and towels etc. to play around in the pool. It is hard to know how it's going to be, so plan something special and remember you can always cancel.
CBR June 200
Hi 2boys4me. We were faced with a similar situation since we were up around 4:00, a good 2 hours earlier than normal. Despite being a megaplanner I left the first day open. Once we had checked in, everyone was in great shape, so we grabbed the bathing suit bag (pre-packed as carryon luggage) and headed first to CSR for lunch and then to Blizzard Beach. The children (4 & 7) absolutely loved it there, and so did the adults. By the time we were leaving, however, the thick wall of exhaustion hit, so we grabbed food at a Wendy's take-out window and the children fell into bed just before 7:00. DH made it until 7:30 and I lasted for about another 15 minutes. We were just wiped!



Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board
but this entire vacation seems to be a "let's wait and see how it goes" kind of thing. I am guessing they will not sleep on the plane.

I do not have tickets to the park yet. I was planning on a 5 day park hopper.

I have packed the suits seperately just in case we arrive on a good day and want to swim. Is it warm enough this time of year? You know how kids don't want to be cold.
My DS who will be 9 and DD who will be 6 when we go this fall can not decide between AK or MK the first day.
We will leave our house at 4 AM.
The kids will probably sleep in the rental car to the airport (1 1/2 hr drive).
My DH will probably sleep on the plane (2 hours).

Arrive at Wilderness Lodge around 11 AM.
Drop off luggage and our Tiffany food shop items.
Get a bite to eat at the Roaring Forks Cafe and check out the hotel.

We have AP tickets.

Other than me (DW) being sleepy (unless I sleep on the way to the airport too) .... the kids get to decide.

Possibly MK. Maybe AK. I am kind of leaning towards AK. DS & DD can relax a bit more there. Maybe grab an early dinner at Tusker House. I would not even mind an hour ride back in a bus to the WL. The bus ride would be part of our first day tour.

So,,, see how you feel,,,,ask your DH, the kids...
what do you feel like ? shopping ? food ? swimming (pack swimsuits in carry on) ? seeing animals (AK) ? playing mini-golf ? visiting Mickey (MK) ?
Mickeys hat at MGM ? other lands (EPCOT) ? rent a boat ? bike ? go to a petting zoo ? horse back riding ? There is so much to do on the first day - even just for a couple of hours with or without a Park ticket.

Just remember to go to bed at a resonable hour for your family - so your first full day ( 3 - 5 miles of walking) will be enjoyable.

Have fun ! :
You could unpack, relax, hang by the pool for the afternoon. Then do an early character dinner at one of the resorts to get you in the Disney mood. Head back for an early night's sleep and get up fully charged for a fun vacation the next day.

I wouldn't waste a day on the hopper if you could use that day for a full park day later in the trip.

This summer my family drove to WDW from Massachusetts. We were all awake most of the night and we got to Coronado Springs (the hotel we stayed at) around noon. We checked in, brought our stuff to our room, then went to the Animal Kingdom for the rest of the day. Then we came back, showered and stuff (we had been in the car for 24 hours straight),ate at the Pepper Market, and we were all asleep by 7:30. But, there were no young kids with us (I'm the youngest and I'm 13), because my uncle and his family didnt arrive until the next day.


8/93-Port Orleans
4/95-Port Orleans
8/98-Port Orleans
11/98- Carribean Beach
4/99-Carribean Beach
8/99-Old Key West/Boardwalk Inn
2/00-Disney Institute
8/00- Coronado Springs/Old Key West
I'm wondering if thier adrenaline will be so high that you might not notice how tired they are, as well as you too, until you hit the bed that night??????? Just a thought (it is usually how we are).....HAVE FUN!!!

Off Site-95
Wilderness Lodge-2000
Wilderness Lodge-4-2001
I wouldn't spend a day on park hopper.

My vote is for what has been mentioned above--get settled, maybe go for a swim, then head to Chef Mickey's for dinner.

Find out if and when there are fireworks at MK. You can go to the observation deck at the top of the Contemporary tower after dinner if the timing is right to see the fireworks.
We will have exactly the same situation a 3 and 5 1/2 year old. We plan to get something to eat and then enjoy the pools and resort. Then later take the boat to DD for a spell. Then hopefully to bed early. I feel like this will be our best time to enjoy the resort since the next three days will be in the parks. I don't know if the 3 year old will have enough energy left to swim during our breaks.
Both times we've taken the kids, we hit the Magic Kingdom as soon as hotel stuff was taken care of (arrived before noon the last time and pre-registered). My boys were 8.5, 5 and 1.5 the last time.

The first time, (with just the 2 oldest, ages 5 and 2.5) we were only in the MK for about 2-3 hours. But it was enough just to walk in the gate and watch the kids going, "Whoa! That's Cinderella's castle!" We grabbed dinner at the Columbia Harbor House. Then did a couple of rides in Fantasyland and the Haunted Mansion.

The last time, we had lunch at our hotel (Port Orleans) food court and then headed for MK. Getting there several hours after most people (in the park by about 1 p.m.), we started with Adventureland. Most people hit this land earlier in the day. Then we continued touring the park in a clockwise manner. We didn't have terrible lines anyplace.

Even though they'll have been up since 5 a.m., an awful lot of little kids perk up in the MK. And they may fall asleep on the bus back to the hotel. Big deal - lots of younger kids do that. If they're starting to really act tired once you've done a few things, head for the hotel. You could grab a short nap, have dinner at your hotel and then hit the pool. It's still a fun day.

90 honeymoon
95,98, 01 w/kids & grands


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