What would you do?


Can't get enough of Disney
Aug 14, 2000
O.k. My DH is going to a softball tournament during Labor Day Weekend in Albany, GA. Instead of going with him I was thinking of going to WDW with DS (17 months). Am I crazy? How are the crowds during this weekend? Any suggestions as to a hotel? I have an annual pass but I wasn't going to activate it until our trip in Oct. as a family. Should I just wait? I am so itching to go..... What would you do?
I vote for going as a family, but how much longer would you have to wait? If it were really far off, I would be itching to go and might consider by myself, but with the heat and no exta help...

It will be very busy.

As I read your post, Your family is going down a month latter, correct? Well then, I would consider a few things. Will this be your DS's first trip to WDW? If yes, I would wait and go with your DH then so he can enjoy the trip too. Also I would ask yourself if you have traveled alone with him before? How did he do? Is he a high needs or a laid back kid? If this will not be his first trip, and you are used to doing things alone with him, a short child centered trip might be fun. I would without a doubt stay on the monorail route, and might pick the contemporary so you could even walk to MK. If that is not in the budget, stay at the nicest on site resort you can afford. Having room service would be great in case your DS needs an early night and you want to nice meal. Let us know what you decide and have a fun trip whenever you go.

Jordan's mom
I was there Saturday and Sunday last year for Labor Day weekend ... Magic Kingdom was PACKED!!!

I'd wait and activate my pass in October.

Just my 2¢ worth
O.k. Just a few other peices of info--It's not his first trip--we were there with him in March for his birthday. I have flown with him several times alone and he is pretty laid back and goes with the flow.
If I could afford it, then I would go, my dd & I traveled quite a lot together when she was younger, she was also an easy laid back baby ,and we had some great trips.

However, that comment about crowds at labour day weekend would worry me a little - I hate big crowds and it would be quite frustrating to be there for a short special trip and have it hampered by big crowds.



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