What should we do now about Coronavirus?

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Anything could have set him off, he was already planning to do bad things at some point. That's not what we're usually talking about which is your average everyday people. Extremists will use any opportunity at their disposal but they are not the people I want to focus on (though that is me speaking personally not speaking on behalf of anyone else). I'll leave that up to the FBI. Meanwhile I'm more concerned about my friends who have known to be up and down with periods here of depression and my friends that suffer from anxiety, my friends who are on the verge of losing their jobs or already have, those are the people I want to focus on in respects to how we can realistically help out.

I get where your viewpoint is coming from though :flower3:
I used that as an extreme example. There are plenty of others! Point being that, yes, the combination of anxiety about this illness/pandemic, inability to go out, perhaps financial issues or ruin, breakdown of relationships, disruption of routines, etc., is going to have a very negative effect on a some (?many) people and it will increase as this goes on.
That poor dead horse has been beat multiple times in multiple threads. But I keep reading it. What else is there to do? That 1000 piece puzzle I picked is just too hard to keep my attention right now.

The one I am doing is incredibly hard. Took me months to find motivation. I just put on an audio book and get to it. I am determined to finish it this weekend!

The one I am doing is incredibly hard. Took me months to find motivation. I just put on an audio book and get to it. I am determined to finish it this weekend!
I was about to scrap mine and look for an easier one but I did finally make a little progress. Audio book is a good idea. I am also trying to read an Outlander series book, can't focus on that either.
I was about to scrap mine and look for an easier one but I did finally make a little progress. Audio book is a good idea. I am also trying to read an Outlander series book, can't focus on that either.

Ha! I'm actually listening to Outlander book 8. I could not read it any more, but wanted to finish it. Davina Porter is an amazing narrator!
Rip the band aid off.

Some will die, some will live.

What would Spock do?

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

What happened to Grandma?
Well Timmy, Grandma had to die so the brunch crowd could eat brunch again 3 weeks sooner.

What would Spock do? Well he alone among Vulcans on the series, was able to move beyond Vulcan logical axioms. Though Spock sacrificed his life to save the crew because the needs of the many to live outweighed his need to live and if he didn't do it he was dead anyway, he also came to understand why the crew potentially sacrificed their careers to then save him and he knew that they would in fact do it, which is why he put his conscious mind in Dr. McCoy. In other words, he understood all the way back in the second movie, that sometimes, the needs of the few or the one outweigh the needs of the many. Though not a medical specialist, as McCoy often liked to point out, he certainly was a scientist and would understand that what you are proposing makes the anti vaxxer idea of deliberately exposing babies to measles look like a good idea.

Point being that, yes, the combination of anxiety about this illness, inability to go out, perhaps financial issues or ruin, breakdown of relationships, disruption of routines, etc., is going to have a very negative effect on a some (?many) people and it will increase as this goes on.
I totally agree there we are like minded in that respect :) I'm just applying that to your average person in my viewpoint and leaving the extremists out. Your points are still very much valid here :)
I was about to scrap mine and look for an easier one but I did finally make a little progress. Audio book is a good idea. I am also trying to read an Outlander series book, can't focus on that either.
When I was doing a few of my Disney puzzles I was listening to this:

I also would listen to crackling fire (the Birchwood edition is really pretty) video on Netflix

*Obviously unrelated to the actual thread here
A friend of mine told me she was in the grocery store this week. She took her items, and a man in his 80s was next to her reaching for the same item after her. Another woman came along and actually pushed the 80yr old man out of the way to get at the items first and loaded the rest in her cart so man was able to get none. Friend and other lady went at it. Friend wound up getting woman to give man two of the items from her cart but a lot of heated words were exchanged. Man thanked friend.

We are coming to blows in grocery stores and losing some of our human decency in the process. Thank God for the good stories! Yes, some of this was present before, of course! But extreme anxiety can do funny things to people; things they might not otherwise do in their quest for "survival" or whatever it is they see and believe. Or sometimes they may not even know why they're feeling like they're feeling and they're just reacting to the stress and hopelessness they feel. We need to keep talking about these things.
Anything could have set him off, he was already planning to do bad things at some point. That's not what we're usually talking about which is your average everyday people. Extremists will use any opportunity at their disposal but they are not the people I want to focus on (though that is me speaking personally not speaking on behalf of anyone else). I'll leave that up to the FBI. Meanwhile I'm more concerned about my friends who have known to be up and down with periods here of depression and my friends that suffer from anxiety, my friends who are on the verge of losing their jobs or already have, those are the people I want to focus on in respects to how we can realistically help out.

I get where your viewpoint is coming from though :flower3:
I'm just going by what articles have said the FBI said. Perhaps it's sensationalistic, but I checked about a dozen articles before I posted and they're all saying the same thing. :flower3:
A friend of mine told me she was in the grocery store this week. She took her items, and a man in his 80s was next to her reaching for the same item after her. Another woman came along and actually pushed the 80yr old man out of the way to get at the items first and loaded the rest in her cart so man was able to get none. Friend and other lady went at it. Friend wound up getting woman to give man two of the items from her cart but a lot of heated words were exchanged. Man thanked friend.
We are coming to blows in grocery stores and losing some of our human decency in the process.

I'm going to disagree with you a bit here. I don't think the crises has caused that woman to lose some of her human decency so much as it revealed her lack of it in the first place.
I'm going to disagree with you a bit here. I don't think the crises has caused that woman to lose some of her human decency so much as it revealed her lack of it in the first place.
I agree, and I did say that some of it was present before, sure. But I think it's inevitable that behavior will get worse as stress increases. I hope I'm wrong.
A friend of mine told me she was in the grocery store this week. She took her items, and a man in his 80s was next to her reaching for the same item after her. Another woman came along and actually pushed the 80yr old man out of the way to get at the items first and loaded the rest in her cart so man was able to get none. Friend and other lady went at it. Friend wound up getting woman to give man two of the items from her cart but a lot of heated words were exchanged. Man thanked friend.

We are coming to blows in grocery stores and losing some of our human decency in the process. Thank God for the good stories! Yes, some of this was present before, of course! But extreme anxiety can do funny things to people; things they might not otherwise do in their quest for "survival" or whatever it is they see and believe. Or sometimes they may not even know why they're feeling like they're feeling and they're just reacting to the stress and hopelessness they feel. We need to keep talking about these things.
I agree. And maybe talking will remind folks that stop, take a breath, count to 4 is often a good first option vs overreacting.

I live in the pretty easy-going Midwest.
I mention that because what follows is 100% unusual for our area.
Our local main grocery store has had at least one police car parked on the sidewalk in front and an officer or two in the store for awhile now.
As I see it, they are keeping employees safe, other shoppers safe and deterring bullying and any other troublesome behavior.
I'm just going by what articles have said the FBI said. Perhaps it's sensationalistic, but I checked about a dozen articles before I posted and they're all saying the same thing. :flower3:
Oh I believe ya :)

I think the key was "accelerate" he was already going to do things, he already thought horrible things, his ideology was to use anything he could as an excuse to do terrible things. I think that's why my mind separates out because we're talking about people who don't need a specific thing such as social distancing, isolation,etc They will literally create things out of thin air as their reasoning. You're right that governmental encroachment is something extremists loathe but they are like that anyways to so many decisions.

On the other hand this social distancing, isolation, etc is far reaching impact (which is what you were talking about as well) to your more normally rational persons. I find that more disconcerting I guess and imperitive to ensure we don't forget about those people because they represent a far larger portion of the population.

I can't find the original local article but here's this one..I caution though it has very very disturbing dialogue in it. He was truly a horrible horrible person: https://www.kshb.com/news/local-new...d-to-bomb-hospital-visited-neo-nazi-chatrooms

The guy just pulled this virus excuse using such twisted logic (he already had a prejudice against the group he blamed for the virus) most of us would have a hard time grasping how he came to that conclusion. You can clearly see he's just using a random excuse for this which I personally believe is fundamentally different than what we're normally talking about with respects to those who may go off the edge.

**sorry to go off topic here of this actual thread

ETA: I think I'll step back from this particular topic talking about this guy. I mean that with complete respect. I don't want to give any more attention to him after reading his vile comments. In any case we don't disagree on the heart of the matter that's for sure :) :)
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Hello! I am the one who started this thread. I was talking about things to do to wipe out this virus. I am just so sorry and hate to see the way some of the comments on here have gone. :confused:

Anyway, it looks like these shut-downs are not really helping. This is not stopping this virus. I do think that right now we need to stay safe as much as possible. But this whole 14 day thing is not enough if this awful thing can live and infect on surfaces for nearly a month. I wonder if they have even been spraying down places like the subway in New York?
Here the 14 days isn’t even over yet so we have no idea if it’s working yet.
Here are my most recent random thoughts on this virus, and granted I've had too much time to think about "stuff"...

I'm not enough of a conspiracy theorist to believe this virus was concocted in a lab, BUT what an effective bioweapon this would have been! It brought the world to its knees! If I was a nation-state leader, I would have to consider this as something new for the arsenal and/or something I sure as heck better learn to defend against. Now consider non-state actors. They could blackmail the world with a threat to release 100 anonymous carriers, or, if their intentions are ideological instead of financial, they could just do it without warning. Scary.

They have already determined this was not engineered but similar to the Coronavirus found in bats. So, I would tend to believe this was transferred by someone who was in contact with a bat at an exotic animal market in Wuhan. They either ate it (gross) or touched it. Also, it could have been transferred by touching an area a bat had been.
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