What rules would you like Disney to change?

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I really can't think of any rules I would like changed on Disney.

As a non-smoker, a smoke free ship certainly would be nice, however I think Disney's smoking policy is well balanced.
The reality is, smoke free cruise ships have been tried and failed. And Disney's core audience, those age 18 to 40, are the fastest growing group of smokers in decades. Like tattoos, smoking is becoming fashionable again.

The issue came up last year on my Alaskan cruise on HAL. Spoke to a nice Eastern European family who honored the smoking restrictions, but said, such restrictions would be unthinkable.
And remember, cruise ships operate in an international community, and purposely flag their ships in nations other than the U.S. to get around U.S laws.
And Disney's core audience, those age 18 to 40, are the fastest growing group of smokers in decades. Like tattoos, smoking is becoming fashionable again

Yes in Seattle that is true. But the new smokers aren't generally smoking tobacco. The state officials here are busy hiring people to open state stores to sell cannabis. Not sure Disney is ever going to let you smoke cannabis on board.
Not to start a debate, but I would like to see the "no smoking in staterooms" rule become "no smoking in staterooms or verandahs".

I don't have a problem with shorts at dinner -- once you sit down, who will know?

Me too.
In ADDITION to the no saving lounger rule: Someone with a tshirt that says "POOL MONITOR" or "CHAIR HOG MONITOR" that only has that one responsibility. Monitor chair hogs. Complete with a clip board, stop watch around the neck, a whistle and a digital camera - time stamped.

Okay, maybe not the whistle. :cool1:
Can I just say "thank you!"...for wanting to wear a REAL maternity swimsuit, rather than letting it all hang out, like all the actresses do now?

I don't believe this post!!! How is a pregnant stomach offensive at all. Surely it is a beautiful sight!!!! :confused3
I really can't think of any rules I would like changed on Disney.

As a non-smoker, a smoke free ship certainly would be nice, however I think Disney's smoking policy is well balanced.
The reality is, smoke free cruise ships have been tried and failed. And Disney's core audience, those age 18 to 40, are the fastest growing group of smokers in decades. Like tattoos, smoking is becoming fashionable again.

The issue came up last year on my Alaskan cruise on HAL. Spoke to a nice Eastern European family who honored the smoking restrictions, but said, such restrictions would be unthinkable.
And remember, cruise ships operate in an international community, and purposely flag their ships in nations other than the U.S. to get around U.S laws.

tvguy.... regarding your signature, which has been around for years and years...

You do know you were THE first to do "gangnam style". Psy just copied you :dance3::dance3:
TrixieM said:
As the mother of an older teen, I would like some flexibility regarding the adult areas. I certainly understand why others would not like to see the adult areas overrun by packs of teenagers and why teens are not allowed in night clubs. However, I go to coffee shops and work out with my 16 year old at home. I would like to be able to do so on the Magic. My daughter enjoys art and cooking. It seems that some of the demos and tours on these topics are available only to adults. I would like a rule that 16 and 17 year olds could attend non-alcohol day time events when accompanied by an adult.
Where do they draw the line? As soon as your 16 year old is allowed at adult activities, someone will want to bring their 15 year old daughter --- and her very mature 13 year old sister. At that point, you no longer have adult activities, which are nice for those looking to enjoy some time not, as you put it, "overrun by packs of teenagers."

angela1044 said:
I'm overweight and I have an issue with overweight people and bathing suits. There are wonderful bathing suits that fit all sizes so why do I have to see people's fat oozing out of bathing suits?

I saw this first hand last week in the Wonder.
Wow. Judgmental?

- Dreams
disdel said:
As a "people-watcher", observing others tatoos/piercings/eccentric dress are all part of my everyday enjoyment of life:laughing: I just don't indulge.
I don't infringe you, don't infringe me.
:stir:It would become just another rule that would crop up as a subject on the Dis that the mods would have to "lock" after a day or so:lmao:

Everything else I can usually get my needs met, or I'll adapt.

Yeah I agree tatoos r a eveyday thing now people like that sicken me saying no tatoos to be shown get a life
For me it's not so much; what rules I would like to add, eliminate or change. The way I see it, it's Disney's Ships they should set the rules. The problem I have is that the some rules don't seem to be universally enforced e.g. No saving lounge chairs, no children under 18 allowed in the adult areas etc. etc... But if push came to shove, I'd like to see them ban smoking on the entire ship, & I like a good cigar ::yes:: every now & then..

Could not agree more. If DCL enforced the rules they have, some call them "guidelines" when they don't want to obey them, we would see far less threads like can my 17 yo get into the adult specialty dinning, can I wear shorts in the MDR, can my child swim in the adult pool if no one is around...:sad2:
Gibberish post! Oops sorry... No idea how I even posted on this thread.....
My boyfriend has a tattoo. Hi had wanted one In more than 20 years, so last year in Prague he get one.. On his shoulder hi has a Disney castle with Mickey Mouse and a Walt Disney quote
I'm the OP. I think the tattoo/piercing people are just causing trouble, so I'll ignore them. I can see both sides of the smoking debate, but that's something I hadn't thought of. Thanks for the replies.

I've decided the rule I'd like change is to enforce the rules!! Have whatever ones you want, just make everybody play by them instead of penalizing the conscientious. That's totally my pet peeve! For example, I wouldn't mind at all that people wear shorts to dinner if I could, too. I can't help it, I just follow the rules. :rotfl2:
Does any cruiseline let you bring unpaid people on the ship to tour before it departs? I remember that being something that was done a long time ago. I assumed that it was stopped for security reasons.

I agree that's probably the reason. But one can dream...how wonderful it would be to "show off" your ship!
Hmmm, There is probably something "wrong" or something that someone else doesn't like with just about every person alive....So you ALL stay home and only one person/family is allowed to cruise at a time so as not to offend anyone else, heck there are probably some people who don't like everything about all the members of their families - SO.......
ONLY ONE PERSON PER CRUISE PLEASE!!!!! :goodvibes That way no one will be offended and only the "perfect" person will be visible.
I hope that perfect person never gets old, never gains weight, never has medical problems, never turns gray, never looses their eyesight, and never has a bad habit, otherwise they won't be able to stand themselves.
AND that one person follows all of the rules weither or not they pertain to that person, because they are the rules.
I am going on my honeymoon in Oct. on my very first DCL. This is the very fist comment I have ever seen from someone who has made me very unhappy. I have gone to WDW many times (as we live in Florida) and my soon to be sister in law has been working there for well over 25 years (A lot of CMs have tattoos, as well as many very high up people in Disney.). My soon to be husband has been to WDW well over 300 times. We always have a lot of new friends by the end of our trips ( we go away with and with out our kids, sometimes just to get away and have alone time!) . I for one take this comment as being very rude. I am covered in tattoos as is my soon to be husband, who is an artist and business owner for well over 23 years ( this is our lifestyle and are income), we love going to WDW since this seems to be a nice place for us to be who we are and for people to treat us just like people (we have never had anything but the best time doing anything Disney!). We have Disney tattoos and non Disney tattoos. I have opened the first Disney Tattoos group on Face book. I for one can not and would not ever cover up my tattoos for the sake of you not having to look at me, Uh turn your head if it bothers you that much. I am modest, I do not ware clothing that does not fit me, that are to tight or revealing, I ware what fits and is comfortable. I follow the same dress code ( if not more to the tee since I do dress up for formal night and semi-formal night). I for one do not gripe at people for not having tattoos. I have many friends who have none, it is not for everyone and I would never judge someone for the lack of there tattoos. I have never in my life been in trouble and have worked very hard to indulge in a very expensive Disney lifestyle. Who are you to say something like this? You know nothing of me, my family, or the meaning or feelings that can be connected to a tattoo (I say me but I really mean myself and anyone with tattoos) People get tattoos for many different reasons, for the art of it, for lost or loved ones, to express they way they feel or who they are. ect. . My soon to be husband and I paid the same rate for the cruise as you, if not more..... but I would never think to tell you not to ware flip flops just because I think they are ugly, or to change anything about yourself or they way you or you family behave or look like for the sake of myself. This is almost like saying hey we really shouldn't let them colored people on board, sound familiar? This is a small and very closed minded point of view. Maybe you should have a conversation with someone before you judge there appearance, you never know, you might get to know some really smart, friendly, interesting people who like the same things you do, I mean really you already have one thing in common, you both like Disney and cruises....... try to look outside of the box next time you turn up your nose at someone who just thinks slightly different then you.

Disney CMs that are seen by guests are required to cover up their tattoos. Disney also has rules about visible piercings. The OP asked about rules we would like changed on the DCL, I answered.

I would like to see them eliminate the requirement for each cabin having two adults.
I have a family of 6 and have to get 2 cabins. I wish I could pay for what I have two adults, 17, 15, 12 and 9.
Tattoos today, people with big noses tomorrow, people overweight the following, people with brown hair after that, people of color following that.
Soon it will be a blonde hair blue eye white in shape only cruise.

Stop focusing on others focus on yourself and your family and you'll have a great cruise.
I would like to see them eliminate the requirement for each cabin having two adults.
I have a family of 6 and have to get 2 cabins. I wish I could pay for what I have two adults, 17, 15, 12 and 9.

I don't think the cabins hold more than 5.

The cabins do only handle 5. So if you have 6 you have to get two cabins.
Then you have to pay for 4 adults and two kids.
What I was saying I wish you could pay for 2 adults and 4 kids.
The cabins do only handle 5. So if you have 6 you have to get two cabins.
Then you have to pay for 4 adults and two kids.
What I was saying I wish you could pay for 2 adults and 4 kids.

We have 5 and get 2 cabins and pay for 2 adults and 3 kids.

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