What other park should we do!?


Earning My Ears
Feb 16, 2001
My best friend and i(both 16) are planning on visiting orlando during spring break. we are trying to plan ahead on what parks to visit. we have already decided on ioa and univeral studios and are trying to decide whether to do DC(without the dolphin swim, the dolphin swim price is way out of our price range) and go to sea world also. or to do one of the water parks in the area. is sea world worth the trip for our age group!? and would neone thats been to DC suggest it for us?! or should we skip that until our next trip and do a water park!? and if so which one would u recomend?! last year i went to blizzard beach with my 10 year old cousin, and thought it was cool but was held back somewhat from the larger rides. we were thinking about typhoon lagoon this trip if we skip DC because we heard typhoon offers free snorkeling with admission. has neone done that and have ne comments about it?! ne info would be greatly appreciated.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
My daughter is 15 so i can give you her view of things, hope it helps. We were there last month. She loved Seaworld, including the rides and the shows and exhibits. We did not do Dc. She would have like to have gone again but we ran out of time.

We've also been to typhoon Lagoon. She loves it there but would not do the snorkeling. The water is very dirty and cold. You can only snorkel a short distance so don't base your decision on just that. Blizzard Beach would also be great without a 10 year old holding you back.

She loved Universal and IOA. Hope you have a great time.

Discovery Cove is like a day at the beach without the dolphin swim. Very laid back. The snorkeling is fun and the aviary, where birds will come and eat out of your hand, is a real treat. But there are no "rides" or water slides or anything like that.

DC admission includes a 7-day pass to SeaWorld, which I think is definitely worth a visit. It has a mega coaster (Kraken) and a hybrid coaster (Atlantis) and a simulator ride (Wild Arctic) if you're a ride fan. But the animal shows are the best. The killer whale shows are awesome.

As for water parks, my favorite is Wet n Wild, the original water park and still (IMHO) the best. No fancy themeing like the Disney parks, just great water slides.

Kelly Monaghan
Author of "Universal Studios Escape: The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure" and
"The Other Orlando: What To Do When You've Done Disney & Universal"‡


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