What kind of crowds


Earning My Ears
Oct 3, 2000
should I expect on a weekday at USF in late January? I've never been and have no idea...
In late January, the crowds are generally low. Wait times will probably be a maximum of 45 minutes (for MiB). Rest of the park should have 15-30 minute waits on the rides.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
We'll be there in February. Thinking of going to USF and IOA the 12 and 13th. Are Monday and Tuesday the best days to go??? We're new to the USF and IOA scene!
We were at US in Jan '99 and US/IOA in Jan 2000. Both trips were the last week in January. We never waited 45 minutes for anything, except Dudley Dooright. For everything else, waits were usually less than 15 minutes. When we were there last year they were testing a FOTL program for multi-day passholders, so we bypassed some of the lines. They may have been longer for others. Also, MiB wasn't opened yet.

We took advantage of early entry, and were one of the first ones in the park every day - the early birds do get the worms, or at least they don't wait in lines! We would go every January if we could, but DS is too old now to take out of school, so we have to wait for spring break (2002!!) :( When we go back though, we will be staying onsite for FOTL! :)

Have fun!

Donna R.


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