What is YOUR favorite budget tip learned from these boards?

Pig Pen

To all who have come to this happy place...welcome
Nov 4, 2001
Mine is finding out about the $129 government employee discount at the Dolphin. Yippee!
it would have to be two things. first would be mousesavers.com and the second would have to be rewards programs!
Good Thread Pig Pen!
There are quite a few and it is hard to choose. But I think that one of my favorites will always be : Don't rent a refrigerator, bring a cooler instead or buy a styrofoam one when you get to Orlando. Keep the cooler filled with zip-loc bags of ice that you replenish morning and night from the hotel/motel ice machine. Keep milk and other perishables in it for fast breakfasts, snacks, etc.
Even though I haven't used it yet, I would have to say Connections. That's something I probably would have never found on my own.
I have to agree with Mickeyluver37..I too would of never found Connetions without these threads! Also meeting NEW budget minded friends and the rewards boards have been great also! THanks everyone!
-dolphin l/2 price through Disney Club
-DC membership 800# saved $$ on phone calling CRO and dining
-connections hopper passes 10% off
-book on-line versus calling, less expensive
-eating at buffets more economical than sit-down for hungry teens
-Emerald Aisle for car rental discount and golf discount (20% off)
-Brita water bottles

I've learned so much, I love the DIS!!!
Pigpen, what is the government employee discount? I am a gov employee, and when I called CRO they said only police and firefighters get any discounts. Is this something new, or expired? My trip is in 7 days, so it may be too late. Please let me know! Thanks

Cool thread! I'm with BethR, and I second the portable/collapsible cooler! This tip saved us quite a few $$$ last time out.
Rental Car Codes are another biggie!

The discount is for government employees at the Swan and Dolphin only. You have to call the hotel directly to get the rate rather than using the web.
I think the favorite budget tips would be discovering Mary's site and learning about the Connections vouchers. We really enjoyed Beaches and Cream and Pepper Market with those!
I'm from the UK and normally would'nt think about asking for discount, but since discovering these and the UK boards, my eyes have been opened.
I now have the E Book, Universal fan Club Card, Hard Rock All Access, Disney Club Card, United mileage plus and the Holiday inn priority membership, plus sundry coupons printed off the web.

Got a great deal on a club room at HRH - $207 with the HR AA card so I've already made back what it cost me and I'l probably do the same with the others when we're there in March as we're going for 10 days.

Using the priority HI card - I got a great price at the Holiday Inn near DL paris for April as well - £104 for 2 nights and I can get a further discount on the passes with the DC card.

Thanks everyone.
I do not know what connections is. I have used Priceline after reading about it here. Worjed well for us.
Yes - you must call the hotel directly - NOT CRO or WDWTC. They told me the gov't rate is for local, state, and federal employees. the same discount goes for teachers and nurses. you must bring some type of ID for check in. The resorts board has a couple good Dolphin/Swan threads with lots of info and I'm sure the number is there.

Good Luck!
These are mine:

Entertainment book discounts - Booked HRH for August at $125/night the first week of January. All were gone before the month ended. Became aware of Universal's pass promo (ending on the 23rd of Feb) and saved a ton in passes for 7 days. Overall, I saved a lot more than I would have had I purchased their APs.

Selling on Amazon.com - Just picked up a book during my public library's sale for $1.00, brand new, listed at $112! Bought an older one for $0.25 selling for $80.00!

Onsite resort codes; comparisons between LOS, APs, etc., searching airline websites.

With all the tips, I have saved well over $1,000 in vacation expenses this year.
1. Priceline - it has saved us a bundle
2. I had never flown or rented a car prior to our first trip to Disney, I learned how here! I did not realize how affordable air travel is/was!
3. APs
There is a thread about 6 threads below this one that tells all about connections--it also gives a link to the Mousesavers site that has a good explanation of it as well.


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