What is a good rate for ASMo in Sept.?


Disneyland here we come!
Aug 31, 2000
I just got off the phone with WDTC and the rate they are quoting me is $77/night. I have AAA but no DC and am wondering if I can do better and if so where/who to call? Please LMK your opinions-thanks!


9/00--CBR--First trip to WDW!
Before I saw your whole post, I was thinking that my answer would be "Anything under $79." So I guess that $77 would be in that ball park! :D
I would make the ressie with this price and watch through the spring and summer for any special rates that "MIGHT" pop up.
In 1999, DH and I got a rate of $59 at the All Stars with a promotion. So I will keep my fingers crossed for you! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
And Just ONE of the Beths...and a Dagny :D ... Hosting the Rewards Board
Yeah, I am happy now :) I called the CRO and got a AAA rate for less than $70 a night with a better cancellation policy (5 days). Yeah!


9/00-CBR--1st time to WDW ever!
Jacobsmom: What phone # did you call for CRO? I'm interested in Sept. AAA rates, too.
Sorry, welovedis. I had just read another thread and got my "people" confused. Sorry. I am interested, though, in the phone # you used to call CRO. I don't want to get WDTC.
I called 1-800-492-6789, also I have 407-939-7807. Not sure if the second number is for Special Services though! DH is hearing impaired & they handle our special request ressies.

FYI--you didn't mix up your "people" I changed my id name to welovedis. Just wanted to get my son's name out of my id for security sake--we were hacked into late last year(another story-don't ask) and I forgot to change it before!





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