What does Guaranteed Room mean.


Enjoy life
Aug 18, 1999
Hi there when I booked my cruise on the Wonder for April 7th the CM stated to me that I had a guaranteed room. She didn't give me a room number or anything. Does that mean I only have a room or it doesn't matter. I booked a Category 5 can they give me a lower category?

Thanks for any info
No, it means you are guaranteed AT LEAST a Category 5 room. You will get your room assignment most likely when you get your documents. :)
Hi Michelle,

When you say at least a Cat 5 does that mean that they can give me something else.........I think I understand to some point that I cant get a lower category cabin but can the go higher..

Yes, you understand correctly. You will not get anything lower than a Cat. 5, but you could luck out with a 4, 3, or even better (probably not likely, but you never know!!).
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When I booked they gave me an exact room number, I had the deck plans in front of me so I was sure not to get a room in the very front, back or near the laundry!
Do they ever upgrade you? When I took a carnival cruise we booked a 11 an ended up in a 7! How do they choose who gets upgraded, do they go by who books first?
I was told the same thing. We booked a category 11 for our family and another for my parents. They have a room number and we just have a room guaranteed status. That seems odd, but I wouldn't mind being upgraded if that's a possibility!
Upgrades are very rare. Disney only does this when they need a room in the Catagory that you are in.

It is a mystery as to how Disney decides who will be upgraded and who will not. In my time here, I have seen guaranteed and assigned rooms get upgrades. I have seen early bookings and late bookings get upgrades. I have seen cash rooms and DVC rooms get upgrades.

Of course, they will allow you to purchase an upgrade when you check in. This is actually not a bargain upgrade. It is based on the price difference in the cabin on that day's rates.

Good luck to everyone. If you get an upgrade it is wonderful, but please do not book a lower cabin in expectation of one, you may be disappointed when no upgrade happens.
I would never book something in the expectation of an upgrade I just did not want to get anything lower...............Hopefully I will know the room soon. I would love to get the plexiglass verandah. I want to see out.....

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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