What does a 2-day pass cost?


Supreme God of All Things Disney!
Dec 7, 1999
Okay, just booked the Hard Rock in September for the Entertainment Rate ($117.50 plus 11% tax)(thanks for the tip everyone), now it's time to figure out the tickets. The Discover Card third day free looks good to us, but all the different options confuse me. 3-days worth of passes would be just right for us and why not get a day free. Here's a few questions I have:

1) What does a 2-day pass cost?
2) Do these passes give us the freedom to go between the parks at any time for these days?
3) Are there any other passes that might be better for us?
4) Any other ideas, thoughts, suggestions?

Thanks for all your help!
Yes, the 2 day lets you go between parks. Check out the prices at ticketmania.com and compare. Maybe they're will be something there that would work better for you.
I called 800-447-0674 and asked about puchasing just the tickets and they told me the price was $95 adult and $76 child for the 2 days pass and the third day free.
Thanks for all your help. These boards are GREAT!


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