What do you feel it will be like for us when WDW opens again using our mobility wheelchairs & scooters?

Hi, fabfemmeboy.

I hope everything runs smoothly for your September trip.

I am a planner in advance for possible things, too. But probably not as good as you. As I get older, I find it more difficult to do things by myself.

I still haven't seen any ADA WDW new info.

I wonder if there is a mask that might be better for those that overheat. I'll keep an eye out.

I'll have plans to go to WDW in December.

Maybe you could take some notes of what WDW changed or worked for you or what didn't work with any new WDW changes.

The temperature checks send my anxiety through the roof because I'm afraid of being falsely-screened and not being allowed in. Those things are notoriously unreliable, especially in warm temperatures (which is frustrating because I don't object to using temperature as a gauge for entry per se, but still). We had tentatively scheduled a September trip before all this started, so I'm watching it closely. If we can, in fact, go but the rumored restrictions are in place, I would be bummed about missing ROL as it didn't exist yet the last time we were in Florida, but that would be the biggest change in our plans so I'm not too worried.

As for the chair aspect...personally I like the idea of a bit more personal space and people not trying to shove us forward so I worry about running into the ankles of folks who aren't paying attention in front of me. But then, I'm not a fireworks person (oy the startle reflex) and MK hasn't had a nighttime parade in awhile, so the proposed changes wouldn't impact my touring plan too much. Buffets were already too difficult to juggle (with the electric chair and my spastic hands and it being difficult to reach items etc.) so we already didn't do those. I am concerned about the mask making me overheat more, though so far it hasn't been a big problem when I run my errands around town. I am curious how they'll handle some things, like buses and DAS passes and such, but otherwise - for my partner and I - the changes don't seem to change too much for our usual trip plans. And honestly...and this may sound bad or strange to people who aren't used to it...but I feel like this is one of those times that having an unpredictable illness has prepared me for things. 17 contingency plans depending on how things are going that day? Check. Needing to change plans at a moment's notice? Yeah, check. A bag full of hand sanitizer, cooling devices, beverages, gloves, and tools? Check and check. If I got as frustrated any time things changed as I've seen some people getting during this pandemic, I would've lost it years ago. The resulting "can't change it, can't do anything about it, roll my eyes and roll with it" attitude has made the emotional side of this surprisingly bearable. So if we go to Disney and have to change an ADR or two, or one park hit capacity so we have to go to another...aight. At least while dealing with unpredictability, there are rides and snacks.
Post #22-Disney's Bob Chapek Shares Possible Protocols for the Opening of US Disney Parks, Including Face Masks VIDEO - CNBC - May 11, 2020

Today Disneyland Shanghai reopened as the first Disney Park to resume operations since parks were closed due to COVID-19. Bob Chapek, Disney CEO, shared in an interview with CNBC the possible protocols that Disneyland and Walt Disney World may be implementing once a reopening date is set.

Shanghai Disneyland
Shanghai Disneyland’s ticket sales have, in the past, been sold week to week rather than planned months beforehand like the US Disney Parks.

With the reopening of Shanghai Disneyland, tickets could only be pre-purchased in order to cut down on the interaction at ticket counters and also to ensure that the park would remain at 30% capacity in the beginning.

Tickets were sold out almost immediately for this first reopening week for Shanghai Disneyland. Chapek stated that this is a positive sign that guests will be ready to return to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland once they reopen.

Chapepk states that guests are ready to return to the parks to return to “some semblance of normal.” And he believes that the positive response from sold out ticket sales in Shanghai Disneyland is a positive “first step” in the reopening of the US Disney Parks.

First Steps
The most important step that Bob Chapek notes is that the reopening should be “very conservative and very prudent.”

As Shanghai Disneyland serves to be the “first step” in Disney Parks reopening, Chapek notes that the goal is to increase tickets sales to allow an additional 5,000 guests per week in accordance with the government’s guidelines.

You can read more about the safety protocols at Shanghai Disneyland HERE.
Parks at 100% Capacity
The question was asked if Disney Parks could realistically be reopened to 100% capacity while still maintaining the social distancing guidelines.

Bob Chapek responded, “If guests continue to behave in the way that they have, we may be able to approach that…We’re all playing our part in this ecosystem of safety if you will, and we’re going to do our part and we need our guests to do their part too.”
Reopening Date?
We are all hoping to hear a definite opening date so that we may begin planning future Disney vacations. However, Chapek was unwilling to share when the parks may reopen.

He did share that with the reopening of Disney Springs on May 20, 2020, they will begin testing safety protocols. This “testing phase” was also used at Shanghai Disneyland prior to their reopening at the Shanghai Disney Resort.

Key Components to Park Reopenings
The key components for the Disney Parks to be able to reopen includes: social distancing and face coverings for ALL Cast Members and guests.

Chapek understands that culturally mask coverings in Asia has been well received, but understand that the idea of wearing masks in hot and humid Florida heat may be something that guests and Cast Members may need to adapt to.

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The temperature checks send my anxiety through the roof because I'm afraid of being falsely-screened and not being allowed in. Those things are notoriously unreliable, especially in warm temperatures (which is frustrating because I don't object to using temperature as a gauge for entry per se, but still). We had tentatively scheduled a September trip before all this started, so I'm watching it closely. If we can, in fact, go but the rumored restrictions are in place, I would be bummed about missing ROL as it didn't exist yet the last time we were in Florida, but that would be the biggest change in our plans so I'm not too worried.

As for the chair aspect...personally I like the idea of a bit more personal space and people not trying to shove us forward so I worry about running into the ankles of folks who aren't paying attention in front of me. But then, I'm not a fireworks person (oy the startle reflex) and MK hasn't had a nighttime parade in awhile, so the proposed changes wouldn't impact my touring plan too much. Buffets were already too difficult to juggle (with the electric chair and my spastic hands and it being difficult to reach items etc.) so we already didn't do those. I am concerned about the mask making me overheat more, though so far it hasn't been a big problem when I run my errands around town. I am curious how they'll handle some things, like buses and DAS passes and such, but otherwise - for my partner and I - the changes don't seem to change too much for our usual trip plans. And honestly...and this may sound bad or strange to people who aren't used to it...but I feel like this is one of those times that having an unpredictable illness has prepared me for things. 17 contingency plans depending on how things are going that day? Check. Needing to change plans at a moment's notice? Yeah, check. A bag full of hand sanitizer, cooling devices, beverages, gloves, and tools? Check and check. If I got as frustrated any time things changed as I've seen some people getting during this pandemic, I would've lost it years ago. The resulting "can't change it, can't do anything about it, roll my eyes and roll with it" attitude has made the emotional side of this surprisingly bearable. So if we go to Disney and have to change an ADR or two, or one park hit capacity so we have to go to another...aight. At least while dealing with unpredictability, there are rides and snacks.

I understand your anxiety about it, because just today I went to get my regular labs done, and for the first time ever, I had to have my temperature checked at the door. (also had to put on a face mask, and answer all of the "have you been exposed to anyone..." questions, etc.)

It was kind of surreal.

And then, the nurse (who I have known *forever*) just burst out laughing because my temperature stubbornly refused to go above 86.8. Would not do it.

She finally shrugged and said "Well you obviously don't have any kind of fever!" and let me go back to the lab, but it was just super-stress inducing anyway. Historically, I run cold - if I am at 98.6, I am technically running a fever - but I had spent all morning worrying about it so much.

I don't know what to tell you - there's no guarantee on any of this, and the rules (and really, EVERYTHING we know about this virus) seems to change regularly as we move through the days, weeks and months. By the time WDW opens, temperature checks may not as important as we think they will be right now today.

And if they are, it's like any other anxiety-producing event. We will take a deep breath, and we will do our best, and we will go on.

Like you said - we are *experts* at that! Hang in there - I will be thinking of you and your partner as you get ready to travel, and I will hope and pray that your next trip is your best one yet!!!
Post #24-Welcome Back! Here’s What You Need to Know About the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs at Walt Disney World Resort - VIDEO & PHOTOS - Matt Simon, Vice President, Disney Springs - May 16, 2020.

I received this email explaining the new policies for the opening of Disney Springs next week.

Disney Springs is set to reopen on May 20, 2020 with Disney-owned restaurants and retail stores to follow on May 27, 2020.

I realize the Disney resorts are not open yet, but I sure would like to know when they do, how will they handle wheelchair/mobility scooter transportation like Disney buses if you don't have a car,

And how will Disney help children/adults with sensory issues wearing masks?

I realize there are so many unknowns at this time.

But here some info if you plan to attend Disney Springs next week.

Important Disney Springs Update​
Dear Valued Annual Passholder,​
As we begin to reopen Disney Springs with a number of shopping and dining locations beginning May 20, safety and well-being are at the forefront of all our planning efforts as we welcome back our Guests, some Cast Members, and third-party Operating Participants. As part of these efforts, Guests may see other changes to our retail and dining offerings and other experiences. Though it may be different from the last time you visited, these new measures are designed to offer a magical Disney experience in a responsible way.​
Click here to learn more.​

Walt Disney World Resort​

Sat, May 16, 2020Welcome Back! Here’s What You Need to Know About the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs at Walt Disney World Resort
Matt Simon

by Matt Simon, Vice President, Disney Springs

Wednesday, May 20, will be a great first step in the phased reopening of Walt Disney World Resort, as Disney Springs begins its initial reopening that morning. With the safety and well-being of our guests, cast members and third-party operating participants at the forefront of our planning, we are eager to begin welcoming you back to this part of Walt Disney World. While our theme parks and resort hotels remain temporarily closed, the phased reopening of Disney Springs is a welcome milestone as we navigate through this unprecedented time together as responsibly as we can.

Next week, many of our third-party operating participants will open their doors to Disney Springs guests. On May 27, three Disney-owned and -operated stores and venues will reopen: World of Disney, D-Luxe Burger (mobile order) and the Marketplace Co-Op. You can visit DisneySprings.com/reopening for the most current information on which locations are open.

You can visit DisneySprings.com/reopening for the most current information on which locations are open.

Based on applicable government requirements, as well as guidance from health authorities such as the CDC and appropriate government agencies, we are implementing a number of new health and safety measures and operational changes. Rest assured, there is plenty of magic awaiting you at Disney Springs – it just may feel a bit different than before. Here is what you need to know prior to your arrival:

Parking and Entrances: During this initial phase, guests will be directed to self-park in the Orange and Lime Garages. All surface lots will be closed. We will also reduce the number of entrances for Disney Springs to four locations: Orange and Lime Garages, along with the Hotel Plaza Boulevard pedestrian bridge and ride share location.

Appropriate Face Coverings: All guests 3 years of age and older, along with cast members and third-party operating-participant employees, will be required to wear an appropriate face covering while visiting Disney Springs. This is an important part of protecting both our guests and our cast. Please be sure you have an ample amount of face coverings for yourself and your party before you arrive, as you’ll need to wear them over your nose and mouth at all times (except when sitting at a dining table).

Temperature Screenings: Once you arrive at Disney Springs, you and your party will be required to undergo temperature screenings. Based on guidance from health authorities, anyone displaying a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher will be directed to an additional location for rescreening and assistance; those who again measure 100.4 degrees or higher will not be allowed entry, nor will those in their party. I encourage you to check temperatures of yourself and your party prior to leaving home, as an extra layer of precaution.

Physical Distancing and Capacity Measures: To maintain appropriate physical distancing throughout Disney Springs during this initial phase, we will limit the number of guests visiting the property, as well as within each location. In addition, ground markings will help promote proper distancing when queuing is necessary. We will also add physical barriers in select places where it’s difficult to maintain physical distancing.

Cleanliness: We’ve increased cleaning and disinfection procedures in high-traffic areas such as elevators and escalators, handrails, benches, tables, handles, restrooms and more. We will also have hand-washing stations and hand sanitizer available, and encourage you to use these frequently.

Cashless Transactions: We’re recommending you use cashless payment options whenever possible during your visit to Disney Springs, including debit cards, credit cards, Disney gift cards, etc. You can also opt for contactless payment options or use cash to purchase a Disney gift card at the Welcome Center and select merchandise locations.


Our cast members are going through extensive new training as we all learn to adjust to these changing times together. To that end, we will have some cast members walking throughout Disney Springs to explain our new procedures and answer any questions you may have. They will also encourage everyone to follow these measures for the health and safety of us all.

Everything we’re doing during this unprecedented time is in service of our guests, our cast members and our third-party operating participants, who will also be following these new guidelines in their locations. We are constantly monitoring conditions and best practices, and we continue to learn every day from health and government authorities. As a result, our operational changes and safety measures may change from time to time as circumstances evolve. We want to deliver all the Disney magic you know and love with safety, as always, our top priority.

I understand this is a great deal of change to absorb, and I speak for all of us at Walt Disney World in thanking you for your cooperation and patience during this initial phase. Today’s world is different, and it’s going to require a shared responsibility, with everyone doing their part.

As a reminder, please visit DisneySprings.com/reopening for the most up-to-date information on available shopping and dining locations, operating hours, new safety procedures and more.

We’re looking forward to seeing you real soon!
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Post #25-MyDisneyExperience disclaimer as the top of the Disney website. - May 17, 2020

Walt Disney World Resort Temporary Closures and Important InformationWalt Disney World Resort Temporary Closures and Important Information
  • Disney Springs will begin a phased reopening on May 20. Here's what to know before you go.
  • We have taken enhanced health and safety measures. Follow all posted instructions while visiting Walt Disney World Resort. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. View important details.
  • Other areas of Walt Disney World Resort remain closed, including theme parks and Disney Resort hotels. Upon reopening, theme parks, Disney Resort Hotels, restaurants and other offerings may be modified, limited in capacity and subject to availability or closure. View important details.
Phased Reopening of Disney Springs was shown in a post above, but today, there were a few additions and expansions in the paragraphs and sentences from yesterday.


COVID-19 Warning

We have taken enhanced health and safety measures—for you, our other Guests, and Cast Members. You must follow all posted instructions while visiting Disney Springs.

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable.

By visiting Disney Springs you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.
Let's keep each other healthy and safe.

A phased reopening of Disney Springs will begin on May 20.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Know Before You Go
As we begin to reopen Disney Springs with a number of shopping and dining locations beginning May 20, we are looking ahead to May 27 when we will begin to reopen more of our Disney owned shops and restaurants, including World of Disney, D-Luxe Burger (mobile order) and the Marketplace Co-Op. With that as our next milestone, we are eager to welcome back our Guests, some Cast Members, and third-party Operating Participants with safety and well-being of all at the forefront of all our planning efforts.

As we navigate through this unprecedented time as responsibly as we can, we have implemented a number of new safety measures based on guidance from health authorities, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and appropriate government agencies. We, along with third-party Operating Participants, are all committed to a responsible reopening of Disney Springs.

For Cast Members, Operating Participant employees and Guests, there are 6 key things to know before arriving at Disney Springs, and they include:

  • Limited parking and reduced entrances
  • Temperature screenings prior to entry
  • Face coverings required for Guests ages 3 and up
  • Physical distancing practices including physically-distanced queues and physical barriers
  • Temporary operation modifications, including reduced hours at select locations and no scheduled entertainment offerings or high-touch interactive areas
  • An increased focus on disinfecting and sanitation, including the addition of hand-washing stations and hand sanitizers in key areas
Since many of these measures will be new, and may evolve, we want to be sure Guests, Cast Members and Operating Participant employees are aware of all these changes.

Guest Parking and Entrances

During this initial phase, Guests will be directed to self-park in the Orange and Lime garages; all surface parking lots will be closed. At opening, we have also reduced Guest entryways to 4 locations: Orange and Lime garages, along with the Hotel Plaza Boulevard Pedestrian Bridge and the rideshare location. Guest access to Disney Springs from the Grapefruit garage will be restricted.
Temperature Screening

All Guests are required to undergo temperature screenings upon arrival at Disney Springs.

  • Guest Screening: During this initial period, Guests will undergo temperature screening in these locations: the second-floor exits of Orange and Lime parking garages and the Marketplace Entrance (to serve Guests from the Hotel Plaza Boulevard Pedestrian Bridge and the rideshare drop-off lot). Based on guidance from health authorities, anyone displaying a temperature of 100.4 F or above will be directed to an additional location for rescreening and assistance. Those with temperatures above 100.4 will not be allowed entry; those in their party will not be allowed entry either.

  • Employee Screening: Cast Members and Operating Participant employees will be required to complete a health screening and temperature check at home, prior to coming to work.

Limited Contact

Following guidance from the government and the medical community regarding enhanced screening procedures and prevention measures, we have made some temporary adjustments that include limited-contact Guest Services to ensure a responsible and enjoyable environment for everyone.

  • Face Coverings: All Guests ages 3 and up, Cast Members and Operating Participant employees are required to wear an appropriate face covering. Guests must bring their own face coverings and wear them at all times, except when dining.

  • Physical Barriers: Physical barriers have been added in select places where it is difficult to maintain strict physical distancing guidelines. These may be visible in areas around cash registers or at Guest Relations, for example, to help ensure proper distances between people.

  • Cashless Transactions: At this time, it is recommended all Guests use cashless or contactless payment options, such as credit cards, debit cards, Disney Gift Cards, Disney Rewards® Redemption Cards and mobile wallets—including Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay. Guests may purchase a Disney Gift Card at select Merchandise locations and Welcome Center (Guest Relations) to pay without cash.

Physical Distancing and Capacity Measures

Managing the number of Guests visiting Disney Springs has been a major consideration as we implement physical distancing guidelines based on recommendations from health authorities and government officials. One of the ways to do that is to limit the number of Guests and Cast Members at any given time for each location. Additional measures include:

  • Signage: Directional signage has been installed to assist Guests to responsibly move throughout the property. Additionally, ground markings will help promote proper physical distancing when queuing is needed at a location.

  • Training: We are also training Cast Members to engage with Guests and promote physical distancing guidelines in common areas and queues.

Cleanliness and Sanitization

We’ve increased cleaning and disinfection in high-traffic areas such as public elevators and escalators, handrails, benches, tables, handles, restrooms and more. Additionally, Disney Springs will open with hand sanitizer and hand-washing locations, and Guests are highly encouraged to use these while visiting.
Cast Training

We’re further emphasizing our strong culture of health and safety among Cast Members and Operating Participant employees, and will continue to provide new training and reinforcement as we navigate through the reopening phases.
About These Measures
As part of these efforts, Guests may see other changes to our retail and dining offerings, as well as other experiences. Though it may be different from the last time you visited, these new measures are designed to offer a magical Disney experience in a responsible way.

We understand that these times are challenging, and we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we navigate as responsibly as we can. Together, we can find new ways to have fun while being diligent to maintain proper physical distancing.

Frequently Asked Questions
View frequently asked questions about the phased reopening of Disney Springs—as well as related updates.

Frequently Asked Questions
Explore frequently asked questions about the phased reopening of Disney Springs.

General Questions

When will the rest of Disney Springs reopen?
Following the guidance of government and health officials, a number of shopping and dining experiences that are operated by third parties will begin to open during this initial phase beginning May 20. We will share more information on additional openings at Disney Springs via this website as details are available.

Which shops and restaurants are open?
View the Disney Springs map for the most up-to-date information on location operations at Disney Springs.

Are you opening any of the bars?
At this time, following the guidance of government and health officials, standalone bars will not open at Disney Springs.

A number of shopping and dining experiences that are operated by third parties will begin to open during this initial phase.

Will Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique be available?
A number of shopping and dining experiences that are operated by third parties will begin to open during this initial phase. Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique remains temporarily closed.

When will Drawn to Life Presented by Cirque du Soleil® & Disney debut?
The teams are currently evaluating and planning to determine the timing for the opening of Drawn to Life. We’ll be sure to keep you posted when we have news to share.

Will cake decorating classes be available?
A number of shopping and dining experiences that are operated by third parties will begin to open during this initial phase. Cake decorating is not currently available.

Are you allowing rideshare drop-offs?
Yes. Rideshare drop-off will occur in the Marketplace lot.

Which parking areas may I use?
Guests may park in the Orange and Lime parking garages. Surface parking lots and valet will remain unavailable.

What if the parking garages say they are closed? May I park somewhere else and still visit Disney Springs?
Unfortunately, due to capacity restrictions at Disney Springs, once the parking garages are full, Guests will no longer be able to park and visit Disney Springs.

Are you reducing entry points to Disney Springs?
As part of our efforts to introduce temperature screening, we are limiting the number of Guest entrances to 5, including the Orange and Lime garages, the Marketplace Entrance, the bus loop near Town Center and the rideshare drop off area. Similar to procedures at Shanghai Disney Resort, temperature screenings will be required for all Guests, Cast Members, vendors and Operating Participant employees before entering Disney Springs.

General Well-Being and Enhanced Wellness

How are you addressing the safety of non-Disney stores, restaurants and venues at Disney Springs?
As we navigate through this period as responsibly as we can, we, along with our Operating Participants, have all implemented a number of new safety measures based on guidance from health authorities, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and appropriate government agencies. Disney Springs will begin to reopen in a way that incorporates enhanced safety measures, including increased cleaning procedures, the use of appropriate face coverings by Operating Participant employees, Cast Members and Guests, limited-contact Guest Services and additional safety training and information. We are all committed to a responsible reopening of Disney Springs.

Will hand sanitizers or hand-washing stations be available throughout Disney Springs? Where will they be located?
Yes. Hand sanitizing stations will be available at a variety of locations throughout Disney Springs.

How are you addressing the cleanliness of equipment that Guests use at entertainment venues such as The VOID, Splitsville™ Luxury Lanes and NBA Experience?
Entertainment venues will not be available at reopen and we will share more details at a later date. For locations that will be open, Disney Springs will begin to reopen in a way that incorporates enhanced safety measures, including increased cleaning procedures.

Temperature Screening

Will I be required to go through a temperature screening station at Disney Springs?
Yes. Similar to procedures at Shanghai Disney Resort, temperature screenings will be required for all Guests, Cast Members, vendors and Operating Participant employees before entering Disney Springs. Using a touchless thermometer, temperature screenings will take place on the second-floor exits of Orange and Lime Parking Garages, the Marketplace Entrance/Hotel Plaza Boulevard Pedestrian Bridge, the rideshare drop off lot and near the Resort Bus loop near Town Center.

Will you be implementing a bag check with temperature screenings at Disney Springs?
No. Guests will only be required to undergo a temperature screening prior to entry.

Masks and Face Coverings

Will masks or face coverings be required to enter Disney Springs?
Yes, the use of appropriate face coverings is required for Guests ages 3 and up throughout your visit to Disney Springs. Cast Members and Operating Participant employees will also need to wear face coverings while at Disney Springs.

What if I forgot my mask? Will masks be provided to Guests or will they be available for purchase?
The use of appropriate face coverings by both Cast Members and Guests is required for all members of your party throughout your visit to Disney Springs. Disposable masks may be available; however, Guests without masks will not be allowed entry to Disney Springs.

What if I don’t want to wear a mask?
Given this unprecedented situation, we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we navigate these challenges as responsibly as we can. With our robust measures in place, we believe a key factor in our success in reopening Disney Springs will be our Guests’ acceptance and adherence to our new protocols. Guests without masks will not be allowed entry to Disney Springs.

Physical Distancing and Capacity

How will physical distancing guidelines be enforced?
Managing density within Disney Springs has been a major consideration as we implement physical distancing guidelines based on recommendations from health authorities and government officials. One of the ways to do that is to limit the number of Guests in any given time for each location. One-way and other directional signage has been installed to assist Guests to responsibly move throughout the property. Additionally, ground markings have also been installed to allow for proper physical distancing when queuing is needed at a location. We are also adding a new team to engage with Guests and promote physical distancing guidelines in common areas and queues.

How are you limiting capacity at Disney Springs?
Disney Springs will open with the implementation of Guest capacity measures to limit density and comply with state and federal guidelines. Upon opening, this includes limiting our parking locations for arriving Guests to the Orange and Lime Parking Garages.

How will Disney Springs control capacity for the stores and restaurants that will be open?
One-way and other directional signage have been installed to assist Guests to responsibly move throughout the property. Additionally, ground markings have also been installed to allow for proper physical distancing when queuing is needed at a location. We are also adding a new team to engage with Guests and promote physical distancing guidelines in common areas and queues.

Dining Reservations

How can I make a dining reservation for a restaurant at Disney Springs?
Make dining reservations online via the Walt Disney World website or the My Disney Experience mobile app. Or, use OpenTable to check availability and book.

Note: Some restaurants may remain closed during the initial opening period.

Will I be able to come to Disney Springs if I have a dining reservation, but the parking garages are full or if Disney Springs is closed due to capacity?
Unfortunately, due to capacity restrictions at Disney Springs, once the parking garages are full, Guests will no longer be able to park and visit Disney Springs. This includes Guests who have a booked a dining reservation.

Will I be charged the dining guarantee fee if I cannot make my dining reservation because Disney Springs is closed due to capacity?
No. If a Guest is unable to make their reservation because Disney Springs is closed due to capacity, the dining guarantee charge will be waived.

How will restaurants handle reservations when they reach capacity?
Unfortunately, due to capacity restrictions at Disney Springs, once the parking garages are full, Guests will no longer be able to park and visit Disney Springs. This includes Guests who have a booked dining reservation. If a Guest is unable to make their reservation because Disney Springs is closed due to capacity, the dining guarantee charge will be waived.

Masks and Face Coverings
Will masks or face coverings be required to enter Disney Springs?

Yes, the use of appropriate face coverings is required for Guests ages 3 and up throughout your visit to Disney Springs. Cast Members and Operating Participant employees will also need to wear face coverings while at Disney Springs

Masks and Face Coverings
What if I forgot my mask? Will masks be provided to Guests or will they be available for purchase?

The use of appropriate face coverings by both Cast Members and Guests is required for all members of your party throughout your visit to Disney Springs. Disposable masks may be available; however, Guests without masks will not be allowed entry to Disney Springs.

Masks and Face Coverings
What if I don’t want to wear a mask?

Given this unprecedented situation, we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we navigate these challenges as responsibly as we can. With our robust measures in place, we believe a key factor in our success in reopening Disney Springs will be our Guests’ acceptance and adherence to our new protocols. Guests without masks will not be allowed entry to Disney Springs.

Disney World Resort Temporary Closures and Important Information
  • We have taken enhanced health and safety measures. Follow all posted instructions while visiting Walt Disney World Resort. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. View important details.

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Yes, I believe the government holds the majority ownership, with Disney holding a minority share. That may well impact many re-opening decisions in Shanghai.


"Disney took an unusually collaborative approach to its Shanghai theme park, which opened in 2016, handing over a 57 percent ownership stake to its state-owned Chinese partner, Shanghai Shendi Group."

And wiki:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_Disney_Resort :

The resort's management structure consists of three companies:[31]
  • Shanghai International Theme Park Company Limited – 43% owned by The Walt Disney Company, 57% owned by Shanghai Shendi Group – ownership company for theme parks within the resort
  • Shanghai International Theme Park and Resort Management Company Limited – 70% owned by Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, 30% owned by Shanghai Shendi Group – manages and operates the resort as a whole as well as the project to develop it, on behalf of the ownership companies
  • Shanghai Shendi Group itself comprises three companies:[32]
    • Shanghai Lujiazui (Group) Company Limited
    • Shanghai Radio, Film and Television Development Company Limited
    • Jinjiang International Group Holding Company

"Disney took an unusually collaborative approach to its Shanghai theme park, which opened in 2016, handing over a 57 percent ownership stake to its state-owned Chinese partner, Shanghai Shendi Group."

And wiki:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_Disney_Resort :

The resort's management structure consists of three companies:[31]
  • Shanghai International Theme Park Company Limited – 43% owned by The Walt Disney Company, 57% owned by Shanghai Shendi Group – ownership company for theme parks within the resort
  • Shanghai International Theme Park and Resort Management Company Limited – 70% owned by Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, 30% owned by Shanghai Shendi Group – manages and operates the resort as a whole as well as the project to develop it, on behalf of the ownership companies
  • Shanghai Shendi Group itself comprises three companies:[32]
    • Shanghai Lujiazui (Group) Company Limited
    • Shanghai Radio, Film and Television Development Company Limited
    • Jinjiang International Group Holding Company

Thank you Starwind - that answered my questions (and was very interesting!)

well I don’t usean ECV I am worried about how I’m going to navigate the social distancing requirements on the ground as a low vision guest. I hope they made them a different texture so I can tell the difference. Disney is one of the few places that I feel safe and independent
well I don’t usean ECV I am worried about how I’m going to navigate the social distancing requirements on the ground as a low vision guest. I hope they made them a different texture so I can tell the difference. Disney is one of the few places that I feel safe and independent

Today, Tim Tracker posted a video that shows (some) of the social distancing protocols that will be in place at Disney Springs - including ground markings.

Video here: I went to Disney Springs...
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Post #31-Disney Springs Reopening Safety Screening & Signage PHOTOS - Disney Tourist Blog - Tom Bricker - May 20, 2020


After parking in Orange and Lime garages, you’ll encounter these health screening stations before taking the escalators or elevator down to the entrances of Disney Springs.
Here’s where you’ll have your temperature taken and Cast Members will confirm you’re wearing a face mask. Parties with a guest whose temperature is above 100.4 will not be allowed entry, nor will those without face masks.


A look at the sandwich board signage that greets guests coming down the Lime Garage escalators.


Another look at signage that’s been installed around Disney Springs. You’ll likely see these on signposts about as frequently as the wildlife warnings that now line the shores of Walt Disney World’s waterfront.


New hand-washing and sanitizer stations have also been added around Disney Springs.


A look at the ‘do not stand here’ markings on sidewalks outside World of Disney.


Stores will have reduced capacity upon reopening, so it’s expected lines will form outside. Same deal as your local Trader Joe’s or Costco.


Directional signage that follows the rules of the road.

WESH2 news report
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Post #32-Disney Springs re-opens with new safety procedures PHOTOS - Attractions Magazine Tharin Whiteleave - May 20, 2020


Today, for the first time since March 20, Disney Springs at Walt Disney World opened up for guests. The major shopping district has opened with limited food and merchandise options.


After parking, guests will be lead to a temperature check area. These are some of the signs that guests will see leading up to the temperature check.


Every guest in the party must pass the temperature check with a maximum temperature of 100.4º Fahrenheit or lower. If a guest’s temperature is higher they can sit and cool down in a white tent, shown in the background of the photo above. If their temperature doesn’t drop below 100.4º during that time, they and their party will not be allowed admission. Disney is having Advent Health in Florida assist them with temperature checks.


In an effort to stop physical contact between guests, Disney has the trash can swinging doors pushed in fully.


Disney has also added markers on the ground to help guests know they are six feet away from others while in line. These are outside of most restaurants and stores. There are usually 5 markers per store. This was more than enough, combined with the indoor capacity of stores, except for places like Starbucks and Chicken Guy. If there are more guests than markers, guests are expected to self-enforce six feet of social distancing.


In pinch-points or high traffic areas, Disney has implemented arrows to keep the flow of traffic organized.


Not all of the restaurants and stores at Disney Springs have re-opened. Some locations, like House Of Blues, have yet to declare when they will re-open.


The amphibious car launch at The Boathouse usually gathers crowds. To keep this area fun and socially distant, ground markers have been added to tell guests where they can and cannot stand.


Along with social distancing, Disney Springs is amping up its cleaning processes. It was impressive to see how often custodial cast members cleaned trash cans, handrails, and doors. We witnessed this bench get cleaned numerous times within a 15-minute timespan.


While all stores and restaurants have signage about rules for safety, Chicken Guy took it a step forward. They included an extensive list of steps they were taking to maximize safety for everyone involved. Click on the image above for a full-size view if you would like to read more.
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Post #33-Disney Springs Walkthrough VIDEO - Disney Attractions - May 20, 2020


The YeSake kiosk near Planet Hollywood was one of the first food locations to open today. They also added a barrier at the order and pickup location. While this location doesn’t have its own dedicated dining space, there was ample outdoor seating nearby.


Masks are not required while dining. Restaurants are the only spots where Disney allows guests to not wear masks. The only no-mask exception other than dining is for guests 3 years of age and younger


Also, as you would expect, hand sanitizer is available for free all over the place.
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Post #35-Disney Springs Reopening Full Walking Tour - May 20th w/Temperature Check, Signage, New Procedures VIDEO - MouseSteps - May 20, 2020

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I guess one of the pluses of using an ECV for me while in the park is that I don't touch the handrails nearly as often as most guests. I had a silly visual pop up in my brain the other day. Remember when they used to have the red badge that they would hand guests for tracking queue times? Well now, instead of that, there will be someone who moves through the queue with a cleaning cloth in each hand that they use as they move through the queue. Picture it, both hands have cleaning cloth dripping with solution wrapping around the railing sliding along as the person moves along. Then at the end of the line is a bucket full of dirty cloths and a cast member with a button that they toss to you that says "I helped keep the parks clean." LOL 🤪 Maybe I need more sleep.

Seriously though, as someone who travels from out of state and stays on property, I'd like to see screenings (both health and security) done before resort guests have to get on the buses (or whatever Disney transportation there is). I'd really hate to be on the bus with a person who was sick. Also, I'd hate to be the person who spends an hour riding the bus, just to be turned away once I got there. Then how do I get back to the resort? Would I be allowed back on the bus? Would I have to find my own way back? If they screened resort guests prior to lining up for transportation, then they could have a special entrance queue for resort guests at the parks that by-passed the screening queues for guests that drove. Just a thought.

My next trip is in mid-October (booked at the 500-day mark), so I realize that things could change several times before then. I'm just really curious (like everyone else) about how things will be handled. I really hope that at least shows will be operating. I completely understand not having parades or fireworks. Anyone that has gotten trapped in the sea of humanity trying to exit the park after fireworks can see that social distancing would be impossible.

and as a final note... My ring tone on my phone is the Electrical Parade music. 🎶

ETA - I'd loved it if they had a instructional video on how things will be operating. An updated one for the Magical Express and then another one on the resort TVs with tips on what to do and how to act in the parks.
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After watching theses videos, I have mixed feelings. The place looks lonely ...and I guess I realize that I really like going because of all the different people. To me, they help to make it a magical place. Almost too many people before, but now too little. Although it may never be the same, I hope in the future it'll be a little easier to enjoy Disney again. I am also thankful for all the good memories I have. :)
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