What do you do with the kids at night?

That may be a little extreme, but it gives me an idea for an addition to the ultimate packing list - handcuffs! You can handcuff the little tykes to the railing of the veranda.
or we could just tie them up with our lime green ribbon......at least that way they'll be identified as being DIS kids!
I'm sure I'm the only one who feels this way, but I wouldn't want to waste time partying in the lame club until 1:00AM on a family vacation. When just my DW and I go on a 3 day cruise alone, we party until 2:00AM or later every night. However, when we go on DCL cruise with our kids, we want to enjoy the cruise together with them.

We checked out the clubs after dinner one or two nights and they were dead anyhow. Even if it did look like fun we would rather play cards out on the deck with our kids...just talk and laugh...whatever. Our kids are night owls too, so we don't mind that they're up that late on vacation.

Frankly, it just bothers me a little that so many people have no problem with dropping their kids off in the club until Midnight. Not the end of the world or anything, just seems strange to do on a family cruise.
Originally posted by WIcruizer
I'm sure I'm the only one who feels this way, but I wouldn't want to waste time partying in the lame club until 1:00AM on a family vacation. When just my DW and I go on a 3 day cruise alone, we party until 2:00AM or later every night. However, when we go on DCL cruise with our kids, we want to enjoy the cruise together with them.

Frankly, it just bothers me a little that so many people have no problem with dropping their kids off in the club until Midnight. Not the end of the world or anything, just seems strange to do on a family cruise.

You are not alone feeling that way. I feel the same. I would like my daughter to try out the clubs just for a short time for some time playing with kids her own age but I would hate for her to spend a lot of time there....we are going on a family vacation and I really want to spend most time with her as a family!
Originally posted by WIcruizer
00AM or later every night.I'm sure I'm the only one who feels this way, but I wouldn't want to waste time partying in the lame club until 1:00AM on a family vacation. When just my DW and I go on a 3 day cruise alone, we party until 2:

Just a question: if the clubs are so lame why do you spend until 2:00 there when your kids aren't with you?

Why do these questions always end up in this debate? Can't we all agree that we all have different parenting types, and our kids have different temperments? And that some of us spend every hour of vacation with the whole family, and some do not. Do what works best for you and your kids.

On our cruises, we decide as a family if there are evening things that we want to do together, or not. DD also decides what she wants to do. Most nights, DH and I are in the cabin well before she comes in. I wait up for her, because I know what time the event ends. I give her some freedom (she is almost 11), but I with that comes the responsibility of knowing what time she is to be back at the room.
Originally posted by jeanneg
.......I personally prefer just tossing the scoundrels overboard. This works best if you have your own veranda.....

................"Welcome back BD"

P.S. Just kidding on the above smilie.;)
Oh my, ncligs, I merely suggested the deed.......you came through with fully graphic depictions of violence!
Just a question: if the clubs are so lame why do you spend until 2:00 there when your kids aren't with you?

The clubs on DCL are lame. When we go on a cruise without the kids, they are cruises designed more for a party atmosphere where the clubs are fun. DCL doesn't have that, nor do I mind that they don't.
Our kids go to the kids clubs at night because they want to go! We don't even go to the adult clubs after we drop them off. That's not our style. Actually, one child likes to stay with us and two like to go to the kids clubs. So that's what we do!:D :D
Originally posted by jeanneg
.......I personally prefer just tossing the scoundrels overboard. This works best if you have your own veranda.....

What do you do if you are such a bad parent you only paid for them to have (their own room with) just a porthole?

Maybe yet another entry for the "what do I do with the Duct tape" thread!

Go ahead. Flame me. I can take it.:cool::
Thanks BD and NCLigs

There isn't anyone I'd rather be flamed by.
Originally posted by jeanneg
Sandy's idea isn't quite foolproof.......I personally prefer just tossing the scoundrels overboard. This works best if you have your own veranda.....


it's a large ocean out there!! just be careful of the pennies in the door jambs!
WIcruiser, just because a child is at the club at night doesn't mean that they have been there all day long. Our DD went in the club after late seating dinner (around 10pm) and stayed until MN. How is that different from going for 2 hours during the day? I didn't go to the lounges but my DH and I did see two movies that I didn't think a 6 year old should see. So she continued her vacation with great organized activites with new found friends in the club and I continued mine with DH at the theatre.
I did see two movies that I didn't think a 6 year old should see. So she continued her vacation with great organized activites with new found friends in the club and I continued mine with DH at the theatre.

goodstarr - they were undoubtedly "lame" movies...
Hi All!

Two more cents from moi!!

I would not FORCE my DD6 to go to the clubs, even if I had a Palo's ressie. And I wouldn't FORCE her to stay until she fell asleep or the clubs closed, while I was out partying.

Last January, she was afraid of going to the clubs, and we spent all of our time together. It was a blast! The day before we disembarked, she went to the club and loved it!

Now, she pores over the Navigators and can't wait to go the clubs. She even wants to have dinner with the club kids!

We'll see. I think she has come out of her shell alot this year.

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

Love these bouncey things!!

Ooooooo, that last flame was painful.......and I was only a spectator! You are a sickie, and I love it!


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