What do you do to cope?


Music teacher and Disney...
Aug 1, 2006
First of all, :grouphug: to everyone who is going through medical issues this time of year. No one should have to be ill, especially this time of year!

I was just wondering what everyone does to cope with their illness. I've had Lyme Disease for 4 years (that I know of) and it's made me hypothyroid with adrenal insufficiency, all over body pain and well as feeling like I can't breathe. I have to sleep 12 hours a day and even then I don't feel like I've slept enough. I use to be so active and now i can barely exercise without severe pain and fatigue the next few days.

I was so depressed today that I just started crying long and hard. I'm 34 and still single and I am so afraid that no one would want someone with an illness to spend their life with. Since I can't work, I am living at home with my parents and that just makes it worse - who would want a woman who is 34, has Lyme Disease and lives with her parents? At least I am able to go to college (can only go part-time) and I am going to graduate in May, but it takes so much out of me.

I'm sorry for venting. Please don't think me selfish - I know so many others have it worse than I do and I do realize that. . .I am so thankful that I am still alive, that I have food and a home to live in and a wonderful family, but all I can think of right now is I feel like my life has been stolen from me and I wonder if I'll ever get it back the way it was. . .I could really use a hug right now!
Let me be the first to offer a huge :grouphug: I don't think anyone here will think you selfish. OK, there are others with bigger problems but, hey, what you are going through should be the most important thing to you. :thumbsup2

Have you seen a specialist? I'm thinking an endocrinologist. Someone who can get your thyroid problems under control.

How about going to a psychologist to help you deal with the pain issues. I was injured at work nine years ago. When I hit rock bottom and felt like I had no options I realized it was time to get some help. The therapist I saw was wonderful and taught me lots of coping skills. We are not born with this information!!

I too am trying to put my health issues in proper perspective by reminding myself that there are many others out there with much more serious health concerns. Still, all I can think of is getting my damn gallbladder removed in the next couple of weeks. I know I've been short tempered and cranky but that thought is like a constant ache that I wish would just go away.

Try making a list of what is the most important to you. Deal with #1 until it is resolved to your satisfaction then move on to the next item. By concentrating on one thing at a time, you may find that the problems will be checked off that list in no time.

All the best and let us know how you're doing. Oh and here's another :grouphug: :)
Goofy Baby, hugs for you. Sometimes you have to take life minute by minute. My late husband had very bad asthma and thought that no one would ever love him until I came along. We didn't ask for his health problems and neither did you. There is someone special out there for you.

I also have a good friend with lyme disease. She has been fighting it for several years. I agree you should find a support group or something to help you deal with this disease.

Just come here when you need to vent!!!!
I like coming here. I have depression and anxiety. I feel so alone. I have a broken heart right now, but I had to stop seeing him. He has hurt me very deeply over and over, and I know that I deserve better. I look back and can't believe how I allowed this man to treat me. I got very sick in May, and I think it was a warning that I needed to make some changes in my life. So little by little I have. I have some good doctors. I have made alot of progress.

I like to write, and I like to think about what I do have, which I feel is alot. I have 2 great kids, a dog, a bird, and a home to come home to. I am happy at home. I pray. I pray alot. I keep looking forward.

The holidays are hard. Last Christmas he was full of promises, but as usual they were broken.

I am so happy on January 1st, i am full of new hope.

I just had my gallbladder out and had a hernia fixed. Feeling great though. I am determined to fix this depression and anxiety once and for all too.

I am working part-time right now. Not ready to go back full time just yet.

Prayers and hugs for everyone that visits here.
Thank you so much for the hugs and kind words. Safetymom, thank you for the encouragement - I know I have to keep my faith in God that he has someone in mind just for me, Lyme Disease and all. I have a wonderful doctor who is about to start me on a medicine that should do some good in my battle and I am looking forward to it.

I did do some research and I found a support group here in Dallas/Fort Worth that meets one Saturday a month - I am going to go and check it out. It certainly does help to know I'm not alone.

Virgo10, thank you for the idea about the list. I am going to incorporate that into my daily routine. I also try to keep negativity out of my life as I just can't allow room for it to come in.

Luvsmickeymouse, here is a great big :grouphug: for you. I started having Lyme symptoms a month after I started a relationship with a man whose behavior was horrid, yet he thought he did nothing wrong. I was so miserable and like you, I took it as a warning that I needed to make some serious changes in my life, which I did. I am doing so much better now than I was then, but some days (like today), it still hits me that I now have limitations from Lyme Disease that i didn't use to have. It's hard for me to get past that sometimes.

I feel better now and again, I thank you so much for your hugs and encouragement! :grouphug: to everyone! I have to believe I am going to be well someday and I refuse to believe otherwise.
GoofyBaby - so sorry to hear that you are dealing with Lyme Disease. I've written your name and will remember you in my daily prayers. I was diagnosed with Lyme back in 1997 by a wonderful doc who was smart enough to run the test for it, "just to be complete". I remember the extreme fatigue, the chills, the joint pains, yuck. I was very fortunate to receive treatment that seems to have eradicated the symptoms, or at least, I've remained symptom free since that time. Perhaps, a treatment will be found that will be successful for you. There is always hope and there are always new developments in medicine. Hang in there, and when it gets too tough to hang on, come to places like this for support and encouragement. Even if it gets too hard to pray, ask others to pray for you! God hears us all. Peace and blessing to you. And here's hoping you find better health in 2007.
GoofyBaby, here's a hug from me :grouphug: I hope this new treatment helps. Congrats on your upcoming graduation! Have you ever considered working from home - like maybe do something online? I don't know what you're getting your degree in, but there are a bunch of jobs in the medical field that you can do from home like medical transcription and medical coding. Good luck! :)
Goofybaby, I just got home and will catch up with all of you this week, but could not let this one go by without giving you a big hug and thanking the fellow Disers for coming here and giving you some good support and great advice..

Please know that you are not alone and this board was created for that reason so that Disers who have special issues can come for a hug or to vent when they need to..

This is a tough time of year for feeling depressed and I do hope that you have a supportive doctor, as someone said an endocrinologist to help you through what you are dealing with....hard enough with Lyme's Disease and then add in thyroid issues, just not easy at all..

Take care of yourself and thanks to Safetymom and the other Disers who posted to support you..

Thank you so very much for your kind words! You don't know what they mean to me. I am feeling better the last few days and I do have a wonderful doctor that takes care of me. I go see him again this Wednesday and I start my new treatment probably on Friday this week. He told me I'm going to feel worse before I feel better, but I can take it. I just have to believe I'll get better.

I am getting my Associates Degree in Liberal Arts in May, and I am going to the University of North Texas in the Fall os 2007 to get my Bachelor's Degree in Music Education or Music Performance - haven't decided. I play clarinet and piano and I want to learn how to play guitar. I really am at my happiest when I am playing!

Again, I thank you all so much for your support and your hugs! They mean so much to me. :grouphug: There are many times I feel like my family doesn't believe in the treatment I am seeking and it gets frustrating, but I am pressing on, determined to get well. I don't think God brought me this far in life only to have me stay ill - I have too many things left to accomplish!
So you're a musician...that's awesome! I started out as a music major - my insturments are piano, voice and violin. I got sidetracked and ended up in the medical field, but I still love my music. Hope you're having a good day :)
My sister has thyroid problems and I was really worried about her she is usually shot out of a cannon I have always called her the energizer bunny she just keeps going and going. But about a year ago, she got to the point she couldn't put one foot in front of the other and finally after my jumping up and down, okay my sister is a nurse and she won't listen to her paralegal sister so I had to resort to threats, I said I am going to tell mom :rotfl2: Yes we are adults in our 40s. So she went to the doctor and they found this thyroid problem and put on some meds that have to be adjusted but she is doing great now. She has to have her TSH levels checked once a month and they either increase or decrease the meds according to the levels. Have you had yours checked?
I wanted to be a music major but got distracted it was going to take too long so I went to school to be a hairstylist and then when I was 36 went back to college and became a paralegal.
Good luck with everything.
First of all, :grouphug: to everyone who is going through medical issues this time of year. No one should have to be ill, especially this time of year!

I was just wondering what everyone does to cope with their illness. I've had Lyme Disease for 4 years (that I know of) and it's made me hypothyroid with adrenal insufficiency, all over body pain and well as feeling like I can't breathe. I have to sleep 12 hours a day and even then I don't feel like I've slept enough. I use to be so active and now i can barely exercise without severe pain and fatigue the next few days.

I was so depressed today that I just started crying long and hard. I'm 34 and still single and I am so afraid that no one would want someone with an illness to spend their life with. Since I can't work, I am living at home with my parents and that just makes it worse - who would want a woman who is 34, has Lyme Disease and lives with her parents? At least I am able to go to college (can only go part-time) and I am going to graduate in May, but it takes so much out of me.

I'm sorry for venting. Please don't think me selfish - I know so many others have it worse than I do and I do realize that. . .I am so thankful that I am still alive, that I have food and a home to live in and a wonderful family, but all I can think of right now is I feel like my life has been stolen from me and I wonder if I'll ever get it back the way it was. . .I could really use a hug right now!

Here is a big hug!!! I DO know what you are feeling and I understand because I to had my life robbed at 47 due to bacterial infection in my body from tainted marlex mesh. My prayers and thoughts are with you. You will get thru this. GOD BLESS YOU:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks again to everyone for your hugs and support! It really means so much to me. :grouphug: Just wanted to give a quick update: Since my doctor started me on a new Lyme medicine and diet, I've been feeling better. Not 100%, but much better. I can breathe better, I'm not quite as tired and I have been able to get out and walk leisurely at my local park with my best friend for 25 minutes 3 times per week. I am only at half dose right now, so I hope that as I increase my dosage, I'll feel even better!

And here are more great big hugs to everyone out there who could use one. If anyone just needs to talk or vent, please feel free to PM me. Chronic illness is a nasty bear but by the grace of God, we will get through this!
GoofyBaby, that is great news that you are seeing an improvement. If you would care to share what the doctor is doing for you I would love to hear it. I have a very good friend that is still struggling with the effects of Lyme disease and she can't find a doctor that will help her with it. I would love to help her out.
"by the grace of God, we will get through this!"

Better words cannot be said.. I am so glad to hear that you are doing better... Keep up the good work and do keep coming back and telling us your progress.
GoofyBaby, that is great news that you are seeing an improvement. If you would care to share what the doctor is doing for you I would love to hear it. I have a very good friend that is still struggling with the effects of Lyme disease and she can't find a doctor that will help her with it. I would love to help her out.


I'd be glad to share. I went undiagnosed for over 3 years - doctors guessed I had CFS, Fibro, Severe Asthma, Sleep Apnea, Depression, Leaky Gut, you name it. My main symptoms are fatigue, brain fog, chest pain, left arm pain, shortness of breath (my heart is fine - I've had every heart test known to man and all have come back normal), joint pains, headaches, muscular pain (especially neck & shoulders), ear pain, jaw pain, & swollen lymph glands. I finally went to Dr. Larry Sharp in Fort Worth, who is a Doctor of Osteopathy and a wonderful human being. His website is www.cfidsdoctor.com. He will spend as much time with you as you need and NEVER tries to rush you out the door. He is very laid back and has a gentle demeanor, which I love, since I'm a highly sensitive soul. He put me on Cumanda (this is the Lyme killer), Takuna & Burbur, which are liquid supplements from Nutrimedix. He also has me on Adrenal support supplements by Nutrimedix and iodone for my underactive thyroid, as well as a good multivitamin. He has also addressed my vitamin and mineral defiencies and I supplement for those as well. My Lyme Disease has also caused my blood to be in a hypercoagulative state, meaning that it is thicker than it should be, so he has me on Lumbrokinase, which is a natural thinner. The Nutrimedix supplements are powerful and can cause detox or herxheimer reactions (makes you feel worse before you feel better), but I haven't had those so far. He also stressed that the cleaner my diet is, the better. So I have cut out all sugar (including fruit) & bread. I only drink water and I drink a gallon of it per day to flush out toxins. I do plenty of deep abdominal breathing each day and do daily gentle stretching to help with the joint pains. Plus, I say my daily prayers and daily positive affirmations numerous times per day. I can't tell you how much those have helped me to cope. I am also going to purchase a portable Far Infrared Sauna (about $250) so I can sweat out toxins every other day for about 20 minutes. The great thing about Far Infrared Saunas are that they only go to about 120 degrees and you head sticks out of the portable sauna so it does not get heated but the rest of the body does. It enables people with health challenges to tolerate saunas and get toxins out.

I think that's everything I'm doing and I know it's alot. Conventional medicine did not get me well (and I'm not bashing it in any way - just didn't work for me) so I went the alternative route and it's been the best decision I've made for myself.

Please feel free to PM me anytime. I've done a ton of research on Lyme and I can tell you about some other alternatives to try for Lyme as well. Sorry this was so long!

I was so depressed today that I just started crying long and hard. I'm 34 and still single and I am so afraid that no one would want someone with an illness to spend their life with. Since I can't work, I am living at home with my parents and that just makes it worse - who would want a woman who is 34, has Lyme Disease and lives with her parents?

Theres still hope for you. My aunt has Crohns diease and was married at 37


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