What Characters would you like to see at the DIS CON Breakfast?

hey, CDoobee, I know the exact Aladdin you're talking about! I have several pics of him!!! :)

I agree that the mouse must be there!!!!! :)

I think a whole array of characters would be fun! mickey, minnie, some villians, maybe Hades from hercules and Cruella! and my favorites, chip n'dale!!! I love those guys! I know they're everywhere, but they're so much fun!!! :)

Laura :)
I vote for Buzz and Woody! I am not a big villan fan!
Whoo hoo...I am all for Aladdin to show up as well! LOL

Great ideas here! Keep posting if you think of anything else to add!! I love reading all your responses!! :)
Although dd won't be coming with me...I agree that Jasmine would be great to have at any meal because she is sooooooooo very hard to find at the parks. And when they tell you she's gonna be somewhere in the park...she doesn't necessarily show up!!!
So, princess angel, you know who I mean, huh?;)

Those teeth, that smile!!:D :bounce: AHHHH!!!!!:D :D
Hafto agree, ya gotta have the Mouse!!! But, how about the new guys on the block, Sully and Mike Wyzowski?!!! I absolutely adore that big blue furball!!!:D :D
Lets see that means Jasmine, Esmeralda, Arial ect.... Right ladies? ;) LOL!!!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

NO?!!!!!:eek: I am a what?!!! ;) LOL!!!:jester: :jester: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
oh CDoobee, I 100% definately know the Aladdin you're talking about!!! I'll bring a pic of him to DIS CON II to show you, just remind me!!!!!!! :) :) :)

crazyboutdisney -- Sully and Mike would be fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Laura :)
Hairy guys with an attitude, Livia?

I know of no one who goes for that. :rolleyes:

You didn't think I'd let that pass, did ya? :D
Oooooooooooooh Livia,

I want (to sign up for) John Smith!!!! (you hadn't "given" him to anyone yet)
I'll think of Mel Gibson......................:smooth:

And NO "extra" Princesses (there are enough of us there already)!!!



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