Well, this trip was....different. UPDATE - 9/1!

Amanda, I added April 3 to my iPad calendar and will go to morning Mass that day for Reid...and you too. I know what it is like when our little ones are out of our control and we can only wait and pray. I will be praying that they find out what is causing Reid's hearing loss and that is something easily and simply taken care of.

I understand the school decisions - think I was one of few parents back then who did so much research - most sent their kids to nearest Catholic School - mine did attend Catholic school, but not the closest one. Mia is having a very difficult time deciding what will be best for Sophia. She is unusually shy and did not do well in preschool this year because of her extreme shyness - Mia took her out in October for the year...I would have done the same. Her birthday is Sept 2 - academically she is more than ready, but with her birthdate she will not go to kindergarten until 6 and first grade until 7 - will likely the oldest in her class. Not sure what Mia will decide, but she will find whatever best for my sweet Sophia (4 1/2 now). I can hardly believe Reid is five now!!

My goodness...the Disney Magic was not with you that day at all! We went every year late August when it always cery hit and humid - but the absolute worst was the year we went last Sept into early October. Horrible heat - my native Floridian friend told me after the trip that it is the hottest time of year...who would have guessed!

Our very first time on Pirates we were stuck under the bridge with the hairy leg hanging directly above us...it took about 20 mins but thankfully did not have to evacuate. All the lights up would be creepy.

That's great were able to get to Buzz - love the photo! Reid looks so cute at Ohana! Love the breakfast there, but dinner not so much.

Take it easy...please check in next week, if you have time. We'll be sending loads of Dust and prayer. :grouphug:
I will keep Reid in my prayers!

Ug, sounds like your day in MK was not a very lucky one! That is such a unnerving thing to be escorted/evacuated off of a ride.

Sounds like dinner made up for it though! LOVE Ohana!!!
Glad to "see" you back on the boards! :goodvibes And of course we'll be praying for Reid. He's very fortunate to have loving parents like y'all...sounds like you stay on top of things. I'll be waiting to hear the good news :)

This may sound crazy :upsidedow...but I would love to be able to see one of the indoor rides with the lights on and no music AND be able to walk around and check out the scenery. Of course I know that's not exactly what happened with yall. Your experience would have been a bit more irritating, especially when BTMR was out, too:sad2:

Love, love, love Ohana!!!! The bread pudding is to die for!!!:worship: Every now and then I'll make it for the family. I think it's the sauce that makes it so tasty. The last time we were there, the service was horrendous BUT the food made up for it. We'll definitely go back. Glad y'all had a wonderful experience.

Have a great weekend!
Absolutely. I'm hoping for the best for him. Hopefully you'll at least get some answers.

Thank you so much!!

I don't know... I looked at my subscribed threads list this morning and I saw your name as the last post on a lot of TRs. You must not have slept well last night or something. :rotfl2::rotfl:

I didn't sleep much that night. I think I had caught up on all the TR & PTR threads I subscribe to, just not the other threads.

Ok, I have to admit that the Disney nerd in me is somewhat fascinated by that. The delays and getting stuck on the ride wouldn't be any fun, but I'd love to see some rides with the lights on and be able to walk through part of them to see it from a different perspective.

Ed & I both thought it was pretty interesting to get stuck on the ride. Reid was the only one who didn't feel that it was cool.

:faint::headache: Not your lucky day at all...

Not at all.

Have you seen any of the piles of shrimp remains on any of the Disdads' TRs? FreezinRafiki started the trend and there was actually a contest between a few to see who could eat the most at the convention in January. Not that you'd want to hang out with the Disdads, but you'd apparently fit in well. :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

Sounds like I would fit in perfectly!! I can do some serious damage when it comes to shrimp & crawfish!

I've been enjoying your TR, but I don't normally reply to any TR. I will this time to wish Reid the best of luck in his tests. I'll be praying for him.

I really appreciate you taking a moment to post this for me. Thank you so much!!

Sending prayers and pixie dust for answers, guidance and a smooth experience for all during the testing.

Thank you so much! It's greatly appreciated!

I think we ALL question our choices with schooling, no matter what, no matter the age, or at least I do on a fairly regular basis. Kindergarten though, that is exciting. And scary, and sad and....

I feel like there is no "right" answer. Oh well, I guess we'll see how it goes next year in Kindergarten. I'm just scared to be sending him off to big boy school.

What an unfortunate series of ride events but how great that you made it up with Buzz and I love that poncho picture of you guys! Such focus!

Thanks! Buzz Lightyear is serious business in our family. Haha!

Wonderful dinner, so glad you had that after the deluge and YAY for $7 light up toys.

Sometimes it really is the little things.

So true! I love these young years where it doesn't take much to keep him happy.

First and foremost, I am sending prayers AND pixie dust for Reid's tests next week.

Thank you so much!

Second, I'm glad you are okay and you were just busy. I remember signing both of my kids up to kindergarten and it was awful. So I know how you feel and I send you a :hug:

Thank you! It was a very emotional morning for me. Seems like when he was born, all of this felt so far away!

Fun update. We have NEVER been stuck on a ride that long that we had to be escorted out...I hope that never happens. Ugh...what a pain.

Thanks! I didn't mind being escorted off but I was worried that if they didn't escort us off soon, Reid would need to potty and then they'd really have problems. LOL!

Sorry about the rain...but you and Reid look so cute on Buzz in your ponchos.

Thanks! I'm glad we were able to get in one more ride.

Glad Reid is getting his testing done!!! You are all troopers in those storms!!! I love the O'hana's dessert, and I usually get it all to myself (the kids get a scoop of ice cream, DH too :lmao:)

Thanks! Lucky you getting that dessert all to yourself!

So DS4 gets another re-eval April 28th. It looks like tubes are necessary, and Adenoids as well (tonsils are fine ) We are keeping him out of Kindergarten next year. Since he is Oct. 1st bday, it'll make him the youngest..which DD8 and DS21 were as well. But my little guy is academically bright, but socially young. The preschool teachers said he's still sweet and it would benefit him to have another preschool year. Which I agree, just getting him to do homework is :furious: Let me say...I'm super happy to have him another year..shhh don't tell DH :rotfl: So now I wonder about our August trip with the tubes...will our ENT operate in September instead.....no infections just fluid...I suppose I shall find out soon enough ;)

I don't blame you one bit for keeping your DS home one more year. Part of me secretly wishes Reid had a late summer/fall bday so he wouldn't be starting Kindergarten next year.

Hope the re-eval goes well on the 28th!

I am praying AND sending pixie dust that everything goes well with Reid's tests next week. :thumbsup2

Thank you very much!!

Enjoyed your update. It looks like such a remarkably fabulous day in the MK and Reid looks adorable, as usual, in all his pictures. Boo for lightening.


There are several parts of the Ohana meal that I love - the bread (of course), the salad (cause I just like salad), the wings, the noodles!!!!!!, and the shrimp. My only complaint is I am also 90% full by the time the shrimp comes. I want my shrimp with my salad and noodles and it just doesn't work that way. :rotfl2:

YUM....the shrimp would be fabulous with the salad and/or noodles. I could go and eat just the shrimp and noodles.

Oh well - glad to see an update and good luck to little cutie pie next week! :hug:


I am enjoying reading your report especially since we were there at the same time. The weather we had was just awful. The hot and then the rain. this was the one an only Disney vacation that I was kind of regretting. I told my husband we need a do-over soon! Unfortunately our wallets won't let us go in the next year so planning for Marathon weekend 2015. Ugh...that sounds like so long. I really want to go back again for marathon weekend and can't swing it this year so I'll have to wait. Oh well...

The weather was absolutely unreal! I couldn't get over the heat and rain. It really was kind of miserable.

YAY! I'm so glad to see you back here! Praying for Reid! Hopefully everything will work out perfectly.

Thank you so much!!

Ugh, getting stuck on Pirates would honestly terrify me... all those 'George the ghost' stories, I can't deal with it! :laughing:

That's funny! I didn't even think about George!

OH MAN, 'OHANA. Best meal ever!!! The potstickers were honestly my favorite part (besides the bread and chicken haha) so to hear that there were BETTER ones somewhere else blows my mind! MUST TRY!!!

If you ever get the chance, you really should go for F&W. The potstickers at the China booth were delicious!

Wooo, great update! Glad you're back!

Thank you!!

Amanda, I added April 3 to my iPad calendar and will go to morning Mass that day for Reid...and you too. I know what it is like when our little ones are out of our control and we can only wait and pray. I will be praying that they find out what is causing Reid's hearing loss and that is something easily and simply taken care of.

Thank you so very much!! This truly means so much to me.

I understand the school decisions - think I was one of few parents back then who did so much research - most sent their kids to nearest Catholic School - mine did attend Catholic school, but not the closest one. Mia is having a very difficult time deciding what will be best for Sophia. She is unusually shy and did not do well in preschool this year because of her extreme shyness - Mia took her out in October for the year...I would have done the same. Her birthday is Sept 2 - academically she is more than ready, but with her birthdate she will not go to kindergarten until 6 and first grade until 7 - will likely the oldest in her class. Not sure what Mia will decide, but she will find whatever best for my sweet Sophia (4 1/2 now). I can hardly believe Reid is five now!!

It is so hard to make these decisions and I feel like there is so much pressure on moms these days to make the "right" decision. Part of me wishes Reid had a later birthday in the year so that he wouldn't go to Kindergarten until he was 6.

My goodness...the Disney Magic was not with you that day at all! We went every year late August when it always cery hit and humid - but the absolute worst was the year we went last Sept into early October. Horrible heat - my native Floridian friend told me after the trip that it is the hottest time of year...who would have guessed!

I figured it was going to be hot & humid since it's that way here in south Louisiana in October. But, I was completely unprepared for how awful it was.

Our very first time on Pirates we were stuck under the bridge with the hairy leg hanging directly above us...it took about 20 mins but thankfully did not have to evacuate. All the lights up would be creepy.

I really didn't mind being stuck or having to evacuate. I thought it was kind of cool. My only concern was that it was taking a long time & I was starting to worry about Reid needing to potty. Haha!!

That's great were able to get to Buzz - love the photo! Reid looks so cute at Ohana! Love the breakfast there, but dinner not so much.

Thanks! I was glad we were able to make it to one more ride.

Take it easy...please check in next week, if you have time. We'll be sending loads of Dust and prayer. :grouphug:

Thank you!! Update coming up very soon.......

I will keep Reid in my prayers!

Thank you very much!!

Ug, sounds like your day in MK was not a very lucky one! That is such a unnerving thing to be escorted/evacuated off of a ride.

Things definitely were not going our way that day though we tried our best to just roll with the punches.

Sounds like dinner made up for it though! LOVE Ohana!!!

Dinner was fantastic & I'm so glad we finally got to have dinner there!

Glad to "see" you back on the boards! :goodvibes And of course we'll be praying for Reid. He's very fortunate to have loving parents like y'all...sounds like you stay on top of things. I'll be waiting to hear the good news :)

Thank you so much, Heather!!

This may sound crazy :upsidedow...but I would love to be able to see one of the indoor rides with the lights on and no music AND be able to walk around and check out the scenery. Of course I know that's not exactly what happened with yall. Your experience would have been a bit more irritating, especially when BTMR was out, too:sad2:

It really was kind of cool getting to see POTC with the lights on and walking around the backside of the building. I was sad that BTMR got shut down as well but at least we were able to get one more spin on Buzz!

Love, love, love Ohana!!!! The bread pudding is to die for!!!:worship: Every now and then I'll make it for the family. I think it's the sauce that makes it so tasty. The last time we were there, the service was horrendous BUT the food made up for it. We'll definitely go back. Glad y'all had a wonderful experience.

Have a great weekend!

Thanks! I'm really glad we finally got to eat there. It was delicious! And it really helped to end our day on a higher note.

I will be thinking of you all next week....thinking positive thoughts for Reid.:hug:

Thank you very much!!

First and foremost, I want to thank each and every one of you for the prayers/pixie dust/well wishes for Reid.

We went to the hospital at 6:45 am today and they called him back around 7:10 am. The 3 nurses who attended to him were fantastic!! We were definitely blessed with wonderful caregivers today and the anesthesiologist as well.

Reid was able to do the CT Scan without having to be sedated so that was a good moment. However, he really put up a fight when they had to draw his blood for the slew of labs that have to be run on him. It took myself, Ed & 2 of the nurses holding him down (while he was wrapped in a sheet) as the 3rd nurse drew the 4 vials of blood & then started the IV for his sedation medication. I felt so bad for my baby.

Then, they had to take him back for the MRI & he was so upset that I couldn't go back with him. But, all 3 nurses sat on the bed with him after the anesthesiologist gave him the sedation medicine in his IV. And they stayed there until he fell asleep. The MRI lasted about an hour and when the nurses went to get him, he was already starting to wake up! They couldn't believe how quickly he woke up and how happy he was. They gave him some Teddy Grahams and a Capri Sun before sending us on our way around 10:30 am.

Of course, he got treated to a special "prize" at Toys R Us for being brave, lunch of his choice (Chick-fil-a), and dinner of his choice (IHOP). I know, he's spoiled. :rotfl: But, he was absolutely fine the rest of the day. I even brought him to karate tonight and he had an absolutely awesome night there!

Now, it's the really hard part - the waiting game. I am praying that we will have results by Friday or early next week at the latest. And I'm just praying that (1) they will have the answer as to why he was born with this hearing loss and that (2) the cause is nothing very serious that will cause progressive hearing loss and/or other problems down the road for my sweet baby.

Thank you again so much for the prayers and support! They mean more to me than y'all know!

And I even did an update for y'all tonight!! Here you go...........

I woke up at 6:45 am this morning to start getting ready and quickly remembered that this was our last day in Disney. But, there was no time to mope since we had a breakfast ADR to get to that day. The guys woke up at 7:15 am to get ready and we were soon in our car going to AK.

Our ADR was for 9 am at Tusker House. This was our first time eating there and I was excited to give it a try. We barely made it through the check-in line at the front of the park for Tusker House, arriving at 8:45 am.

Then, we were stopped by a rope in front of the Tree of Life.

I quickly found a CM and they allowed us to pass the rope and continue on our way to Tusker House.

We checked into Tusker House at 8:55 am.

We got in line to take our picture with Donald and the line moved fairly quick.

As soon as we had taken our picture with Donald, the hostess took us to our table. We were seated in a room right off of the main buffet room.

While our waitress was not very friendly, she was efficient so we had no complaints with her. The food on the buffet was all very fresh and there was a nice variety, which you don’t always see at Disney buffets. Ed especially enjoyed the carved ham.

And the first Disney friend to come greet us was.......

Next up was.........

And finally, we got to meet.........

The character interaction was pretty par for the course as far as Disney character meals go......not out of this world but not bad. All in all, we really enjoyed our meal at Tusker House and we would definitely consider eating there again.

In addition to the yummy food and fun Disney friends, the restaurant is really well-themed.

We left Tusker House and went to get Reid’s stroller. There were tons of birds in the trees nearby:

From there, it was time to have a few adventures in AK!
That's too funny that you just read about it! It was amazing that this guy pushed a row of boats backwards like he did.

Thank you! It really means a lot to me. And thanks for being such a good friend, Shannon. I mean it - we need a mommy trip to WDW for you, me & Roni one of these days.

The book is called Cast Member Confidential, and it was really interesting without giving away too much of the magic. :thumbsup2

Thank you for being my friend Amanda! Wouldn't a mommy trip for the 3 of us be amazing??? One of these days we MUST.:cool1:
The book is called Cast Member Confidential, and it was really interesting without giving away too much of the magic. :thumbsup2

I have that book saved to my "Wish List" on my Kindle! I'll definitely have to read it when I'm done with the last book in the Wicked series.

Thank you for being my friend Amanda! Wouldn't a mommy trip for the 3 of us be amazing??? One of these days we MUST.:cool1:

Awww.....and thank you, Shannon, for being such a great friend! We most definitely have to book a mommy trip for the 3 of us one of these days! Roni & I were also saying that a mommy cruise would be fun. We could do 4 nights on the Dream!
I'm glad that you enjoyed your breakfast at Tusker House! I don't remember the characters being anything special either, but we were blown away by the themeing of the restaurant. Bryan's favorite was the ham too!

Love the pictures of Reid as usual. He is the cutest!

So glad the day went as well as could be expected. Maddie had to have an IV in once and I left the room-I just couldn't handle watching her go through that (made Bryan do it). You're a tough momma.

I don't think he's spoiled, I would have done the exact same thing. :goodvibes Still thinking good thoughts and sending up prayers for good news from these tests.:wizard:
I have that book saved to my "Wish List" on my Kindle! I'll definitely have to read it when I'm done with the last book in the Wicked series.

Awww.....and thank you, Shannon, for being such a great friend! We most definitely have to book a mommy trip for the 3 of us one of these days! Roni & I were also saying that a mommy cruise would be fun. We could do 4 nights on the Dream!

I got a bunch of Disney books on the Kindle really cheap. :rotfl: It was a quick read.

Ohhhh! That would be awesome! Not sure that I could convince Bryan and Maddie that I need to cruise without them though...:rotfl:
I'm very glad to hear that Reid's tests went so well and that everyone was able to enjoy the rest of the day. Chik-fil-al would be my choice, too! :thumbsup2 I hope you get the results in a timely manner. Keep us posted!

I think TH is so well themed and I have always wanted to have breakfast there. Looks like your meal is off to a great start and its nice to see Reid all smiles. I love all the clothes dropped across the ceiling. So cool!
Thank you again so much for the prayers and support! They mean more to me than y'all know!
I'm glad that the actual testing part went ok for him. Still sending prayers his way for some good news...

Ok, Disney nerd question. I've never been to Tusker House. Is this market in Tusker House actually an open air market or is there some kind of a cover over the rugs hanging above it? Just trying to figure out how much wear and tear those rugs would go through in the daily Florida summer storms.:rotfl2: I know, completely random. I see that picture and this is what I think of. :rotfl:
I am glad that the tests are behind you and that you got through them. I know too well how hard it is to have our small ones a. need test and b. have to go under anesthesia. I pray that the results of the tests are good.

Looks like your last day...your day at AK is off to a great start!

One of my favorite ways to start the day at AK is to go to TH for breakfast! I love it there!!!
I'm so glad to hear the testing went well. Sounds like Reid did well with the anesthesia but hate that he fought the blood draw.

Good luck with the results and the waiting. How long do you think?

Your AK morning sounds good so far? We haven't done the Tusker House breakfast. We did it when it was over at Donald's in Dinoland. Do people sneak out and get Safari FP? I think I would, well now with FP+ I guess not anymore.

Anyway, I love AK and while I hate it's your last day, I'm excited to hear more about it!
Aww, the blood drawing must have been so scary for Reid....and heartbreaking for mommy and daddy. :grouphug: Beyond that bit of trauma I am grateful everything went well and pray you will have an answer soon. :hug:

Sophia's absolutely favorite place to eat is Chick Fil A! We go about three times a week for breakfast...they know us very well! I don't drive and there is absolutely nothing much to do around here for children, so Mia drops us at the outdoor Village like Mall 3 times a week and we begin at Sophia's favorite place. Then we walk around the lake, use B&N as a library etc. ;)

:yay: For an update! Looks like a nice breakfast - have not been to a character breakfast at AK since they changed it from Donald's Breakfastosaurus at Restaurantosaurus. That had to be one of the top character breakfasts in WDW! I can only think they changed the location in able to seat more guests. My friends who have done both, definitely preferred Donald's B. The character interaction was outstanding - food was excellent and seating was spacious and fun. Great variety...glad Disney they kept that part!

Great update - LOVE the pics! Reid has the BEST smile!
I'm so glad the tests are behind you and you survived. Hopes and prayers and the results and some answers come soon.

Fun breakfast, a very nice way to start the day!
Glad to hear the tests went well. :goodvibes

The meal sounds like it was fun! I've been wanting to eat there for years!
Joined in yesterday, and read the entire TR between then and now! Sounds like a really fun trip, although I know you had some obstacles! Hope you get answers for Reid's tests soon!
Ok, I'm all caught up! School has been insane! The end of the semester is coming up so quickly, so everything is piling up!!

Anyway, my prayers may be late, but they're still here!! I'm praying that his results come back and it's everything you're hoping for!

I am so excited about 'Ohana!! It looks sooooo yummy!!! The last day in the MK is always such a sad one! Especially when it's rainy and the rides break down! :( I'm glad Reid had a good ride on Buzz!

Tusker House looks yummy too! :goodvibes The theming is so cool!!
I love the shrimp at Ohana as well...and I understand being a Louisiana girl even though I am from Mississippi, I grew up 10 miles from the state line and considered myself as much Louisiana as Mississippi. I am a bit of a Cajun food snob!! :rotfl:

I love Tusker House!! One of my favorite breakfasts!!

So, my life at work has been crazy and I haven't been able to come on the Boards as often as I like. I hope everything is fine since you haven't been on lately!! :flower3:


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