Welcome Back Everyone!!!


DIS Veteran
Sep 17, 1999
Was anyone else having withdrawals??? Whew, glad these boards are finally back :)
Yes, at first I thought it was just me too. lad to have it back up

I definitely was going through withdrawl! Glad everything is back up!!!!
I was having anxiety attacks!!! Glad the boards are back up.
Such a wonderful surprise this morning!!! I was going crazy! My house got a really good cleaning yesterday! LOL!


6/1997 Off site, 2/2000 Off sie, 2/2001 Poly, 10/2001 POFQ, AKL & Magic, 1/2002 ASMo & AKL
Ya know, I didn't realize these boards were in my blood so much until I couldn't get in. I sure id miss them too!:rolleyes:
Thank goodness!!!!! I've been going crazy all week. Now life can return to normal. Glad to see everyone back again.
It is very nice to have the boards back! :) :) :) Now, let's save some money for our next Disney trips!
Yipee! I can finally read the boards again. Wow - I didn't realize how addicted I was to these boards until I couldn't get to them! So glad they are back up!
I sure did miss this board, it's my relaxation from the
every day grind of the job, I need this place to unwine
and for the past week I had to rely on General Hospital,
no comparisson to this wonderful place, Now I will be
up all night reading and reading trying to catch up. I missed you all.

Oh Mal. I will get out there and look for some sweeps..
I promise...
;) :p :cool:


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