Weight gain....none!


<font color=green>Will work for travel ;-)<br><fon
Feb 17, 2001
After posting my cruise trip report ( mentioning that I had gained 2 pounds) I have weighed myself again and discovered that I weigh what I did the day I left! I guess when I weighed back at home that first day I was retaining water;) I have just today gotten back on my Diet/exercise routine. I think that even though I ate like a starving person, due to the fact that I was so busy doing things like walking, swimming and being constantly busy kept me from gaining. I also noticed that I was eating more often but it took less to fill me up and I stopped when I felt full.
When I wasn't drinking Conch coolers or wine ( bad, I know) I stuck to water or diet sprite.
I also ate fresh fruit first at meals where it was available and that helped me feel full I'm sure.
I had forgotten how much walking you do at WDW and I'm glad I had been doing tae-bo or I'm sure I would have given out! We took the stairs on the cruise ship and believe me it's work going up 4 or more flights:)

Although I hadn't finished losing all the weight I need to and still am 20 lbs overweight, it didn't stop me from having fun and swimming or wearing shorts. And the good thing was, other plus sized people on the ship were having fun too! We were all too busy to worry what others thought:p
So now it's back to the real world and I am looking forward to Tae-Bo again!
:) :)
Yoo Hoo!!! I am working on getting off a little of this plus-sized weight before our trip on the Magic in just 10 more weeks! I am a very plus-sized woman -- and believe me, we seen all shapes and sizes when we cruised DCL last April also! I'm just really hoping to be carrying a little less cargo on our MAGICal trip April 20th!
Who goes on a cruise and doesn't GAIN WEIGHT!

Awesome job!!



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