weather in March


Earning My Ears
Dec 31, 2002
We will be there the first week of March. What is the weather like? Is it too cold to swim at the resorts?
I have not been to Disney World during March, but from things I have read and heard, it seems the temperature is usually in the upper 60's to low 70's, with maybe a day or two slightly colder (upper 50's). Also, there is only a fractional amount of rain in March compared to the summer months. You will almost assuredly see a some days of swimming weather....even visitors in December or January have been known to find a couple days a week where swimming is possible. Plus all hotel pools are heated. Even on cooler days you can definitely swim, its just the trip back to the hotel room that can be the killer!
Things really start to warm up in March in preparation for April which is one of the best months of the year. In March you can expect cool evenings where you may need a light jacket or sweater. Daytime temperatures are warm. The only time this would change is if a sudden cold snap or a rain front would drop through. We went in March last year and had nice weather with the above conditions.


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