We Did It!!!!


<font color=green>Wishin' & Clappin' & always Beli
Apr 16, 2003
and no shortage of thanks to all of you....the Boards were what helped us decide that DVC is right for us...unfortunately, I can't disperse points as thank you gifts!!:p Will pixie dust sprinkles do?!! We bought at BCV last Friday, after MUCH deliberation about SSR, and decided that LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION was the determining factor! We booked our airfare today...see y'all in January! :Pinkbounc :bounce:

Mary Beth, Lorne, Tavish and Declan

Congrats & welcome home!!! Pixie dust is very welcome!! :)

Offically DVC 7/23/03
Home: BCV
Congratulations and Welcome Home ! We'll be there (BWV) in Jan. also !:cool:
Congratulations, you will love DVC!!! Welcome Home!!

Very nice banner!!!!
Congratulations and Welcome Home :)

Pixie dust sprinkles sounds like a great idea!
Congrats and welcome home
Enjoy your points
Thanks for the pixie dust
[color=sky blue]<font face="comic sans ms">CONGRATULATIONS & WELCOME HOME! :cool:</font face>[/color]
Congratulations, and
WELCOME HOME! :Pinkbounc
btw, We will be at the world in January too. Haven't gotten our airfare yet. Kind of been waiting on that.

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