We. Are. CHUNKY! DISBoards Epic Girls Trip May 2019 THE END! Epilogue: Dream Cruise, Club 33 and a new TR!

Haha ok that explains the instagram posts from there right now :rotfl2: LOVE it, so glad you get the opportunity to go back so quickly, that's amazing!!!
Hi, Su-Lynn! I can't believe I allowed myself to fall almost 15 pages behind here LOL Inexcusable!

But, I'm back :) and all caught up again (for now!)

SO much fun reliving the Epicness of our May trip!! Sounds like you're really enjoying and getting the most out of AP previews at SWGE. Jimmy is getting excited to finally see it on our trip in December. I was able to grab a reservation for Oga's (for a party of 2), as I mentioned on FB, so really hoping it won't be an issue for all 3 of us to get in.

Travel safe the next few weeks! Looking forward to hearing all about those trips, as well as the rest of our Epic one!
Chunky, We're Home (again)!


Thanks for all the supportive messages about our back to back weekend trips, I knew you guys would understand! :)

We had an AMAZING preview this past weekend. It was like night and day from our previous weekend preview because the crowd level was so low, that Smugglers Run was a walk on all night. We went on it a total of 7 times! (That's 10 times in total runs that we did over two weekends!) Steve and I are actually pretty decent co-pilots if I do say so myself. Well, there were times we had the whole cockpit to ourselves and we could really do anything we wanted to so we could experiment without too much pressure. I think this is the only time we will ever be at Galaxy's Edge when it is that empty and I'm forever grateful to Chunkydust for giving us this opportunity to fulfill our dreams of piloting the Millenium Falcon so. many. times.

This is probably my last update before we head out on our 2 week trip to Singapore and California. But please follow along on Instagram in the time being. I will be sure to post from Disneyland!!
Chunky, We're Home (again)!
Hi! (again)
Thanks for all the supportive messages about our back to back weekend trips, I knew you guys would understand! :)
Smugglers Run was a walk on all night.
We went on it a total of 7 times!
Holy smokes! You guys must be pros, now.
This is probably my last update before we head out on our 2 week trip to Singapore and California. But please follow along on Instagram in the time being. I will be sure to post from Disneyland!!
When are you leaving?
The Queen was hilarious as usual!

We had a great time at dinner, even pausing to stop by to say hi @Jenny Sanders and Joe's table since they had started eating as we were leaving.
Dinner looks like so much fun!! Love your outfits and the Queen!
We're going to Galaxy's Edge!! I got an AP preview slot for us Aug 18th at 9am. That day is also my niece's Eva's birthday which I am missing but I'll Facetime her from Batu'u and maybe I'll make her a droid or something, which she won't appreciate so I'll probably keep it, hahaha. Will be meeting up with some Epic ladies while there too. :) @kastoney @ariane37 @Monykalyn @StarWarsMomofGirls! @disneyAndi14 @amalone1013 @dizneeat and hopefully will get to meet @Cloe Colton.
That is going to be amazing!!
I will be going to Singapore the first week of Sept. to take care of some family affairs. I'll be there with my mom and Chunkysis. We're also having a memorial for my dad at the church he attended when he lived there and all his relatives and old friends are able to attend. That happens literally the day after I arrive in Singapore so I'll have to make my speech while jet-lagged, LOL. Hopefully it won't be too bad and that they will think I'm jet-lagged and not drunk, LOL.
Hope everything goes well in Singapore. I am sure you will do a beautiful job with the speech.
Meanwhile, Steve and I were about an hour behind but still made it relatively early-ish.
There was only one thing that I wanted to do.

Ride the Peoplemover!
Which is the perfect thing to do!
After PM, I went to get breakfast, and Steve went to ride Space Mountain, which just gives me a backache so I declined. I went to get my favorite again:
Breakfast of champions!
Finally at Aloha Isle, we met up with the one and only @pkondz and his lovely daughter Elle. Pkondz and I got Hei Hei cones, but I didn't know that pkondz literally had a dole whip float just a few minutes before. I fooled him and Elle into thinking that I'm a very pleasant, charming person in real life. :rotfl:
Which I am sure you are!
After we left Pkondz and Elle, we went to BTMRR to use our FP. I had changed into another shirt (and matching necklace!) prior because I had thoughts about meeting Aladdin and Princess Jasmine and my shirt had a Jasmine quote on it.
Love this outfit!
Then I took my time and strolled through the stores and probably got distracted by shiny new merchandise and I also stopped in Starbucks because I needed more coffee. By the time I met Steve, he said he got pictures with Snow White.
I was kinda in shock, Steve went to get SOLO pictures with a PRINCESS?!?
Go Steve!!!
We just got back from our very short weekend trip to WDW for the AP previews of Galaxy's Edge!
It was amazing. It was so surreal to be there. The Millenium Falcon was breathtaking and my jaw just dropped upon first seeing it. We loved riding Smuggler's Run and how interactive it is! We rode it 3x! There's so much detail in the new land and I'm excited to discover new things on each visit.

Oga's Cantina is exactly the wretched hive of scum and villainy that you'd expect. The drinks were fun and I ended up with a 30 dollar souvenir cup (when in Batuu...) :rotfl: We tried a Ronto Roaster, which was pretty good, and we had a few snacks in Oga's too.

I'm ready to do it all over again!
Which is happening a lot sooner than expected!
Will be heading back as guests of another Galaxy's Edge preview this weekend.
Yes, we just got back last night (crazy late too, zzzzzzz), but we're turning around and going back to Disney World on Friday night!

You guys know how to live life! If it wasn't so expensive for flights here, I would do that in a heartbeat!
We had an AMAZING preview this past weekend. It was like night and day from our previous weekend preview because the crowd level was so low, that Smugglers Run was a walk on all night. We went on it a total of 7 times! (That's 10 times in total runs that we did over two weekends!) Steve and I are actually pretty decent co-pilots if I do say so myself. Well, there were times we had the whole cockpit to ourselves and we could really do anything we wanted to so we could experiment without too much pressure. I think this is the only time we will ever be at Galaxy's Edge when it is that empty and I'm forever grateful to Chunkydust for giving us this opportunity to fulfill our dreams of piloting the Millenium Falcon so. many. times.
So sad we could never catch up with you all but glad to hear you had such a great time not once but twice :earboy2: Can't wait to hear all about DL
I can only hope when we "sneak" over to GE in a couple weeks we have as low crowds as you did! So great meeting up with you again and getting to meet Steve as well! Between you and your sister I want to go to Singapore and EAT all the food :rotfl2:. Safe travels and hope to "see ya real soon"!
That is just so cool that you got SR all to yourselves...what a blast!! I've been seeing your food posts from Singapore...yum!! Can't wait to hear more!
I'm so happy you both had another great time at GE!

I have really been enjoying your Insta-stories and posts from Singapore - I will be sure to follow along for the Disneyland posts as well.

And then of course, I can't wait to hear all the details about everything once you come back!
I'm caught up again, and so pleased for you guys that you could get so much Galaxy's Edge time in before it opened! (I'm also very happy that it meant we got to hang out at WDW!) I hope you had an excellent Singapore/California trip, and look forward to hearing all about your most recent Disney adventures when you get home.
But I know that my DISboard friends will understand...right?
(This is me just trying to justify making crazy Dis-cisions). <--you like what I did there too, right? :laughing:
I am glad you did, cause we got to see each other!

We went on it a total of 7 times

I am sure you are having / had a great trip! All of the food you ate looked amazing!
Hi everyone!!!

Oh man, I have been away for so long!
I just got back from a wonderful 2 week vacation to Singapore and California.
I even snuck in a 3-day trip to Disneyland! Lots of pixie dust to share about that trip!

Like, we had another VIP tour! WHAT!?!


(You can see our lovely tour guide Kayla in the background)

We met up with some Epic Trip Chunky ladies (@Lesley Wake @Steppesister @Malia78) and some of our west coast Epic ladies including Alison who has been dubbed Chunkysax (@franandaj) and Jenny, whom I'm calling Chunkyenta (@rentayenta). So excited to have been part of such an amazing group for the weekend festivities, which included said VIP tour (including a whirl through Smuggler's Run), and a decadent meal at Club 33:


(This was one of the best desserts I've ever had, you know I am not a sweets person but I loved loved this Icebox Cake, and no not just because it had fancy 33 on it, LOL)


(Club 33 had been decorated for Halloween/HM's 50th so that's why there are tombstones and spooky decor/lighting)

Thanks everyone for all the replies and "have a great trip" messages! I will get to responses soon, just going to dive back into Epic Trip reporting since I am way way behind!

Day 7 Part 2: 'Ohana Really Means Chunky!!!

Steve and I left MK and headed to Epcot to catch the new Minnie's Garden Party pop-up they were having in the Odessy building. I got my Starbucks so I was happy on the monorail ride over:


We went through security fairly quickly and soon we were on our way. It took a few tries to get a pictures in front of the ball without anyone in it. There's usually someone's arm or leg sticking in the frame.


I got us a same day FP for Spaceship Earth, so I got to oogle at these boots again:


We didn't do any other rides but we did get a few pics beginning with Bubble Gum wall! This is my one and only good picture in front of that wall.


Steve is finally learning how to take decent pictures! However it did come with a few outtakes like this:



We stopped at Mousegears and got our magnets!


We also stopped at the Character Spots as the line was quite short, surprisingly.




Finally we made it over to the Odessy - it was all floral and cute and decked out for the event. I wonder why they only had it for the weekend. It seemed like they went to a lot of effort to create all these props and backdrops they could have had it last all season.



We got on line for Minnie, it was about a 25 minute wait, not too bad considering the limited time, but I think it's because not everyone knew about it yet. The lines got substantially longer that weekend.


Look at her in all her cute pink glory!! #gardengoals

They also had this pretty floral background where you could take photopass pictures with these props.
These props are so cute I hope they are able to re-use them in the future!


Now it was time to head back to the Swan to change and get ready!!

Meanwhile my sister was still in MK...she had already brought her stuff to change in and got a picture with Stitch! (She was wearing a Moana-print dress, how appropriate for the evening!)


Steve and I took an Uber to the Poly and we met CS in the lobby who told us about the photopass pictures as you enter.
Here we are dressed in our Hawaii finest. Steve had his Stitch Hawaiian shirt and I had my Hawaiian dress with pictures of hula Mickey and Minnie.




They are so funny, I call them the Hawaiian Prom Pics, from the prom we never had, haha.

You can see the flowers in my hair below. I borrowed them from CS. She actually bought them in Hawaii many years ago and they do sell them in the Poly gift shop, but obviously marked up like 300% :laughing:


Upstairs we met up with all the Epic ladies who had arrived so far, and I got to meet beautiful Melinda (@pepperandchips) and her DH, R, for the first time! I must have seemed a little flustered when I first met them as I was confirming our party was all there with the host, but it was all good. Also met up with Renee (@ArielSRL) and her husband Chad who had arrived on the same flight at Melinda and R. We met Kara's dad who was joining us at dinner, Doc (@docsoliday1 ) and his lovely daughter Penny, and Liesa had brought her mom Linda. We also met Karilynn's boyfriend Thomas as well, who had surprised her by flying down to FL that weekend (so romantic!). I also met Mary (@MissMaryQC) and her sister Kat for the first time. And Lindsey (@LindseyJo22) joined us for dinner too! Then i met Jenn (@Chrystmasangel) for the first time. She was carrying what seemed to me like tons of "stuff" in very large shopping bags, like the large size reuseables you get from the parks! She had about 4 of them with her, and several others were helping to carry them too. Wow! I know she said she was doing some crafts for the group but it looked like she was about to put some art installation in the Poly! It all sounded amazing and I couldn't wait to see what she did!

Speaking of crafts and gifts, Liesa gave us some beautiful cards with her own photos on them, pictures from various locations in Disney. Ariana got us some cute Mickey socks!! Of course I don't have a pic of all of these, including my own little tchotchke I got for everyone - a Mickey head - shaped key which doubles as a bottle opener. My sister made some tags and I wrote everyone's chunky name on it. I think Lesley has more pics on her TR.

Our group that night was huge, about 30 people, so we took up around 3 large tables in the middle of the restaurant. We were so lively and fun, I wish all my Ohana meals were like that!

Steve and I sat on the table that was (mostly the same people as our HEA Dessert Party) Lesley, Molly, Caroline, Billie, Sarah, Su-Queen, myself and Steve. Sorry I don't have pictures of food, we were all so busy just talking and laughing. I did manage the best parts of the meal though:


The noodles and potstickers were awesome!

Steve managed to eat about 2 skewers of shrimp, or maybe just shy of it. That's almost 50 shrimp!

But dessert was extra special as well because Doc made his cheesecake and brought it over. Everyone got a small slice as it was a lot of food at that point. I must say, as someone who is not huge on cheesecake...that this cheesecake was one of the best I've had!! It's creamy but not too heavy, and just had the perfect flavor. Great job Doc, no wonder your cheesecake gets rave reviews!


Of course you cannot forget our bread pudding:


Lesley made fun of me when I said don't pour the sauce on it, so that everyone can customize the amount of sauce on their piece. ( I feel like I'm turning into Sally from When Harry Met Sally LOL)

Jenn came around and gave everyone a goodie bag! Inside were these awesome ears that she made. It was her first attempt at ears and I would not have known, they are so well made and they are so cute with our logo and colors and everything!!! :eek: Soo amazing!


(pic is not from that night but it's a clear picture of the ears Jenn made!)

Also include were little magnet clips in matching colors plus our logo on it, they are so cute! But the piece de resistance were these amazing, amazing handmade quilts that she gave to Lesley and I with pictures of us and the various DISmeets we've had over the years printed on fabric and sewn into the quilt itself. OMG I could not believe Jenn made them, and for us!!! I teared up with I saw them, they are the most special gifts ever!



Wow Jenn, I don't know how to thank you enough, these are amazing!!!

My Epic Trip ladies are just soooo awesome and I miss them all so much!

I tried to get us to turn for a group picture that Steve was trying to selfie with his hand. It was hard to do that across 3 tables. Many were like this:


Finally our server took pity on us and took the picture for us:


We sung happy birthday to Jackie and Liesa, I believe Lesley has the video on her TR. It was all very festive!

There was one incident during dinner though...Mary had the syrup from the bread pudding accidentally dripped on her. I'm sure some of us thought of just licking her clean, hahaha but it basically got all over her dress, down her back, it was bad. Our server told her that they would be paying for the dry cleaning of her dress, and that she could go downstairs to the gift shop and PICK OUT ANY DRESS SHOPPE DRESS to wear right then. What amazing customer service. Next time I'm there I am going to slather myself in syrup and see if they will compensate me with a new dress too. You think that will work? :rotfl:

After dinner, we all grabbed a PP pic downstairs:

Look at this Chunky Ohana!! We look sooo happy!


Too bad you can't see Mary's dress! It was one of the green tiki room ones and it looked great on her! Oh and all of us got...Lei'd!!! :flower1:

We split up at that time and some of us headed to the Wilderness Lodge to meet up with the Wilderness Lodge Gals Gone Wild, namely Ariane (@ariane37), Kelly (@buzzrelly), Jenny (@Jenny Sanders) , and Kari (@kastoney), who had just arrived that day! She had been entertaining us with pictures on the way down, of her Chunkylush-ness.

We went back upstairs to the security line for the monorail but suddenly there was commotion and we realized that Liesa's mom had fainted! She was laying on the ground and was definitely conscious but very woozy. They had called the paramedics and were waiting for them. We were all very concerned but didn't know what we could do but we're lucky to have 4 nurses in our group, including Liesa herself, so we knew mom was in good hands. Turns out she was just merely dehydrated and needed some rest (she did just arrive that day). Needless to say, Liesa and her mom headed back for some much needed RnR! Good thing they were close by, in the GF! (Liesa was upgraded from CSR to GF as you've read in her TR).

After making sure Liesa's mom was in good hands of the Disney CMs, the rest of us headed on to the WL! Here's a pic of some of us at the monorail:


We waited for a boat and we were able to catch HEA just as we departed the dock so we got a lovely view of the fireworks.


I was having the most amazing evening with my Epic friends and to top it off, we got to see HEA from a boat PLUS the Electric Water Parade!! Life is grand, I tell you.


At WL, we made our way to Geyser Point. It was my first time there, and lo and behold they managed to secure us a prime spot for lounging in front of the water, so when the EWP went by we had the perfect view as well! Good job WL Girls Gone Wild!

I believe I got one of the sangria's to drink, it might have been the same one that Renee was drinking.

Here's a pic of all of us at WL that evening, minus a few who had left earlier. We had a great time catching up over drinks, although Steve got some mosquito bites and had to go find repellent and some benedryl anti-itch from the store! Don't know how he got those as no one else seems to have gotten bit. Side note, in California I was the one who got bit all over and Steve only got bit once! Arrgh.


It was getting late and so we Steve and I left along with a few others. I can't remember how we got back but it may have been an Uber. I also can't remember where my sister was this whole time. I think she may have gone to Disney Springs or something as I don't recollect her coming with us to WL.

Back at the Swan I laid out the amazing quilt on the bed. It is so beautiful, I can't imagine the amount of work that went into this. I also don't sew so anything that has to do with sewing I am in awe at.


I have plenty of DISmeets pics here including @Elevationist @cinderkelly @Raeven @kastoney @Malia78 @Lesley Wake @dizneeat - I think there are more too I have to go home and check the quilt again lol. Jenn had basically combed through my facebook pics and took snapshots of me and my family and friends at Disney and printed them on fabric and made them into a quilt. Freaking genius!

And I recorded this lovely video:

Good night everyone!!


Next up... May the 4th and Epic Eat and Drink Around the World...or maybe Not So Epic after all? :rolleyes1
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It took a few tries to get a pictures in front of the ball without anyone in it.

I got us a same day FP for Spaceship Earth, so I got to oogle at these boots again:
I hope these boots make it through the renovations. Maybe we need a petition? #KEEPTHEBOOTS

Steve is finally learning how to take decent pictures! However it did come with a few outtakes like this:
I think Steve and my DH maybe learned from the same people 😅

Steve had his Stitch Hawaiian shirt and I had my Hawaiian dress with pictures of hula Mickey and Minnie.
Ah the perfect outfits! And such good photos, too.

Also include were little magnet clips in matching colors plus our logo on it, they are so cute! But the piece de resistance were these amazing, amazing handmade quilts that she gave to Lesley and I with pictures of us and the various DISmeets we've had over the years printed on fabric and sewn into the quilt itself. OMG I could not believe Jenn made them, and for us!!! I teared up with I saw them, they are the most special gifts ever!
I remember reading this in Lesley's report but oh man this is so special!

Finally our server took pity on us and took the picture for us:

Our server told her that they would be paying for the dry cleaning of her dress, and that she could go downstairs to the gift shop and PICK OUT ANY DRESS SHOPPE DRESS to wear right then.
Wow that's even extra extra Disney magic!

Next time I'm there I am going to slather myself in syrup and see if they will compensate me with a new dress too.


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