WDW pin trading in May


DIS Veteran
Jun 3, 2000
DH and I are all set (Is it May yet?) for our 05/24-06/01/02 stay. This will be our first WDW trip where we can leave the winter clothes behind! ;)
I am wondering how CM pin trading and park pin buying will be different from what I am use to in January.
At the same time in May '01, we were at DL/DCA. During the week there was not much at all (pin trading-wise). I am wondering if WDW will be similar to what we did experience in January. (Same amount of lanyards, etc)
Are there many pin differences at WDW between the seasons, when not there for a pin event?
The crowds will be up from January, but so will the park hours. So that is a plus to me. Plus it won't be C-C-C-O-L-D at night!
I'm hoping by then Disney gets the POR/DTD boats running! :bounce:
But I did hear Disney is building a ToT in DCA........ I hear it calling when it opens. ToT and the Maliboomer! WHAT A COMBO!!:bounce: :bounce:
It was COLD in January wasn't it Luv2roam. We may be heading down the end of this month. Who knows!!!! I bought some pins from cheappins.com NEVER AGAIN!!!! I was a little dissapointed in some of the sizes of the pins. They will make good trading pins though. Take care!
mhopset! hello!
Glad to see you have the pin bug. ;)
I still have an extra of taht flag pin, if you ever want to trade.
Sorry you didn't like cheappins. I bought form them once and was fine.
The pins you bought may have been European pins. They are often smaller.

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