Was Disney gonna buy the Spanish language network Univision at one time?


Crazy For The Mandalorian
Dec 18, 2020
I heard a rumor many moons ago that Disney had been trying to buy Univision to create a new channel in both English and Spanish as well as making a Spanish language version of Disney Channel but the deal fell through and I wonder what became of the Univision/Disney deal? Because I remember correctly that Univision had been wanting to buy Disney but the only thing Disney had of Univision was that Univision had a Spanish language Disney Junior block on Saturday mornings but nothing else. Whatever became of Disney's and Univision's plan to create the new channel that never happened? My mom watches Univision for their telenovelas and I would've been surprised if Univision bought Disney because my mother would've loved seeing her Univision telenovelas on Disney+ if the deal would've happened
I think Disney wanted to secretly have a plan to buy Univision so that they could attract more of the Spanish language audience but when you get the general picture Univision is the biggest Spanish language network and if Disney bought them they could've developed a channel in both English and Spanish and they could've had channels of Disney Junior and Disney Channel in Spanish and it would've worked wonders. Because I think Disney Channel would be cool to see in Spanish and Univision could've teamed up with Disney to have Disney specials in Spanish too and it would've been nice
I also think that if Disney could've bought Univision Disney would've been proud to own a TV network in Spanish because Disney is really huge in the Spanish language market and if Disney would've launched an English language channel by teaming up with Univision to attract their audience and it would've been a hit if it did happen


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