Want to be bumped and get voucher?


All around nice guy.
Aug 25, 2001
I don't know if and when it will be official but you should mention your desire to volunteer to the lobby ticket agent if you check baggage there.

Airlines are gradually changing their check in requirements to handle increased security and baggage inspection effective 1/18/02. For example Delta (official Disney airline) expects persons considering standing by to notify the first ticket agent they meet (in the lobby if checking baggage there) so baggage can be more easily pulled to go on the same flight.

If the airline hasn't changed their check in procedures yet, you will usually be told to go to the gate agent to volunteer, as it has been all along.

By the way, Delta now requires that baggage be checked 30 minutes before flight time or you will be denied boarding with no compensation. So far Deltay says they will rebook you at no extra charge. Other airlines may impose similar rules shortly if not already.

An unanswered question is what happens if there are plenty of volunteers for an oversold foight but all of them have baggage that has already been loaded?

More Disney tips:

9/65 Disneyland
3/75 (World Inn* off I4 near DD)
4/85 (Kon-Tiki* on 192)
'80s Disneyland once or twice
7/94 POR
9/97 ASMu
11/98 ASMu
12/98 (Knights Inn on 192)
9/99 ASMo
12/00 ASSp
9/01 ASSp
11/01 ASSp
*no longer exists
Thanks for the information. :) Just an FYI, Delta is not the official airlines of WDW and has not been since the before the Olympics in Atlanta.
Well, I am glad Delta expects us to notify them, but I doubt it is going to help them that much. I normally do not volunteer with the first wave. I don't find $100 worth the hassle. The flights I wind up bumping on are those that are WAY over and I get LOTS of money! I assume Delta will just have to drag the luggage back off. Maybe this will stop the airlines from their bad habit of overbooking. (I realize there will still be delays and weather that will cause bumps, but when they sell more tickets then they have seats for it should cost them LOTS!)
Since this is our first time to WDW (I'm already thinking about how we can go back next year and do the cruise) and since we NEVER fly, I have some questions about being bumped.

We are flying home from Orlando to BWI the Friday after Thanksgiving...don't know if this is a popular flight or not, but would be willing to get bumped for some "perks". How do I go about getting bumped if the flight is overbooked. What can I expect to get?????? I'd be interested in flying vouchers, etc.

Can someone explain concept to me???


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