Based on the two calls and two emails I got this week, inviting me to a "
DVC Update" and to "tour the three-bedroom grand villa" at VDH when I'm there next week...for a whopping two days...I'm guessing that sales ain't going so hot still.
Also, one of the VMs is simply hilarious, as the person calling repeatedly calls Disneyland..."the Disneyland." As in: "Welcome home to your upcoming trip to
the Disneyland next week."
Lastly, it was pointed out more than once--in email and on the phone--that those super valuable "totes" are limited to one per family. Such a great trade for enduring an hour of a sales presentation while I'm on vacation for a tower that opened 15 months ago and that I've seen many times. "Hey, honey, we can either hit up Rise of the Resistance or go to the DVC update to maybe get one of those super cheap totes we'll throw away."
Seriously, on whom is this nonsense effective?