Using Priceline for airline tickets


Disney Veteran
Jan 27, 2001
I have a couple of questions about using Priceline to buy airline tickets. We really want to fly but our schedule is tight. We will to arrive on June 4 and leave June 9. We already have 5 day hopper passes - like to use on sat. 9th and leave via plane late that evening. Anyway to insure are departure or arrival times using Priceline? Don't want to waste any day on ticket. :)
Any suggestions?
Unfortunately, there is no way to guarantee arrival/departure times. That's a shot in the dark you take using Priceline. Since you already have five day hoppers, I don't think I'd risk it. However, if you don't mind the possibility of losing a day (leftover days on tickets never expire), then go for it!

"Why do we have to grow up? I know more adults who have the children's approach to life. They're people who don't give a hang what the Joneses do. You see them at Disneyland every time you go there. They are not afraid to be delighted with simple pleasures, and they have a degree of contentment with what life has brought - sometimes it isn't much, either."

--Walt Disney

I got a Priceline ticket for a July weekend in Orlando. My plane arrives in Orlando just after MIDNIGHT, and departs at 9:45 in the morning my last day! DON'T DO IT if you want certain flight times!
Did you choose the option for the red-eye flights?


3/1978 ~ off site
3/1984 ~ off site
1/2001 ~ off site (Just got back!!!)
Currently Planning 1/2002
You do not have to choose the off peak (redeye) option to get an arrival just after midnight. Regular hours includes departures between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. with an arrival no later than 12:30 a.m. We've seen several arrivals between midnight and 12:30 a.m. without choosing the off peak option.
oh yes... I had one of those LATE LATE ones, and would not do again.

There is no way of gaunranteeing the times. It is the risk you take for getting their price!

I always do it atleast 6 months ahead of time and get good flights, but that might be luck of the draw.

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<font size=3><font color=red><marquee>Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
<font color=red>15 times to WDW 13 off-site three on!
Next trip Dolphin in July & Swan in DEC. 2001!</font>
I wouldn't take the chance with priceline. when you need set times and are on a tight schedule its best not to use priceline.

<font size="4"><font color="purple"><font face="Book Antiqua">
<marquee> First Inaugural Member Of the WDW Resort Cheerleaders!!--yeah baby! </marquee><font></font></font>

My last experience with Priceline will be my last. Trying to travel from Philly to Orlando. They ended up booking us through St. Louis. 2 adults and 4 kids on a trip that was scheduled to take 9 hours with layovers. By the grace of my luck I successed in getting out of my ressies. Don't ask it wasn't easy. But I ended up finding a flight on Delta with a stop in Atlanta for the exact same price as priceline $140 round trip. Don't do priceline and stay plugged into the internet (Yahoo Travel my personal favorite) and sometime extra cheap fares come up but only for a few hours. If you know what a good fair is and a cheap fare you could find one buy yourself without to much problem.

Good Luck :D :D :D


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