UPH and DVC hopping???

Diva of Dragons

<font color=brown>Tiger here!!<br><font color=lime
Oct 5, 2000
Hi All!
MY question is: We will be staying 12 nights in Nov. The catch is, the first 2 night are at OKW...then 9 at VWL...then 1 at BCV. Is it possible to buy the UPH on the first night we check-in, for the entire stay or do we have to buy one at each resort. ( We wouldn't need one for the BCV day).??? Does this make sense? TIA!!!
Actually, it would make way more sense to get an AP. Seven days is about the break even point on those, you'll be covered, and you can use it again if you just happen to get down to WDW again within the year.

Now the only catch to that would be if you intended to do a lot of the "extras" - Blizzard Beach, Pleasure Island, etc. Those are included in the UPH and you would have to get a Premium Annual Pass to cover all those , too. Maybe someone else on this board can tell you where the break even is on those. You might have to do a little math. Our family have APs. My son likes to go to the water parks, but we calculated it out. He doesn't go very often, so it made more sense to have an AP and pay separately for the extras - he didn't go often enough to justify the difference.
That was going to be my suggestion too! We usually plan our annual trips just under 365 days apart and get an AP. We usually have about 24 days on each AP. It is by far the least expensive way to do WDW!
I agree, you will be better off getting an AP or PAP. Of course you can get different passes if some in your party have differing needs. To answer your question directly, it has been reported on this board a couple of times in the last few months that you must get a new pass each time. That means you would pay for a NEW pass over each time. If you decide on the UPH, I'd suggest getting the pass for WLV for the 9 days. You can check in to OKW then early on the day for WLV, go check in there and get your passes. Then off to the parks or whatever you want to do. I'd skip getting the passes for just 2 nights and 1 night. They will generally let you drop either the first or last day and occasionally let you drop both. You could get 10 full days out of a UPH pass from WLV. Still I suspect the annual passes will be the better deal and as recommended, if you can squeeze trip out of it, all the better.
While the AP is a better deal $$wise, what you are asking can be done. We stayed at WLV for 4 days and BWV for 7 days in July. The CM at WLV created a "dummy" reservation for us in order to give us one UPH ticket. We went this route because we had people with us who wanted to do the water parks and PI, and we knew we would not be back within a year. However, the UPH cannot be placed on your room key. It will be a separate card. The CM at WLV labeled ours "ticket" so as to distinguish it from the room key which said "DVC Member."
Thanks for all the great feedback!!! I was trying to avoid going the AP route because I know we're not planning to go back within a year:( This will be our 3rd year in a row and are making other vacation plans for next year. We drive from So. CA, so we need a little break from the trek. I'll compare prices again though. If the PAP is cheaper, I'll get it anyway. Thanks again for some great suggestions!!

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