Updated Website


DIS Veteran
DIS Lifetime Sponsor
Aug 18, 1999
Hi folks! Just thought you might be interested in seeing my updated website. Spent many hours over this nice long week-end and added two new links with pictures;Disney Dining & Childhood WDW Trips.

Hope you enjoy!

Cass AKA Timon
Great site Timon! It looks like you've spent a lot of time putting this together. Thanks for sharing.

Hi Timon, your site is awesome, not sure of how to do it but it looks like it takes hours and hours! Maybe when the next winter storm blows in , usually May I'll have time to do my own, with some tips from you!!
I love seeing those pictures from way back when. Great site, thanks for sharing.

95- offsite
97- Nikki bird
98- Holiday Inn M.E.
99- Days suites
00-ASM and HIFS
00- DL and MOWC
01- Animal kingdom lodge and HIFS
tay's mom,

haha! Winter storm...no doubt!! Yeah, it took me many many hours but it was a labour of love! If you know how to scan pics and crop them, the program is pretty easy to do once you figure it out. If you ever need a hand, just let me know!

Cass AKA Timon


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