**UPDATED FINALLY 12/10x2!!**"Ill be your Pin Pimp!" A very sweaty August 2014 TR!!


DIS Veteran
Mar 8, 2013
So here we are again, in another September, trying to cure my PDD by reliving my trip through a TR!

A WARNING! IF my last TR is any indication, this one may take till next August to finish BUT I PROMISE IT WILL BE TOTALLY WORTH IT (I mean, I think we're super interesting and worth reading about, so...)


Sooooo you probably have no idea who we are.

So Hi! I'm Maddie!

I'm a very sweaty and emotional Princess. I'm a crier for sure, so stay tuned for some really lovely photos of me in tears (usually happy, but spoiler alert, we did have to leave home and go back to the real world at SOME point)
I'm pretty Disney obsessed and love all things Disney. The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast were my favorite movies growing up, but that is now a very complicated answer for me. I have so many favorites for different reasons, and really I just love them all SO WHATEVER.
I work as a Vet Tech and live with my guy in Boston with our French Bulldog, Kimmy.

My partner in crime is my best friend/boyfriend of over 5 years, Pete!

He's much more coy about his Disney love. He usually won't be the first to bring it up, but once you get him started on it, he doesnt stop talking about Disney. He works as a teacher and works at a bar on the weekend and has found he gets better tips when he has Disney tshirts on because everyone wants to talk about Space Mountain!
He's the best and puts up with all my crying and actually encourages a lot of my crazy Disney antics. He's the best.

Because he's a teacher, the summer is really the only time we can get a good vacation in. My tireless research showed that August is the best time to go in the summer, and last year we did the second to last week in August and had a great trip. This year I wanted even shorter lines, so we did the last week of August.

The original plan was August 24-31st (and Pete was like whoa 8 days that's WAY too much while I was like WILL WE EVEN GET ANYTHING DONE?!) at Port Orleans Riverside. There was then chatter on the August boards about great deals at a lot of the Deluxes through a TA, so I asked for a quote just to see what all the hullabaloo was about. And so, whoa, we could stay at the Poly for the same price we were going to have to pay for POR. UH DUH YEAH.

And then? DUN DUN DUN.

I tried really hard for a few months to keep a positive attitude and was all hey I'm getting a discount, we'll be on the monorail, it's fine.
But, I sat on the Disboards way too much. I decided to make our trip a split between the Beach Club and the Poly. That was a good compromise right?

And then the pool was confirmed closed at the Poly. And I was like hey, I burn so easily, screw the pool.
And then construction photos started popping up.
And I just couldn't do it. I wanted to stay at the Poly SO bad but I also want my first stay there to be PERFECT. So we made the Poly half of our trip Wilderness Lodge and WOW what a weight was lifted off of me. It was so nice to tune out of the Poly panic threads (even though I did dip into a few of the WL panic threads, but we dodged that bullet by a couple days).

So we were all set for 3 nights at the BC and 4 at the WL, with park hoppers and with a day at Universal on the day we were switching resorts. Perfect. Wonderful.
But Delta thinks they are super cute.
I had specifically booked direct, non stop flights because the first time we flew to Disney, we had to change planes in Atlanta and got stuck overnight. Since then, Pete has gotten stuck in Atlanta 2 other times while flying on Delta. We had perfect flights. Arrival day we'd be at MCO by 10a and we would fly out 7pm on departure day. Then one day, while doing a Cancer Walk with some friends (Team Double D!) I got an email, saying Delta had changed our return flight from a non stop, direct, to a flight with a stop IN ATLANTA with 50 minutes to change planes.

The other catch here, is that our landlord had informed us in May, months after I had finished paying for the trip, that she wanted us and our roommates to move out Sept 1st because of our dogs (which she ok'd when we moved in). So, we couldn't get stuck in ATL on the 31st because we had to freaking move out of our apartment. I could go on and on about this and will never fly Delta again, but eventually I got them to get us on an earlier flight departure day, so we could catch another plane if we missed the first tone, and then change our arrival day to a day earlier.

A day earlier meant we would be there August 23rd...

I immediately bought Villains party tickets.

And so we added on another BC day and that was it. No other crazy planning things popped up. I changed our FPs and ADRs a million times because nothing else changed and I didn't know what to do with myself!


:headache: This should of been over in the trip report board. My bad. Mods, could you move me over?
Maddie, I'm here. I'm off to a meeting now and then have to go to the APPLE store because my phone isn't working. I will get caught up before I leave on Friday. I can't wait to read all about your trip.:goodvibes
I'm here!

Your photo sizes are fine. Unless you adjusted them. What I did on Photobucket is I set my default to be a different size, so everything I upload is smaller. I think it's like a 1GB size? I totally might be wrong. :lmao:

Okay, I HATE the Atlanta airport. I've had one layover there, almost missed our connecting flight, so after that I was like "hell no, I won't go!" :rotfl2:
Okay...I'm back as promised. Great intros. Ahhhh....the resort dilemma. We LOVE the Poly. But having been there in June for dinner, I am glad you didn't stay there. It was so depressing. We've stayed at the Beach Club, but not the Wildnerness.

They made you move because of your pets? Did you sign a lease? Or is this when your lease was up?

I can't wait to hear all about it.
I'm here!

Your photo sizes are fine. Unless you adjusted them. What I did on Photobucket is I set my default to be a different size, so everything I upload is smaller. I think it's like a 1GB size? I totally might be wrong. :lmao:

Okay, I HATE the Atlanta airport. I've had one layover there, almost missed our connecting flight, so after that I was like "hell no, I won't go!" :rotfl2:

My photos still look huge to me on a computer. I will have to tinker around in photobucket to see if I can figure that out!

Pete and I have both sworn off the Atlanta airport. It is at least the first circle of hell. Even the food we both got out of pure frustration was terrible. NEVER AGAIN.
Okay...I'm back as promised. Great intros. Ahhhh....the resort dilemma. We LOVE the Poly. But having been there in June for dinner, I am glad you didn't stay there. It was so depressing. We've stayed at the Beach Club, but not the Wildnerness.

They made you move because of your pets? Did you sign a lease? Or is this when your lease was up?

I can't wait to hear all about it.

We are really glad we didn't stay at the Poly too. We'll think about it again when all the mess is gone but it's a total war zone over there.

My roommates have lived in the building for like the past 4 years and we had planned on resigning the lease, which was up August 31st. We had a roommate moved out and when we brought over the new roommate to have her sign the lease in may, she told us she wanted us out. We were super frustrated and felt really bad because here was this girl who was moving in, thinking we were all staying, and she was going to have to move again in Sept. It was such a nightmare and none of use were expecting it so none of us had the funds for it. Luckily Disney was already paid for, but Pete had to get a second job and we all really struggled all summer to be able to pay once we had a place. Blech. Pete and I really want to get out of the city so hopefully we will move somewhere else next year, but someone hit his car while it was parked the other day and took off and its 4500$ worth of damage that insurance wont cover, so who knows if we'll ever be able to do anything again ever. UGH.
Hey Maddie, glad to be back. We love going in August. We went in August last summer. On e week at POR and the second week off site at our timeshare condo. Going down for Thanksgiving this year, and returning back on site again in August 2015! :woohoo: Love to hear your trip reports. :love:
Hey Maddie, glad to be back. We love going in August. We went in August last summer. On e week at POR and the second week off site at our timeshare condo. Going down for Thanksgiving this year, and returning back on site again in August 2015! :woohoo: Love to hear your trip reports. :love:

Happy to have you along!!

Someday we are gunna make it to Disney for a Thanksgiving/Birthday/Christmas trip!!
*reserved for chapters* OH AND TO ASK A QUESTION---- is there a way to make my photos smaller on photobucket with out having to go into each of them manually? Or do you all like the HUGE PHOTOS HEY

I use imgur and there is an option that's like "large thumbnail" or something when you copy the link for the photo, which automatically resizes your photo to a normal size for the web. It's free like photo bucket so you might try that if it's easier.

The poly drama is hilarious (or tragic?) and I also hate the construction. To be honest though I might still put up with it for monorail access... I don't really look out the window of my room much anyway - as much as I geek out over room views. Although I am a huge sucker for a nice serene lobby so I completely understand your decision!
I use imgur and there is an option that's like "large thumbnail" or something when you copy the link for the photo, which automatically resizes your photo to a normal size for the web. It's free like photo bucket so you might try that if it's easier.

The poly drama is hilarious (or tragic?) and I also hate the construction. To be honest though I might still put up with it for monorail access... I don't really look out the window of my room much anyway - as much as I geek out over room views. Although I am a huge sucker for a nice serene lobby so I completely understand your decision!

I don't know if I have the patience to try to upload all my photos to another thing :badpc: I'll figure something out!

The monorail access at the Poly is just so good. You have the resort line AND you can walk to the Epcot line so, it's basically perfect. Following along with it all was just becoming too much! I was obsessing! Once I saw the walled up lobby, I knew I just couldn't do it. I was ok with the pool closing (well, I was trying to tell myself I was) but no waterfall? Ugh.
I'm sure whatever they do with it will be great, but even taking the monorail by it reassured me that it was a warzone over there. Someday I'll have my perfect trip there!
I'm here!!! I laughed out loud at the title!!

That pic of you in front of the castle is ADORABLE.

Oh my gosh I got stressed just reading about the trip prep but WL and BC are both GORGEOUS so I can't wait to see what you thought!!! I couldn't even go near the Poly this trip haha I didn't want to see the construction.

Can't wait for the next update!!!
I'm here! :wave2:

Resort decisions are sooooo hard.....can't wait to find out what you thought of The Beach Club. That's my dream resort!
I'm here!!! I laughed out loud at the title!!

That pic of you in front of the castle is ADORABLE.

Oh my gosh I got stressed just reading about the trip prep but WL and BC are both GORGEOUS so I can't wait to see what you thought!!! I couldn't even go near the Poly this trip haha I didn't want to see the construction.

Can't wait for the next update!!!

Thanks! That photo is actually from last year when we did CRT! We didn't do any prepark opening things this time.
I'm so glad we stayed away from the Poly. I even cancelled our Ohana ADR because I didnt want anything to taint my Poly love!

I'm here! :wave2:

Resort decisions are sooooo hard.....can't wait to find out what you thought of The Beach Club. That's my dream resort!

Hi!!!:yay: Resort decisions ARE so hard! Decisions in general are hard! I'm very indecisive!
So Pete turned 30 on the 16th and we all went camping.

I just love this photo of us. It was an awesome weekend.

The rest of the week we scrambled around to get our apartment packed. I work 8-5 or 8-7 most days and he was working weds-fri 5p-4a at the Bar so we were on completely opposite schedules and barely saw each other.

Our flight took off at 7am, and Pete had to work friday night, so he was going to get in at 5am, as I was waking up, meaning he wouldn't get to sleep! Luckily he is a beast and was like I'll get a few winks on the plane and the magic will fuel me!
Soon enough he was home and I was up and we were on the plane! Last year I started puking out of excitement as we were starting to board and luckily that did not happen this year :thumbsup2
Pete passed out immediately

Our flight actually landed early, which I thought was great, but Sleepy Pete wasn't as thrilled about.

I tried not to run.

And I was too excited to slow down at all and take a clear photo of this

We used our MBs and jumped right in line. We waited a couple minutes and soon enough we were hopping on our majestic chariot!

Soon enough we were on our way! I had tried to get up front seats but they were reserved!

Oh well.
We stopped first at the Boardwalk, then the Yact Club AND THEN FINALLY THE BEACH CLUB!!!! A lovely CM came up to us as we hopped off and welcomed us home :-)sad:). Man. I LOVE that. When we stayed at ASMu last year no one ever welcomed us home.
The lobby is beautiful and SMELLS AMAZING but I was way too excited to take any photos.
Even thought it was only 10:45, our room was ready! We got our directions and trekked to our room. And yes, it was a TREK. We were about as far away from an exit to another floor as possible, BUT

that meant a corner room!! With two balconies!! My only request had been for a full balcony, and while they were both little guys, the fact that there was 2 of them made up for it. The room was also GINORMOUS and we had a King!! WOOOO!!!

One of our views was just roof, as we had gotten a standard room, but the other one was a little roof with a lot of Stormalong Bay!

I was thrilled!!
We were both starving and I knew if I let Pete lay on the bed for a minute he'd be out the rest of the day, so we set off in search of food!!
Great report so far. I feel like I was actually their with you! pixiedust:
Following along! You commented on Missyrose's TR and I saw that you were home in August too so I came over to take a peek at your dates and jackpot! we had overlapping days. I love to read TRs by people who were there at the same time. I'm also a fellow New Englander (from RI) and Boston sports fan.

Your room is awesome! We want to stay there some day for the pool, since that resort doesn't allow pool hopping :(

I think you get a "welcome home" at resorts that are DVC maybe? We've been twice this year, both times were with DVC and we always got a welcome home.
Great report so far. I feel like I was actually their with you! pixiedust:
hahaha I promise better, clearer photos to come! These are all so blurry because I was just so excited!!!

Following along! You commented on Missyrose's TR and I saw that you were home in August too so I came over to take a peek at your dates and jackpot! we had overlapping days. I love to read TRs by people who were there at the same time. I'm also a fellow New Englander (from RI) and Boston sports fan.

Your room is awesome! We want to stay there some day for the pool, since that resort doesn't allow pool hopping :(

I think you get a "welcome home" at resorts that are DVC maybe? We've been twice this year, both times were with DVC and we always got a welcome home.

I also love reading TRs from people who were there at the same time. I like to see if i can find myself in the background of any of the photos! I actually would love to some day try and get a collection of photos other people have taken that I happen to unpurposefully be in the background of. :rotfl:

The Pool was so amazing. Ugh, what I would give to be in the lazy river right now! And the sand!!:lovestruc I don't know if i actually took any pictures of the pool which I'm kind of bummed about, but we never took our phones when we went down there.


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