Universal Express TIPS

Tony M

Remember 1999
Sep 19, 1999
Went today to try the new Universal Express program(version 2.0) and while during early rides we were able to walk on just as fast as the Express, I came across a good plan upon a visit to Spiderman.
I looked over and it dawned on me just how close that the Express ticket "booth" was to the Ride entrance and just for kicks, we ran over and got an Express ticket before walking into the "regular" line. When we walked in, the wait sign said "15 minute", which is similar to what the "Guaranteed" maximum longest wait is in the "Universal Express" line. Our "Universal Express" return time was almost the same time as it waswhen we got it (example: 9:20) but with the hour return time window(example: "return to ride between 9:30-10:30") we were able to stand in the regular line for almost 15 minutes, ride the ride(5 or so minutes) and then return to the "Universal Express" Ride entrance and show our ticket for a quick re-ride with almost no wait.
As I mentioned previously, most of the "Universal Express" ticket booths are very close to the Ride entrances and when we tried to get a "Universal Express" ticket, we noticed that the return time was the same time as it was, so it was unnecessary. However with the success of our "Spiderman Experiment", we tried it with other rides during the day with the same success. It appeared that the return time was similar to the regular wait time and it was just like an immediate re-ride each time.
Other rides we found that the "Universal Express" time was also the same time as it was then and rather than wait in the lengthy Regular line and then re-ride with the "Universal Express" ticket, we would merely walk right to the front of the line bypassing all of the unfortunate ones waiting without knowing any better.
This plan works for ALL guests no matter what ticket you have. The "Universal Express" program allows you to have one reservation/ticket per regular park single day admission ticket and three per any multi-day ticket holder at a time. So as you cash in you "UE" ticket, you automatically have another one available for the next ride. Later in the day we tried another trick.
Unfortunately we did not plan to see T-2,3-D early enough to just walk right on so when we received a "UE" ticket to return an hour and a half later we tried something else.
After receiving your "Universal Express" reservation/ticket you are able to what ever you want instead of standing in a "queue" line to board your ride. You can go outside and sit on a park bench, find some A/C somewhere and do the same, go eat, go shop, and just plain do whatever you want without just standing in line.
This the main advantage of "Universal Express", FREEDOM!!
But rather than relax, I tried this...
Start time 12:45,
Got my T-2,3-D "UE" ticket return time 2:15-2:30,
went to MIB got a ticket to return, 3:15-4:15,
went to JAWS, got a ticket to ride now, 1:15-2:15,
rode JAWS now(1:20, skipped the 30 minute regular line wait),
got some Amity Snacks, played a couple of games,
walked over to Grinch exhibit, and leisurely made it back over to T2,
Saw T-2, exited by 3:00 or so,
walked over to MIB by the time our "UE" time called for.
This actually happened to me today and though my experience was successful, I do not guarantee it to all.
But regardless of whatever you may able to accomplish, the most important thing that we got out of "Universal Express" was the freedom to do whatever we wanted to without having to stand in line do "nothing".
I hope that this rambling thread some sense.
Thanks for the useful information. I am sure many of us will be able to utilize the tips you provided. Good Job! :)
All Guests get one Universal Express ticket at a time. Use that one and then get another.
Multi Day ticket holders(anyone other than a single day ticket holder) get up to three at a time.
Resort guests get the ultimate type of priveledge, show your resort ID and get front of the line access.
Click on the link in my signature for more information on Universal Express.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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