Universal Express Do we need a plan?


Mar 10, 2001
We are travelling in May w/ 3 kids. Staying at Port. We will have express ride access. I know 1fish & Ptreradon Flyers at IOA and Fievels at US aren't included. My question is do we go on & off whatever rides we feel like, or are we smarter to hit more popular rides first. We will be there on Sat at universal & Sun at IOS. With Express can we expect to do each park in 1 day visits? Thanks for expertise.
You can pick up a Universal Express ticket. With your PBH room key, crowds won't be a major problem. However, follow these rules with the key:

1.) If you want to ride Dueling Dragons in the front, head to it as soon as it opens (usually around 9:30). also, if you want to hit the Hulk first, do it first thing. The Hulk usually opens when the park does.

2.) If you want to ride Pterandon Flyers at IOA and the slide in Fifel's Playland, head there first. Check your park map for opening times. Otherwise, you can be in line fo a long time.

Bascially, go to the things you can't use your keys on first. The things you can use your keys on tend to have long lines throughout the day.
I thought Front of the Line was good at everything. Is there a reason that those particular items don't have it. It has been years since we have been to Universal and never to IOA, so I am a real newbie to this park.

Please help


The reason why some rides don't allow you to use your rooms keys is because of low capacity. Pterandon Flyers, for example, has the lowest capacity of the park (I think it runs about 170-200 people an hour). Long lines are pretty common. If hotel guests could use their keys on the rides, capacity would be dimished dramatically.
With that magical key you get at Portofino, you should have no problem doing both parks in one day. And thats without rushing. It can be done in half a day if you do rush. Thats not including shows. But since its your first visit to IOA I would take my time and enjoy it.


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