UK Searles do Disneyland Paris! - Completed!

So..a new day of being at Disney, everyone'll be up early right? 6am I spring out of bed...hmm...boys all still's a bit early..I'll just lie here and read my book....No problem...The wonder of Disney is just a short walk away but I'll just...nope...couldn't do it! Out of bed and got dressed, left a note for DH and snuck off to breakfast with my book.

I was a bit overwhelmed by breakfast at the Cheyenne, the dining hall seemed huge and noisy! There didn't seem to be very many options as to what to have, but maybe I'm just used to an English fryup! I loaded up on croissants, ham and pain au chocolat, and coffee! Finally, decent coffee! The only place in the whole of Disneyland that I found drinkable coffee, I think I had about 4 cups! As the rest of the family were still snoring I filled my bag with more croissants and Pain au chocolat for them. I felt very very naughty for doing this, I'm a complete stickler for the rules, and it was only from thes boards that I knew it was the done thing!

So I have a lazy breakfast with my coffee and my book, couldn't really relax as there was just so many people milling about! I headed out of breakfast to find Jesse outside the door! Oh oh oh! Jesse is second only to Minnie in J's heart and he'd been begging to meet her but I'd told him it wasn't possible because I didn't think she went to any character meals and there were no organised meet and greets with her. I went in to a complete panic, thankfully DH is used to my brand of crazy and wasn't flustered by a phone call saying 'This is really really urgent, Jesse is at the *must* get the kids up and over here as soon as humanly possible!' I then sprinted...yes sprinted (and I ain't built for running) back to our room whereupon we dressed the still pretty much sleeping children as if they were dolls, grabbed them up and hustled back to the character meet queue. We got halfway through the queue and Jesse swapped out for Pluto....nooooooo.......I think the photographer was a bit worried he was about to see a grown woman cry as he explained Jesse was going to be back out in a half hour!

We nipped in and fed the kids some breakfast and then queued all over again and then finally finally the boys got to meet Jesse!

The delayed start meant we missed EMH again!! Would we ever make them?! Short answer - No. We decided to head into the Studios as having met Jesse the boys now wanted to meet Buzz. The queue seemed to last forever!! I love the photos from this though!

What a lovely photo of DS with Jessie!! His face is a picture and just what the magic of Disney is all about! :goodvibes

We found that the Cheyenne breakfast was rather noisey - we eat there in the evening buffet too and reminded us of being in a school canteen!:rotfl:
The boys (and DH) were keen to see the Stunt Spectacular show, we saw it two years ago and they *loved* it. I did enjoy it, but I thought I'd be bored rigid watching it a second time and thankfully DH let me off the hook and said he'd take the boys on his own. Hooray, I made a beeline straight for 'Rock'n'Rollercoaster' - I'm not really a rollercoaster kind of girl, since I had the kids for some reason they really scare me, to the point it's not enjoyable! However, I'd read on here how good it was and I really love Aerosmith music, I'd really wanted to give it a try. In preparation, a couple of weeks ago in the UK a mummy friend and I had gone to Thorpe Park to cheer her up after a nasty breakup, she's a big rollercoaster fan so had helped me work through my fears and I ended up loving 'Swarm', so felt prepared for Rock'n'Rollercoaster!

That is until I sat in the seat, I was next to a lovely lady who I think was French but I didn't understand much of what she said. I felt myself hyperventilating and my eyes were watering! When the ride started though, I *loved* it!! I can't begin to tell you how awesome this rollercoaster was, it is what all rollercoasters should aspire to! It was like how a rollercoaster would be in a dream, I was spiralling round, with lights flashing, listening to pounding rock music - it was just wonderful!! If you get a chance to go on this please do!!

I probably would have had time for a second ride of this as I think the queue was about 15 minutes but I didn't want to dilute the experience. I'd found it so so amazing that I kind of wanted to savour the moment! I got myself a chicken caesar wrap and some water from the cafe opposite the Stunt Show (I don't remember the name sorry) and sat in their little patio area outside. The wrap was pretty horrible to be honest but it was nice to sit and relax and people watch, it was a hot day and every so often the water vapour from the 'singing in the rain' umbrella would blow over and cool my skin, lovely.

Children and DH reappeared from the Stunt show, and children proceeded to narrate the whole show excitedly to me, yes they still loved it! They wanted to go in the Playhouse Junior show next, absolutely their favourite bit of Disneyland. I could quite happily skip this show but it's lovely how much they enjoy it!

We nipped over to the main park after the show for another go on Autopia.

We *finally* got a go on the train, thankfully this time with no arguements! We took this back to Main station and nipped back to the Studios for an icecream and to watch/follow the 'Stars in their Cars' parade again!

Next up - Inventions!
We found that the Cheyenne breakfast was rather noisey - we eat there in the evening buffet too and reminded us of being in a school canteen!:rotfl:

Agreed! Actually, I think our school canteen was more orderly and a lot quieter! :rotfl:

Another lovely update, what a difference a few days make in their confidence around the characters.
Wow! You're park hopping pros! :thumbsup2

I've just realised in over 10 visits to DLP, I've never been on Autopia! I must rectify this on our next trip!
Wow! How brave were you going on the Aerosmith Rollercoaster on your own! I would so love to do this but I have a whiplash neck injury; so probably not a wise idea?? Altho I did brave the Big Thunder Mountain last year and just about got away with that without being in too much pain!

We've not seen the Cinema Parade for a couple of years; was there a good place to watch?? Thanks:thumbsup2
What a lovely photo of DS with Jessie!! His face is a picture and just what the magic of Disney is all about! :goodvibes

We found that the Cheyenne breakfast was rather noisey - we eat there in the evening buffet too and reminded us of being in a school canteen!:rotfl:

You're so right!! That's exactly what it reminded me of!
Wow! How brave were you going on the Aerosmith Rollercoaster on your own! I would so love to do this but I have a whiplash neck injury; so probably not a wise idea?? Altho I did brave the Big Thunder Mountain last year and just about got away with that without being in too much pain!

We've not seen the Cinema Parade for a couple of years; was there a good place to watch?? Thanks:thumbsup2

Don't think I'd brave it with a Whiplash injury, but I'm a big old coward at the best of times!! We got to the parade about 20 minutes early and sat on the kerb by the roadside eating our icecreams, I'll have to ask DH where we sat because I'm terrible at describing places!
I'd told my boys if they were super good that I had a suprise for them. They had been on their best behaviour (not roughhousing all over the place!) and so we took them into the Disney Hotel to Inventions. We were a little bit concerned to be honest because the kids were definitely wilting and if we were at home it'd have been bath and bed time!!

We were seated in a little room off the buffet and I have to apologise upfront I had awful awful trouble taking photos! The lighting in there was just awful for photo taking and both my camera and my phone struggle indoors, plus two small children plus characters = lots of blur!! I really wish there'd been some Disney photographers in there, I'd gladly have paid out for some decent photos, everytime a character came near I went into a mad scramble to take a photo and I'm not really happy with any of the photos, grrr. Never mind, it's memories not photos that matter!

Pinnochio was in the room as we sat down and J didn't know who he was. (Bad Disney mummy!!) I was just talking about him and turned to W to answer a question from him, turned back to J to find Minnie standing behind him with her hands over his eyes. I let out the biggest squeal imaginable. Really, I'm so embarrassed, it's a noise no grown woman should be making but I was so so so pleased she was there, and so excited for J! He was so happy and suprised! Later she came back and gave him a kiss and he was really beaming and blushing!!

I know people rave about the food in Inventions but I really didn't like it. I don't know why because the beef was really tender and I usually love asparagus and prawns, but I just couldn't find a combination of nice foods to make a dinner, it was probably my least favourite meal for food at Disney. (I'm not counting the wrap!) I actually preferred the food at Buffalo Bills! My boys were really disappointed there was no icecream, but I believe from reading other trip reports after I got back that it might have been available if I had known to ask for it?

The characters more than made up for it, we saw Pinnochio, Minnie, Pluto, Suzy and Perla (J again didn't know who they were and I wasn't too sure, really must swot up on my Disney! I guessed at Cinderella's mice and then he asked me who Cinderella was!! :confused3 ) Tigger was hugely entertaining, my boys couldn't stop talking about how funny he was for putting his hand over J's face when I was taking the photo!

Tigger left the room and my boys were still giggling over how funny he was when he comes shooting back in and across the room riding a high chair! How he didn't do himself an injury I really don't know, too funny!!

I managed to find another opportunity to make an idiot of myself, W had been very excited to see his favourite Mickey in the other room when he went into the buffet but I'd been at pains to explain to him that we couldn't go over, and that if he waited nicely at the table Mickey would come over, about 15 mins later still no Mickey, but I think other characters were coming round for the second time, J was just about falling asleep at the table so I took my waiter aside to say that we'd been waiting patiently for Mickey but he was a no-show. He explained to me that the parade was going on, of course!! It's not like Mickey could be in two places at once! I felt very silly! Anyhow they were very kind with my ignorance and Mickey showed up when he was done with the parade and we were suddenly inundated with characters, Mickey and Goofy at once, they could see my dilemma as I tried to take photos of both boys and characters at once and they teamed up, so lovely!!

I think this next picture really shows how wonderfully relaxed the interactions with the characters in Inventions is. You don't feel they're rushing onto the next person, they take their time with everyone and make every child feel very very special.

And this picture sums up our feelings about our Inventions experience.

We had a slow walk back to the Hotel Cheyenne, and the kids had a bit of a play on the open area with the stage while DH and I had a lovely drink in the outside area of the bar. This was lovely, to be able to have a drink and relax at the end of the day while watching the kids play.We also managed to get J to write a couple of postcards home, this is very exciting as he started reception this year and is just getting the hang of writing!

Another quite late night, but a day just filled with joy and special memories!
Lovely update - I love all the photos from Inventions, your boys look so happy :goodvibes
The last day dawned, I'm sure you won't be too shocked to hear, not that bright and early. We made it to breakfast, more decent coffee,hurrah, packed up the car and checked out, we naughtily left the car parked at Hotel Cheyenne as there was lots of free parking spaces around.

We headed straight into the studios. The studios are definitely our favourite. As it was our last day we/I decided that we should all take turns picking what we wanted to go on. J picked magic carpets, subsequently decided they were too scary, W of course, loved them. Daddy picked a go on the spinning cars, we all had fun on this one. Next, W wanted to see a show, unfortunately the Disney Playhouse show didn't work for us timing-wise so we decided to try Animagique, unfortunately we'd just missed a showing. I remembered someone on the boards writing about the Art of Animation so I figured we'd have a go at this whilst we waited.

We had a really nice time in here, both boys enjoyed the colouring in with the touchscreens and Daddy and J had a go at drawing Winne the Pooh.

Lovely way to while away half hour, and then it was time for Animagique, we were in about the third row in the middle. I was a bit worried when it went dark because my two are going through a phase of being super scared of the dark, but of course as soon as they saw Donald and Mickey they were fine! Really cute little show that I think we all liked. I was secretly relieved to not be sitting through Playhouse Disney again!

After this it was my turn to choose, and I'm a little ashamed to say I chose to go to the meet and greet with Captain Jack! Girls you understand don't you? I'd been super super excited about this, although a little embarrassed to drag my husband and children to indulge my midlife crush!

This was the only time I was truly disappointed with Disney, we ended up waiting 40 minutes here with a group of fellow Captain Jack worshippers and he never showed up, nor did anyone from Disney to tell us what was going on or whether he was coming or not. So I ended up wasting 40 minutes of our precious last hours in Disney, grrrr *and* I never got to meet Captain Jack <sigh> I retrieved my children from the top of the rocks many, many, many times in those 40 minutes.

To assuage my guilt we took the boys into the Pirate playground for a while, they enjoyed this a lot. I think if I could have a do-over we'd spend more time in the playgrounds rather than doing rides. Then our time was nearly at an end, it was time for one last parade, the train was due any minute so we tried to remember where it parked and waited there.

Then we hustled to meet some characters, in all my OCD planning I'd not realised we'd be doing this and had no idea where the characters were so I ended up running around like a headless chicken in the scorching heat carrying W who'd started to feel very heavy indeed!

We were experts this time in Scrum tactics and we knew you needed to get into the semi-circle at the front and then wait for them to work their way around the semi-circle to your turn, the handlers did very very well at enforcing this and we were never waiting too long or felt pushed out the way. I did however have to hold W as I think he would have got pushed or elbowed accidentally otherwise. We finally managed to get a photo with Donald who W had been very excited about meeting. I had to try to take a quick photo with the iphone whilst holding W as J and Daddy had run off to meet different characters.

We also managed to meet Goofy as well and then ran along excitedly behind him as he headed back to the train! Our very last chance to follow a parade, we all walked just behind the rope behind the train, singing and clapping, there was a big group doing likewise and it was truly magical, 'If you beeeelieeve in magic....' I don't mind admitting to you guys I was bawling my eyes out, it was so lovely. And then it was out of the gates and heading back to reality...

It was everything I could have hoped from for a Disney holiday. I have so many precious memories. There was lots of magic and I know that there are moments I will never forget. I am very grateful that I was lucky enough to visit with my family and I hope that everyone reading this finds as much joy in their visit as I did.
Can anyone give me some tips with the formatting? I can't get the text to work so you don't have to keep scrolling across.
I think it's just the winnie picture that's causing it, as the link to the picture is showing before it. Maybe try and readd the one in and it should be fine!

I am going to read it now! :flower3:
Awww what a lovely ending to what sounds like an amazing trip! :flower3:

Sorry you didn't get to meet captain Jack though, that's really bad that no-one was even there to say whether he was or wasn't going to turn up!
I think it's just the winnie picture that's causing it, as the link to the picture is showing before it. Maybe try and readd the one in and it should be fine!

I am going to read it now! :flower3:

Hooray, thank you, I spent ages messing about trying to fix it, was really bugging me!:cheer2:
Lovely ending to your trip :goodvibes

Nice to read that someone else likes the Studios too - we love it there, especially the drawing at art of animation :thumbsup2

Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us - glad you all had a great time :)
Great TR and your boys are adorable! Your DS telling the SM CM that she looks like a princess - too cute!!
I love that you secretly hate the Playhouse Disney show - me too ::yes:: its tedious but like you I love that the kids love it, even if it is a bit drawn out ;)
It looks like you had a fabulous trip and I have some major dining envy!! You've sold Agrabah to me!
So have you another trip in the pipeline? :)
Great TR and your boys are adorable! Your DS telling the SM CM that she looks like a princess - too cute!!
I love that you secretly hate the Playhouse Disney show - me too ::yes:: its tedious but like you I love that the kids love it, even if it is a bit drawn out ;)
It looks like you had a fabulous trip and I have some major dining envy!! You've sold Agrabah to me!
So have you another trip in the pipeline? :)

I love Agrabah, hope you enjoy it as much!!! Quite jealous, I'd love to go back! I'm waiting impatiently for them to release the Disney cruise itineraries for 2015, if there's some departing from Europe I have my heart set on going! I can't see we'll get back to Disneyland Paris unless the kids have a change of heart! They preferred the beach! Anyone want to swap kids?!
I love Agrabah, hope you enjoy it as much!!! Quite jealous, I'd love to go back! I'm waiting impatiently for them to release the Disney cruise itineraries for 2015, if there's some departing from Europe I have my heart set on going! I can't see we'll get back to Disneyland Paris unless the kids have a change of heart! They preferred the beach! Anyone want to swap kids?!

Lol, I'll swap - these trips to DLP are costing me a fortune!
Oh a cruise :love: That would be amazing!! What length / itinerary are you looking at?
Fingers crossed I'll manage to fit Agrabah in :goodvibes
Lol, I'll swap - these trips to DLP are costing me a fortune!
Oh a cruise :love: That would be amazing!! What length / itinerary are you looking at?
Fingers crossed I'll manage to fit Agrabah in :goodvibes

Love your plan for your October trip, very special mummy and children time. I wishas many people would write cruise trip reports as write DLRP reports, I'm so hooked on trip reports now, I need something to read with my coffee!! I'm looking for at least a 7 day cruise otherwise I know I'd spend all my time counting down how many hours I had left!! I don't mind much about the itinerary (shame on me) DH and I have travelled in Europe quite a bit and I don't think the boys will really remember it. I just want to be immersed in Disney and on a cruise ship! It's driving me mad that I have to wait till the end of the year to know if they'll be back to Europe!


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