U 2 hot to walk, run, get surprised?

Fantastic update! Sorry the bags weren't there on time!

I hope your fingers are doing ok?!?!:flower3:

Thanks Mo. Yes, they are doing much better.

Hmmmm ? I don't believe in conspiracy theories BUT the first thing that came to mind re- the mailed goodie bag boxes to the resorts...

Deluxe Resort= box received within minutes :thumbsup2

Moderate Resort = box received within 24 hours :goodvibes

Value Resort = box received maybe, probably delivered by Pony Express :rolleyes1

See a pattern here ??

Regardless Beautiful what you did for everyone

That is what I thought of. Not so much conspiracy, but perhaps less trained cm's in the less expensive resorts, then move up in experience vs. cost. I even mentioned that when I spoke with the representative that called me about my complaint. She, btw, assured me she would look into all CM's being trained the same & that they are following the procedures for packages.

I am hoping to do an update tonight, but that may not happen. It's been a long couple of days.
Yes long days..completely understand that Do what you can when you can, small update on my end too Have a blessed night :hug:
So glad to hear your fingers are doing better. :)

I'm sorry the bags didn't get where they needed to be at the right time.
So glad to hear your fingers are doing better. :)

I'm sorry the bags didn't get where they needed to be at the right time.

Thank you Kathy.

Yes long days..completely understand that Do what you can when you can, small update on my end too Have a blessed night :hug:

I know you understand Ruthie. You are much more time crunched than I. Not sure how you are doing it.

Okay, I was going to try to do a small update today. We'll see how it goes. I am currently vertically challenged, which tends to affect my brain. so, please forgive any typos.

As I recall I was posting pictures of the surprises. Well, this surprise has a funny story. While trying to keep all these marvelous secrets there were bound to be some "slips". One of these was a big one. E had come over to pay some money toward his rooms. While here he & K were sittting at the table. I was putting his money in his fund, when he says "I'll probably stop by tomorrow night too, because Grammy & Grampy's"....and he stops talking. Me being a bigger idiot says, "oh let me guess their luggage tags are messed up". K speaks up & says "grammy grampy? luggage tags? then, thank goodness the dog comes in and distracts her as he needed some loving. hmm I think she knows. she is on to us. E stares at me, I just continue to do my stuff. After he leaves he & I begin texting to get our lies straight. lol Finally, he decides he will just tell her to mind her own business, that he is planning something, And I tell her (since she is graduating college), to not tell him I told her, but his grandparents are having custom luggage tags made for her for her gift. And they asked me for help finding what she might like.
Well, we thought we were just so smart. Until DS#2 says, "good idea, but what it going to happen when she graduates & the grandparents don't give her her luggage tags. To which I reply "Oh Shoot!" Okay, I didn't say shoot. Alright, alright, I can handle this... just need to step up my game. There was the thought of just continuing with why E would be saying he was stopping over regarding them.... they were wrong, need to be sent back... but still would imagine the corrected ones would make it before our trip. hmmm.... Only one solution.... I need to order her luggage tags. Well, when I told her they were getting her monogrammed luggage tags, her comment...? But, I won't have these initials for too many more years. Ah... hadn't thought of that. I said, oh well, you'll enjoy them a couple more trips anywya.

So, off I went on etsy looking for custom luggage tags. And I found these...

Obviously, I covered their names. It was a 2 pack. One said her name traveling with him, the other was his name traveling with her.

Once I received them, which was actually after she actually finished college, I secretly passed them off to him. That way he could give them to his grandparents to give to her. Except.... he never gave them to his grandparents. :rolleyes2 geesh, like he had something else on his mind. :rotfl2: So, he gave them to her after they became engaged. I can't remember exactly when. I think it may have been after we got home. :scratchin Anyway, that is another surprise. When asked what she thought we were talking about, she just said she thought it was one of my vertigo moments. :lmao: Yeah, that could happen on a bad day. :lmao:

I think is all I am going to be able to update for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!

Too funny about almost slipping!!! We are having that same trouble on our upcoming trip since it's a secret!

Glad that she never caught on and realized the plan!
Too funny about almost slipping!!! We are having that same trouble on our upcoming trip since it's a secret!

Glad that she never caught on and realized the plan!

It's so difficult isn't it? With all the surprises, I felt like I had to monitor every word I said before my mouth opened. Yes, thank goodness she is very naive and trusting....or atleast she was before this trip. :rotfl:

Well, I am not sure why the picture of the luggage tags disappeared. I tried to post it again via photobucket, but both days I tried PB is not cooperating. You all will have to use your imaginations. They were leather & said K traveling with E since (insert date they began dating). They were well recieved when she finally got them.

So, I think I covered about all the packed surprises. There were a couple others that I will cover as I continue with this TR. I did order them each a pin. K & E, got one that said BELIEVE and had the IE as 13. To commemorate the year they got engaged. DS that already graduated got a 2013 graduation pin with all the gang in their cap & gown. And each of my other 2 got random grad pins I got off ebay, actually K got one of the gang graduation pins as well.

Each of the graduates got a Mickey mouse graduation cap I ordered online. I packed 3 of them hoping DS#1 would decide to stay as I had something planned to celebrate the graduations for the end of the trip. But, he didn't. DS#2 packed his that we had given him for his graduation party, but then forgot it of the big surprise. :scared: so, he wore the one I brought for Miss M's elementary school graduation. She was none the wiser. I know I took a picture, but can not for the life of me find it, so... again you will all have to use your imagination.

Now, before I go forward with the Gran Floridian meal, I must add one tid bit I forgot to add, which I though was rather neat.

Our last night at AK we decided to wander around the store looking for a gift for Miss M's friend. When we entered we found this...

It was a table set up with a tic tac toe board on it. It had 2 chairs, so Miss M and I had a couple of games of tic tac while we waited for DH to catch up.
It was one of those nice little moments that you can pass by while at Disney because of the level of energy one might need to keep going . But, it was just sweet. Perfect for she & I to have a moment to relax & enjoy each others cheating...ah... I mean ... knowledge of the game. ;)

Now on with the anticipated 1900 Park Fare dinner. We arrived a few minutes late. :confused3 Why DH still doesn't listen to me after over 30 years is beyond me, but this vacation had a theme of being late to meals. Anyway, everything was fine, it was only a couple of minutes. But, with me if I am not atleast 5 mins. early, I am late. While DH spoke with the valet, I snapped a couple of pictures. ... Perhaps the ride for K & E to the wedding?

I didn't get any of the magnificent lobby, until we were exiting our meal, but here are those.


Okay, Photobucket is being a pain again, so I will insert the photos later. On with the good stuff.

We were greated in wonderful manner. When I made the ADR's they always asked if we were celebrating anything. I ALWAYS told them. They would see the pins each was wearing and often a congratulations, or happy birthday would come. Except as previously stated DS#2 graduation button. ;)
Well, as soon as we entered the hostess greeted Miss M with a big Happy Birthday Miss M! How totally cool was that?! by name! and DS got...nothing. :lmao: It was a little comical, but I did feel a little bad for him. And made sure I reminded him, anyone can get engaged, it is only by God's grace we each become a year older, but his accomplishment is attributed by his hard work, dedication, and the use of the mind God gave him. I don't know if it helped, but as happy as I was & am about the birthday & engagement, I sincerely meant what I said.
So, we were escorted to a lovely table. We sat, ordered our beverages and were off to the food. Miss M. wasn't willing to try anything new, which also was a theme this trip. Very unlike her. And this DS is a picky eater. So, neither were very thrilled with the "main course" offerings. I say main course because neither had any complaints about....
okay PB is still not cooperating. I'm sorry.... it was the delicious and I mean delicious desserts!


So, before long Cinderella whisped over to our table.

Pleasant woman, quiet. Thanked us for joining her this evening, hoped we were having a lovely time. Wished Miss M. a happy birthday, posed for a picture with Miss M and DS, and she was off. followed closely by the Prince.
Honestly, as Miss M put it, he was a snob. No conversation, posed for a picture, not friendly and moved on. I found that very dissappointing as I had never met Prince Charming. Atleast not that I can remember. But, then again, maybe we have & he just did not iimpress us. Oh, well, moving on. Next was Drizzella.
Whom, took a liking to DS. Now, you have to understand, DS kept telling us NOT to point out he is a college grad. Well, how could I not... Drizzella picked up on my subtle que and ran with it. She ended up proposing to DS.
So, I guess we had 2 children get proposed to this trip. Well, that just made DS day. He immediately texted his sister to tell her SHE was not the only one to be proposed to. :rotfl2: He was beaming! laughing. He told her he could marry her, but they would have to wait a few years as he had student loans to pay off. She said, that is fine, her mother is rich, she will help. :rotfl: Drizzella spent a long time at our table. So much so, that Anastasia caught up....


Drizzella of course immediately informed Anastasia of her new fiance. To which Anastasia played it cool, untl Drizzella walked away...


Anastasia calling over her "future sister-in-law".

Viewing the photos, I realize I had the order in which they approached our table wrong. Cinderella & the Prince came after the step sisters. I now remember Cinderella asking if her sisters were bothering us. Sorry, for the confusion. The brain isn't what it used to be.

Next up, Lady Tremain.
Well, I left to try to figure out what is going on with photobucket, but can't figure it out. I am going to try to use DH computer tonight after he gets home. Maybe it is my old overworked computer. If it works I will post pictures. I really hope it does, because these pictures are some of the cutest of the trip.
Dee, I hope you can get the pictures posted too as it sounds like a fun time at dinner.

Love the photo of your DD playing tic tac toe.

A little suggestion on Photobucket. I have had problems myself and sometimes instead of just clicking on the link and it automatically says "copied" you have to scroll over it, hit copy and then hit paste in your TR. See if that works for you.
Dee, I hope you can get the pictures posted too as it sounds like a fun time at dinner.

Love the photo of your DD playing tic tac toe.

A little suggestion on Photobucket. I have had problems myself and sometimes instead of just clicking on the link and it automatically says "copied" you have to scroll over it, hit copy and then hit paste in your TR. See if that works for you.

Thanks so much Kathy. I will try that. In the meantime I am trying to see if snapfish works as I have all my photos there as well.

Kathy, I just went to try, but now photobucket won't come up on my computer. Just that foolish rotating circle telling you the computer is trying to catch up. For now I will use the snapfish. Not ideal as you have to click on the link, but atleast it is something. I will replace it with actual pictures if that is ever going to be possible. lol
Absolutely LOVE the photo of your DS and Drizzella after she proposed!! The look on DD#2's face is PRICELESS!!!! rofl....

Great update! Glad he finally got some attention!
Catching up ...Catching up....always catching up :flower3: Hi DD Little One you looked so cute at the Tic Tac Toe board
Just got a chance to come back and look at the pictures...they are great! I especially like DS and Drisella.
Sorry, I have been slacking this past month.....too busy to DIS:lmao:

Hope your fingers are feeling better...I can't even imagine how that felt :sad2:

The trip sounds lovely so far. I hope you are doing well. You seem to be having some not so great days :sick:
Oh my goodness I am such a slacker! HA! Finally caught up and I've missed all of these awesome posts! :)

I'm sooo sorry to hear about your fingers... Hopefully they are continuing to heal swiftly and completely!

As always, love love love reading your TR updates!

We only have 6 more days till Disney and things are getting into full swing here! ;)
With that many secrets and surprises i think your doing an awesome JOB!

Thanks Mo. I think for the most part we did really well. Although, I asked Miss M. if she would rather we surprise her next time or help plan and she said help plan. :woohoo: That will be much easier. :thumbsup2
Absolutely LOVE the photo of your DS and Drizzella after she proposed!! The look on DD#2's face is PRICELESS!!!! rofl....

Great update! Glad he finally got some attention!

Thanks Bridget! I agree, I love her expression. And DS looks so proud. :lmao:

Catching up ...Catching up....always catching up :flower3: Hi DD Little One you looked so cute at the Tic Tac Toe board

I hear ya Ruthi! I am soo far behind on everyone elses. But, I figure IF I can finish mine, then I will catch up on everyone elses. popcorn::

Just got a chance to come back and look at the pictures...they are great! I especially like DS and Drisella.

Gladd you like them. Glad I was actually able to post them. Not sure what is going on with my PB. I am near the 100% capacity, maybe that is the problem. Thanks for reading along!

Sorry, I have been slacking this past month.....too busy to DIS:lmao:

slackers welcome, especially since I am one of the biggest slackers. ;)

Hope your fingers are feeling better...I can't even imagine how that felt :sad2:

They are. Thank you. I am fortunate, it could have been much much worse.

The trip sounds lovely so far. I hope you are doing well. You seem to be having some not so great days :sick:

Thank you. I have had tough moments in some days lately. The air pressure changing seems to affect it, but I am blessed. Many have much more issues than mine. I am able to work around it so to speak. Thanks for the kind thoughts.

Oh my goodness I am such a slacker! HA! Finally caught up and I've missed all of these awesome posts! :)

ahh... but you are caught up now. Slackers always welcome. :goodvibes

I'm sooo sorry to hear about your fingers... Hopefully they are continuing to heal swiftly and completely!

They are thank you.

As always, love love love reading your TR updates!


We only have 6 more days till Disney and things are getting into full swing here! ;)

:cool1: so exciting!!!! started packing the car yet? ;)

When I last typed I left you with the news that my son had become engaged. hehehe

Well, soon Lady Tremaine came upon our table.


Well, Drizzella just a few tables down, and just HAD to inform her mother of the good news. So, she yelled it! Which got this reaction from Lady T.

She was not happy. So, Drizzella explained..... "he went to college mother. He's a "scholar" " To which Lady T. replied "that doesn't mean anything.... Is he rich?" She went on to say that college is meaningless, only brings knowledge, what's important is.... this is where she turns to my DS and asks "do you own steed? a castle?" It went on & on. It was great! EXACTLY what my son needed.
There is a bit more to the story, but I have to get DD from school. I'll be back... eventually.

Thanks to everyone for reading along! I'll continue soon.
I love how Lady Tremaine responded. Her response and the pictures are priceless.
I love how Lady Tremaine responded. Her response and the pictures are priceless.

Thanks Kathy. It was one of the best character encounters this trip! We've had alot of great characters over the years. But, it is so nice when they interact with my older kids too. Lady T was excellent.

One thing I did neglect to mention that went wrong this evening. I forgot DD's autograph book. Which REALLY was a bummer, because I had printed of a picture of all these characters as an autograph page. I was so mad at myself. :mad: So, she used my notebook that I was hoping to keep notes for this TR. After this incident, I didn't take very good notes. Not sure why. lol

Yes, Lady T was not happy with Drizzellas chose in husbands. Increased by the fact that DS informed her that not only did he not only not own a steed or a castle, but he is recently burdened with college debt. She was not happy at all, and we thought Drizzella had lost interest as she just proceeded with the other tables after that hardly noticing DS. :rotfl2: Oh sure once in a while she would give him a wink, or a little wave as she passed by, but no further awing. :sad2:

And then... we had to leave. We had finished out meals, the delicious deserts and had to depart for the evening.

We gathered our belongings and proceeded to walk past the food area to leave. Without so much as a good bye to DS's fiance. As we reached the doors we heard a VERY LOUD GOOD BYE (sons name)! DS stopped and waved, smiling ear to ear.

It was a wonderful evening.

a few other pictures I've gotten from snapfish account.

The delicious desserts:

Lady T. being sweet..


The orchestra was playing on the balcony. If memory services it was a wedding going on.
Love the interaction at 1900 I had some great ones for my BD trip Hope to update that soon too Too funny DS not good enough according to Lady Tremaine :lmao: Did I miss our Dismeet ? or did you Dee? I am getting confused wasn't that before DD # 1 proposal :confused3

Love Hugs Prayers to you all :grouphug:
After dining at 1900 Park Fare we headed over to Epcot. K & E had a dining date themselves. They were eating at Via Nappolli Pizzeria. E had asked me to make the ADR as a surprise to K. We have never eaten there. I was hoping K wouldn't be expecting their date to be too romantic of a place like France or something. They both loved the food & the atmosphere. K insisted I promise we can go there next time. (Which now that I think about it.... will probably be after she is married.....she would know that we stop paying at that point ...right? :lmao: ) They had later ADR's than ours so we walked around while they where at their ADR. Which was a great opportunity to do this...


DD very absorbed into the mission

DS & I shared the chair during this mission. Can you tell he was thrilled about sharing a mission with his baby sister?



After our mission was completed we headed to some rides. While I was trying to get a good picture of these 2...

a very nice cm who was cleaning up the area, offered to take this for us.

Next up another ride on Journey into Imagination.... maybe


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