TWILIGHT vampire book!!!!!

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As for the soundtrack...I couldn't wait and bought it and the score from iTunes yesterday, after seeing the movie for the 3rd time. I think the soundtrack is great but I really love the Score. Very haunting and moody. Perfect!!!

I had to make a promise that I wouldn't buy anything Twilight related until after is really really killing me, especially in regards to the Soundtrack. I want it soooooooo bad! Only three weeks to go until I can either jump for joy because Santa brought it to me, or go out and buy it myself...

I saw it for the third, fourth and fifth time this weekend (I too, know a guy :rolleyes1 ), and really, it's getting to be so that I can't go a day without watching it. I saw it twice in theatres, and plan on going again this week with my mother in law, plus the three times this weekend. There needs to be a Twilight Annonymous!!! Although, I'm not sure I really want to be cured, so that would be counterproductive.
Hi guys!
Let me just say,!!!! I love love love the books!
And I have fallen in love with Edward.
1. I like the fact that his body doesn't need anything, hence it doens't produce anything.

Hey, welcome!

Oh, spoiler alert if you haven't read all the books-- maybe I better do the "highlight if you don't mind spoilers" thing below:

...and, well, apparently he needs a half vampire baby, because he produces the necessary for that... :rolleyes1

I read somewhere that Steph Meyer thought extensively about vampire physiology and anatomy for these books (I guess, obviously, she had to) and it's kind of interesting to consider what she came up with. They don't produce tears, so when they cry it's this dry hitching breath, etc. However, apparently there's venom rather than saliva? But in NM, when Bella takes a bite of the pizza after Edward, he thinks "Not that sharing food will hurt her..." so apparently the venom can't do anything unless it's in an open wound?

and there's venom in their eyes, because Bella's eyes dissolve her contacts in Breaking Dawn.

If there's venom in all of their available body fluids, Bella would have had to be very certain not to have any abrasions before Edward got too near her, pre-change.

Yeah, I'm over-thinking this. Like any of you are surprised. :rotfl:
Okay, I've just converted three people into Edward/Bella lovers. Last weekend I went with DH and our good friends husband/wife. None of them had read the books and I had only read the first book and part of the second one. After the movie DH said he didn't hate it and the friends didn't really say anything. Flash forward to later that night, DH started asking me where the first book was. Next thing I know he's reading it. What? He read all four books between last Sunday and finished them on Saturday! I just barely finished the second one! Now he's reading them AGAIN! What have I created? :scared1:

On to the friends...saw them on Thanksgiving and my friend Jen started giggling and showed me her screen saver on her cell phone...Edward! She's begging me to go see the movie with her again and I think we're gonna go tonight.

For the third convert, a girl I work with wanted to go see it and she had not read the books either. We went last Monday night to see it and she loved it. I had to bring her my book the next day so she could start reading it too.

I can't wait to see it again! The second time was better than the first for me because the first time I was comparing the book to the movie and also worrying about what the other three with me were thinking. I'm sure I'll enjoy it the third time even more. :cool1:
I had to make a promise that I wouldn't buy anything Twilight related until after is really really killing me, especially in regards to the Soundtrack. I want it soooooooo bad! Only three weeks to go until I can either jump for joy because Santa brought it to me, or go out and buy it myself...

I saw it for the third, fourth and fifth time this weekend (I too, know a guy :rolleyes1 ), and really, it's getting to be so that I can't go a day without watching it. I saw it twice in theatres, and plan on going again this week with my mother in law, plus the three times this weekend. There needs to be a Twilight Annonymous!!! Although, I'm not sure I really want to be cured, so that would be counterproductive.

I so don't want to be cured!! I am trying really hard to not buy anything Twilight, but I think I may not be able to stop myself....
Ok...joining in. Thanks to my buddy travelmel for

1) Getting me into this series :thumbsup2
2) Pointing me over to this thread!

Now, I have had to skim parts because I get nervous when some of you talk about the series ending. I am about 200 pages away from being done with Eclipse, and I just came back from the book store with the last book in my hands. So, I do not know how it ends, but I should be there in just a couple of days though. I started off reading the first two books like a speed demon. In fact, I even took 10 minute breaks away from my T-Day guests to finish off Twilight. How awful am I? However, now I am actually reading SUPER slow because I am so sad it is nearly over. It feels like book 7 of Potter all over again....

Yet, I did read the 20 page teaser of Meyer's book from Edward's point of view, and OMG, I cannot wait for that to be finished. Wow. That will give me (and dare I say all of us on this thread) something to be happy about... that is isn't ALL over just yet. And I have to say, I enjoy reading the story from his perspective even more. Yum. :lovestruc

So having no knowledge of how the series ends, I am not sure who's TEAM I will end up on.. but right now...

TEAM EDWARD! :love: :love: :love:

I am in love with the love story. Makes me think of my first love... makes me also think of my DH (oh and the boys that were in between! :lmao: ) Awwww....

Speaking of the DH, I dragged him to see the movie on Friday. We were there at a matinee with a bunch of teen girls. I giggled inside because what looked to be a 19 y.o. girl was sitting next to me alone. She was on the cell talking to her friend before the movie started and commented that this was her SEVENTH time seeing it! She also told her friend that she had just made an appt. at a tattoo shop to get the Cullen family crest on her shoulder. I am going to guess she is just a TAD more into this series than me? :rotfl: It was funny too because the first time you see Edward in the film as he is entering the cafeteria, she yelled out "oh...ok now...this is he comes..." ;)

Shockingly, DH really liked the movie. I have to admit, the first half of it, I was groaning inside. It just wasn't clicking for me, and I had to get over that some of the favorite scenes in the books were changed/deleted etc.. I also didn't like some of the dialogue such as "chillaxin'"....... the book was a little more sophisticated in language than the movie. But I did get sucked in by Edward's eyes and their chemistry was better as the movie continued on. (Hello, prom dance scene!!!) I imagine if I see it again, which I will at some point, I will like it even more.

Well, I am going to stop here for now till I finish the last book.

Though I had a chuckle earlier as I thought there could be a "drinking game" with this book... take a sip (of blood, no no....there are no vampires!!) every time Meyer writes...


I don't think I have ever seen that word said so much! :rotfl2:

Now back to Edward and Bella..oh and Jacob. More later............ :rolleyes1

OMG you fresh thing! But yes! That exactly happened to me! I figure it's good for all involved!! :lmao:

I just promised I wouldn't write one more thing till finished with the series, but I just had to comment....

I am sure DH noticed I was quite more romantic this weekend. I kept looking at him pretending he was Edward!! LOL :lmao: YES, I JUST SAID THAT!

Hey, welcome!

Oh, spoiler alert if you haven't read all the books-- maybe I better do the "highlight if you don't mind spoilers" thing below:

...and, well, apparently he needs a half vampire baby, because he produces the necessary for that... :rolleyes1

I read somewhere that Steph Meyer thought extensively about vampire physiology and anatomy for these books (I guess, obviously, she had to) and it's kind of interesting to consider what she came up with. They don't produce tears, so when they cry it's this dry hitching breath, etc. However, apparently there's venom rather than saliva? But in NM, when Bella takes a bite of the pizza after Edward, he thinks "Not that sharing food will hurt her..." so apparently the venom can't do anything unless it's in an open wound?

and there's venom in their eyes, because Bella's eyes dissolve her contacts in Breaking Dawn.

If there's venom in all of their available body fluids, Bella would have had to be very certain not to have any abrasions before Edward got too near her, pre-change.

Yeah, I'm over-thinking this. Like any of you are surprised. :rotfl:

Possible spoilers in white....

I'm wondering about when Bella lost her viginity. If she had the normal physical response and bled during the act, wouldn't Edward have lost all control? Do you think that's where the midnite swim came in handy? Maybe they did the deed in the water and that diluted any blood?
yeah, I'm overthinking this too.
Okay, I've just converted three people into Edward/Bella lovers. Last weekend I went with DH and our good friends husband/wife. None of them had read the books and I had only read the first book and part of the second one. After the movie DH said he didn't hate it and the friends didn't really say anything. Flash forward to later that night, DH started asking me where the first book was. Next thing I know he's reading it. What? He read all four books between last Sunday and finished them on Saturday! I just barely finished the second one! Now he's reading them AGAIN! What have I created? :scared1:

On to the friends...saw them on Thanksgiving and my friend Jen started giggling and showed me her screen saver on her cell phone...Edward! She's begging me to go see the movie with her again and I think we're gonna go tonight.

For the third convert, a girl I work with wanted to go see it and she had not read the books either. We went last Monday night to see it and she loved it. I had to bring her my book the next day so she could start reading it too.

I can't wait to see it again! The second time was better than the first for me because the first time I was comparing the book to the movie and also worrying about what the other three with me were thinking. I'm sure I'll enjoy it the third time even more. :cool1: have your own coven:thumbsup2
I just promised I wouldn't write one more thing till finished with the series, but I just had to comment....

I am sure DH noticed I was quite more romantic this weekend. I kept looking at him pretending he was Edward!! LOL :lmao: YES, I JUST SAID THAT!


I'm pretty rusty on my marriage, but I'm pretty sure HE DOESN"T CARE!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Ok...joining in. Thanks to my buddy travelmel for

Yet, I did read the 20 page teaser of Meyer's book from Edward's point of view, and OMG, I cannot wait for that to be finished. Wow. That will give me (and dare I say all of us on this thread) something to be happy about... that is isn't ALL over just yet. And I have to say, I enjoy reading the story from his perspective even more. Yum. :lovestruc

Say huh?!?!? Where is this??
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! :lmao:

OMG you are so funny Danielle!

When you commented on being romantic I started bursting out laughing! My DH is right here but I'm not lettin' him see that part! :rotfl2:

I love the story about your reading on the toilet! That is so funny! I agree about the movie... some awfully groanable parts. Seeing it the second time was way better for me.

Welcome, welcome, welcome! (I feel like Mr. Rourke) :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

Right before you somebody was commenting on how many newborns they had created :-)laughing: isn't it fun! ) and I was going to say, "me too, me too! :yay: " then BOOM you showed right up on cue. LOL

I'm going to try and talk DH into seeing it but he'll probably just irriatate me and say, "Yea, it wasn't that bad." Or something non-commital. That's how he rolls. I love him dearly but he rarely gets riled up about stuff. Which, of course, is something I like about him most of the time! So, I'm here, with you wonderful ladies talking about how funny it is while DH glowers at me from behind his own screen.

JUST KIDDING! He doesn't glower.. he smiles but YES! That is a much used term in the books, isn't it!!

As for my other newborn.....Poor Melanie ... she's trying to pack for her Disney trip and instead she's plotting about going to see the movie! Too funny.
Finally back from my trip to CA-I kept looking for Rob but never saw him ha ha.:banana: It was a great trip but I wasn't able to see the movie until November 29th-I have alot to do to catch up with you guys! Welcome to all the newborns! Speaking of glowering-check out "chagrin"-she uses that one alot too!

Loved the movie!!! Especially loved the Muse music during the baseball scene and watching Edward watch Bella sleep-that gave me goosebumps :cloud9: .
Here's a link to Catherine Hardwicke's ideas for the New Moon movie.:goodvibes

And more Twilight products for your fix: Sam Goody's has Twilight metal lunch boxes with thermos, very retro, and Edward Christmas Stockings!

ahhh... thanks for the Sam Goody plug! I'll have to check that out.

I'm afraid to read about New Moon..

Hi guys!
Let me just say,!!!! I love love love the books!
And I have fallen in love with Edward.
1. I like the fact that his body doesn't need anything, hence it doens't produce anything. Such as burping or farting. LOL Unlike my dh on the couch over there.
2. He treats Bella with such respect and love and admiration. I get the "honka honka" grab at :insert body part here: when I walk by.
3. No grocery shopping, fixing dinner or dishes!! He always goes out to eat! LOL
4. Those eyes, I melt instantly with those eyes!
5. The island! Need I say more?

I'll have to sneak out soon to go see the movie again. More likely a afternoon show so I have the place to myself!
I'm asking for the Twilight soundtrack for Christmas, but I'll probably end up buying it for myself.
Glad to be here!

Welcome, welcome, welcome! I love your Edward vs DH list! too cute :lmao:

I highly recommend sneaking out tos ee it alone. I think you'll be happy you did, and I'm not just saying that as a Twiloholic. ::yes::
Right before you somebody was commenting on how many newborns they had created :-)laughing: isn't it fun! ) and I was going to say, "me too, me too! :yay: " then BOOM you showed right up on cue. LOL

that brings up a good point...who was your maker, how many people have their own coven and how many people are in there??? I will start

I do not have a maker per se because I found out about twilight on my own awhile ago (before the frenzy took over) so in retrospect I guess I was a twilighter before twilight was cool;) I am the leader and currently have 6 people in my coven
Possible spoilers in white....

I'm wondering about when Bella lost her viginity. If she had the normal physical response and bled during the act, wouldn't Edward have lost all control? Do you think that's where the midnite swim came in handy? Maybe they did the deed in the water and that diluted any blood?
yeah, I'm overthinking this too.
My response is in white. The only problem with your theory, IMHO, is that the room is torn apart and there are feathers everywhere. If they'd only done things in the water, the room would have been left intact. Besides, by this point, Edward has tasted her blood and has become mostly immune to her scent. Bella also had bruises that would not have necessarily occurred while they were in the water. Finally, Alice didn't see Edward killing Bella on their honeymoon, so that probably helped him keep himself under somewhat control. Oh, my, who's over-thinking things now?
that brings up a good point...who was your maker, how many people have their own coven and how many people are in there??? I will start

I do not have a maker per se because I found out about twilight on my own awhile ago (before the frenzy took over) so in retrospect I guess I was a twilighter before twilight was cool;) I am the leader and currently have 6 people in my coven

Technically I guess I could call my husband my maker, since he bought me the series for my birthday. But it was at my request. I've been wanting to read them since I first saw Twilight on the shelves in 2003, but there was always something else I had to read first...and then there was my wedding to I got sidetracked.

I think my "coven" is up to six, I stopped counting because I was getting too excited everytime someone started reading them. I will say that my favourite convert was my mom, simply because she was adammant that she would never read them...then she saw the movie and was hooked just like the rest of us. She started Twilight the day after the movie came out, and is on Breaking Dawn now. She keeps trying to get me to tell her how it ends, but I refuse.
that brings up a good point...who was your maker, how many people have their own coven and how many people are in there??? I will start

I do not have a maker per se because I found out about twilight on my own awhile ago (before the frenzy took over) so in retrospect I guess I was a twilighter before twilight was cool;) I am the leader and currently have 6 people in my coven

I don't have a maker either. I turned my family (DH, DS17, DS15 and DD8) as well as two neighbors and a good DIS friend. Two more friends are still waiting to aquire the books so I'm hoping that will be two more, and a couple more have expressed curiosity since I can't seem to shut up about it.:laughing: For right now, there are 7 of us...hopefully more on the way. The more newborns the better! :woohoo:
that brings up a good point...who was your maker, how many people have their own coven and how many people are in there??? I will start

I do not have a maker per se because I found out about twilight on my own awhile ago (before the frenzy took over) so in retrospect I guess I was a twilighter before twilight was cool;) I am the leader and currently have 6 people in my coven


:rotfl: sorry but that little vampire smiley looks more like a flasher that's a bit on the crazy side.
I would say that I don't have a maker. I made myself?? I kept hearing about vampires and that is right up my alley. LOved Buffy the vampire slayer. I have a chihuahua named Spike.
Maybe I need another and name him Edward! LOL
And I have one in my coven :) My employee!
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