TTC thread take 2

I am going to find a new Dr its hard I have been googling but am worried since that is how I found the last one. I've asked a few people who they see and they either haven't gone in years or just go to their gp. Hopefully I find one I like. I've just been so down the past couple of days. I know I'm still young I'm 29. I am going to keep working out and hopefully find someone who can help me or work with me and at least say I'll test you guys and once you get to x amount of weight we start on this treatment or whatever instead of saying there's no point.

I'm totally new here but have been through infertility...

You need to go to a RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist). They will see you if you are over 35 or have been trying for at least a year.

Any obgyn can call themselves a fertility or infertility Doctor. A RE actually had to go to school for it. It will truly save you money. They know exactly what to test for.

My obgyn ran blood tests for stuff I knew was worthless to me and the RE confirmed it. Good luck!
Oop! I see REs have been covered! I get carried away telling people. I just don't want anyone else wasting their time or money!
Hi there! We used an RE as well and my DH had tests done out of our REs office. I truly hope that your appointment goes well. If you have any records from your other office you can legally request those be sent to you as well to give to your RE. Our dr was great that he thought outside the box. When we were deciding how we were going to work through my issue he was great and supportive in giving us all the info we needed. That said his bed side manner wasn't the best, however, he was never unkind just very businesslike.
Insurance approved going to the RE today. Called and made arrangements to have everything sent from OBGYN to RE. I am equally nervous afraid and excited. I feel like I know what the problem is from reading SA results but I don't know how to fix it. So today was a good step forward!
Insurance approved going to the RE today. Called and made arrangements to have everything sent from OBGYN to RE. I am equally nervous afraid and excited. I feel like I know what the problem is from reading SA results but I don't know how to fix it. So today was a good step forward!

Good News!

I've been a lurker since getting pregnant with my son a couple years ago. I'm so glad to see so many have graduated from this thread!

It took us two years and a miscarriage before we were able to have our son. He's 22 months now and we're discussing #2. I think I'm almost as afraid of it happening quickly as taking another couple of years!! :rotfl2:

You guys were incredibly helpful while we were having trouble conceiving, so I hope it's okay to come back to this thread while we work on #2.
So I had my RE appointment, it went really well. He thinks I may have some hormone issues and blood clotting disorder. We talked for over an hour. So now I have to take 10 days of BC pills but not orally (vag), then get labs on day 8 then labs on cd 3. Thank you guys for telling me about the RE. I told him about what the gyn told me and he couldn't believe it.
I've been a lurker since getting pregnant with my son a couple years ago. I'm so glad to see so many have graduated from this thread! It took us two years and a miscarriage before we were able to have our son. He's 22 months now and we're discussing #2. I think I'm almost as afraid of it happening quickly as taking another couple of years!! :rotfl2: You guys were incredibly helpful while we were having trouble conceiving, so I hope it's okay to come back to this thread while we work on #2.

Welcome back!!
So I had my RE appointment, it went really well. He thinks I may have some hormone issues and blood clotting disorder. We talked for over an hour. So now I have to take 10 days of BC pills but not orally (vag), then get labs on day 8 then labs on cd 3. Thank you guys for telling me about the RE. I told him about what the gyn told me and he couldn't believe it.

I'm so glad to hear that you had a really great experience with your RE!!!
I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but I'm excited and I have to tell someone...we got 6 eggs from the egg bank and 4 of them fertilized. The nurse that called said they consider that excellent (and of course, DH was happy because he was worried that his swimmers were no good :rolleyes:). We go tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. for the transfer.

The only worry I have right now is that they increased my IM progesterone from 1 to 1 1/2 cc per night. Please tell me that it's only because as of my bloodwork yesterday, I'd only had 2 injections (total of 1 1/2 cc) so of course my progesterone isn't very high yet. Since I'm getting a day 3 transfer, we need to get it up quickly...right?:worried:
apirateslifeforme said:
I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but I'm excited and I have to tell someone...we got 6 eggs from the egg bank and 4 of them fertilized. The nurse that called said they consider that excellent (and of course, DH was happy because he was worried that his swimmers were no good :rolleyes:). We go tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. for the transfer.

The only worry I have right now is that they increased my IM progesterone from 1 to 1 1/2 cc per night. Please tell me that it's only because as of my bloodwork yesterday, I'd only had 2 injections (total of 1 1/2 cc) so of course my progesterone isn't very high yet. Since I'm getting a day 3 transfer, we need to get it up quickly...right?:worried:

I know nothing about these things. But sending sticky dust your way!!!
I had my blood drawn yesterday. They took 14 vials! I couldn't believe it. I had to go at 8am and at 4pm. Now I have to wait for cd3. I take the last of the ten days of birth control pills tonight. I just hope that cd3 doesn't fall on Christmas day since no labs are open.
I got myself too excited. We went for the transfer yesterday and the news wasn't very good. None of the embryos were better than grade 4, which I understand can work, but aren't likely. But if it didn't have a chance at all, they wouldn't do it. So instead of 2, they transferred 3 to give us a better chance. All of the doctors and nurses are in agreement that doing the transfer anyway might be the key, as "in Mommy is the best place for them to grow, not the incubator." One nurse said, "I've gotten several positives using grade 4 embryos, so it can work." The doctor also said they may just be slow growers; on fertilization day, 4 of the 6 worked, but the next day, the other 2 ended up fertilizing as well (of course, they weren't anywhere near good enough to use, however). At least my progesterone level was good, so I'm no longer worried about that.

This is our only chance. The doctor said they tried to get another authorization from our insurance to try again if this one doesn't work and were denied.

DH and I are still feeling pretty devastated - and if I feel this way now, I can only imagine how I'll be getting a BFN or miscarrying later. We'd really appreciate any extra prayers and/or pixie dust you could send our way :grouphug: and prayers to all of you as well.
I got myself too excited. We went for the transfer yesterday and the news wasn't very good. None of the embryos were better than grade 4, which I understand can work, but aren't likely. But if it didn't have a chance at all, they wouldn't do it. So instead of 2, they transferred 3 to give us a better chance. All of the doctors and nurses are in agreement that doing the transfer anyway might be the key, as "in Mommy is the best place for them to grow, not the incubator." One nurse said, "I've gotten several positives using grade 4 embryos, so it can work." The doctor also said they may just be slow growers; on fertilization day, 4 of the 6 worked, but the next day, the other 2 ended up fertilizing as well (of course, they weren't anywhere near good enough to use, however). At least my progesterone level was good, so I'm no longer worried about that.

This is our only chance. The doctor said they tried to get another authorization from our insurance to try again if this one doesn't work and were denied.

DH and I are still feeling pretty devastated - and if I feel this way now, I can only imagine how I'll be getting a BFN or miscarrying later. We'd really appreciate any extra prayers and/or pixie dust you could send our way :grouphug: and prayers to all of you as well.

Hugs and prayers for you. :grouphug:

We had fertility problems. Our oldest is 20, but reading your story has put me right back there like it was yesterday. I completely understand what you are feeling.

Hugs to every one coping with this in the midst of the holiday season.
I got myself too excited. We went for the transfer yesterday and the news wasn't very good. None of the embryos were better than grade 4, which I understand can work, but aren't likely. But if it didn't have a chance at all, they wouldn't do it. So instead of 2, they transferred 3 to give us a better chance. All of the doctors and nurses are in agreement that doing the transfer anyway might be the key, as "in Mommy is the best place for them to grow, not the incubator." One nurse said, "I've gotten several positives using grade 4 embryos, so it can work." The doctor also said they may just be slow growers; on fertilization day, 4 of the 6 worked, but the next day, the other 2 ended up fertilizing as well (of course, they weren't anywhere near good enough to use, however). At least my progesterone level was good, so I'm no longer worried about that.

This is our only chance. The doctor said they tried to get another authorization from our insurance to try again if this one doesn't work and were denied.

DH and I are still feeling pretty devastated - and if I feel this way now, I can only imagine how I'll be getting a BFN or miscarrying later. We'd really appreciate any extra prayers and/or pixie dust you could send our way :grouphug: and prayers to all of you as well.

Just wanted to send sticky dust your way. Infertility is such a horrible thing with so many ups and downs. To share part of my story, we had 18 eggs retrieved during IVF (unexplained infertility) and were ecstatic, the next day we only had 4 fertilize and were crushed. It's such a roller coaster and you just can't count yourself out until you go for your beta. Hoping you get that BFP.
apirateslifeforme said:
I got myself too excited. We went for the transfer yesterday and the news wasn't very good. None of the embryos were better than grade 4, which I understand can work, but aren't likely. But if it didn't have a chance at all, they wouldn't do it. So instead of 2, they transferred 3 to give us a better chance. All of the doctors and nurses are in agreement that doing the transfer anyway might be the key, as "in Mommy is the best place for them to grow, not the incubator." One nurse said, "I've gotten several positives using grade 4 embryos, so it can work." The doctor also said they may just be slow growers; on fertilization day, 4 of the 6 worked, but the next day, the other 2 ended up fertilizing as well (of course, they weren't anywhere near good enough to use, however). At least my progesterone level was good, so I'm no longer worried about that.

This is our only chance. The doctor said they tried to get another authorization from our insurance to try again if this one doesn't work and were denied.

DH and I are still feeling pretty devastated - and if I feel this way now, I can only imagine how I'll be getting a BFN or miscarrying later. We'd really appreciate any extra prayers and/or pixie dust you could send our way :grouphug: and prayers to all of you as well.

Sending prayers and sticky dust!!! I hope you have good news soon! my BFN today. But there's an issue - and it's not with DH or me. The doctor called personally and spent 20 minutes on the phone with both of us. It seems that the batch of eggs we got was not good at all - the best embryo we got had only 5 cells, and the egg bank "guarantees" that you'll get at least one with 6 cells. Out of the 6 eggs, one was "dark," one had a very hard shell, 3 had very soft shells ("not ideal," she said), and the last one, while it fertilized, was...I forgot the word, but it had too much genetic information (multinucleic?), which was not an issue with the sperm since we had ICSI done. So she and all the other doctors - and the embryologists - feel that it was completely an egg issue and even the day of the transfer, they were in touch with the egg bank. The guarantee with the bank is that if you don't get one embryo with at least 6 cells, you get to choose another donor at no charge. She feels that our case won't even get to the medical board at the egg bank, that they should approve it immediately. And apparently they are already fighting our insurance co. to approve another round, as it had nothing to do with either DH or me. She even said, and I quote, "This should have worked." She and the other doctors have already pledged to boycott this egg bank if they don't make good on it as well, she said.

I feel bad for the donor. Because of this, she'll be dropped as a donor and blocked from being chosen by current recipients. And she's only 24 years old; if her eggs are bad now, she may end up in our shoes someday.

But there's still hope...I still feel like I lost 3 babies, though. I was trying so hard to feed them right, not jostle or squish them, and DH and I were both massaging them and talking to them already :rolleyes: (I know, weird). And I can't help but think, SEVEN WEEKS. It took SEVEN weeks and nothing came from it. I did it once...I can do it again.


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