TSA - Infant Carry-On Items?


DIS Veteran
Jul 26, 2006
I consider myself fairly informed with TSA regulations regarding carry-on's for ADULT pax, however, this will be my first time flying with a baby, and I am not sure what is and isn't allowed as a carry-on for an infant.

I'm assuming a bottle of water and a box or two of shelf-stable milk is allowed, as are containers of baby food.

I'm curious about diaper bag staples like Boudreaux's Butt Paste (mine is something like 4oz.) and baby sunscreen (Water Babies, something like 8oz.).

I know I have heard and read that some will allow these items, as they directly relate to the infant, but I have heard stories of these things being pitched because they weren't allowed.

I'm trying to get a general idea of what you've had luck getting through, and what I should for sure leave home.

I consider myself fairly informed with TSA regulations regarding carry-on's for ADULT pax, however, this will be my first time flying with a baby, and I am not sure what is and isn't allowed as a carry-on for an infant.

I'm assuming a bottle of water and a box or two of shelf-stable milk is allowed, as are containers of baby food.

I'm curious about diaper bag staples like Boudreaux's Butt Paste (mine is something like 4oz.) and baby sunscreen (Water Babies, something like 8oz.).

I know I have heard and read that some will allow these items, as they directly relate to the infant, but I have heard stories of these things being pitched because they weren't allowed.

I'm trying to get a general idea of what you've had luck getting through, and what I should for sure leave home.


Subbing. Thanks for asking these questions. I, too, will be traveling for the first time with a baby in December and didn't even think of what COULDN'T go through security. Gosh, so many things to remember now..
All liquids, gels, creams and aerosols have to be a max. of 3 ounces if they are in your carry on. Some TSA agents might allow butt cream or sun lotion through, but as a general rule they are to be 3 oz. or less, so you should not take larger sizes. Walmart has a travel bottle kit that has little tubs and bottles that are 3 oz. The kit has like 9 pieces I think, for $2. Be sure to declare any "necessary" larger sized items (formula, baby food) or they can detain you.
This is just on my experience....

For baby food/formula - bring what you would need just for the day. Make sure it is sealed - it will make life easier. I have brought juices through (the small bottles), I had one that was opened and that was pitched but the others they scanned and all was okay.

I would bring one of the small little bottles of sunscreen that is 3oz or less. I would check the big bottle. With the butt paste - if you NEED it that day, then try it. If it is 'just in case', I would check it also.

I have found it is easier to go through security in MCO, as they are used to dealing with kids 24/7. It seemed to me that security was tougher in DTW.
Generally speaking, if its things that are available on the other side of security, it won't pass through. The bottle of water, leave behind - buy one when you get through screening. I don't think you'll get the milk through for the same reasons - its available on the other side of security (or on the plane from the stewardesses). Formula and breastmilk will get through (although sometimes you have issues in that TSA agents aren't always the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree).

Pack the sunscreen - I don't think that is getting through. And be prepared to throw out the 4oz of diaper cream - buy a small tube of something just in case
At the time of our trip I was both nursing and giving supplemental formula. I was allowed to bring formula as well as two bottles of water through security with no problem. I also was allowed to bring my nursing pillow in addition to the carry on bags.

I had a small tube of diaper rash cream, but it was within the usual allowed amount, maybe 2 or 3oz?

I shipped a box of baby supplies to AKL ahead of time which included sun block so didn't need to bring that on the plane. I had baby food delivered from garden grocer, and diapers, a blow up baby tub and pool float delivered from diapers.com. It just made life easy.
Food, milk, formula, etc for babies are allowed through security - you just have to declare them to the TSA agent. I always brought enough for 24 hours since you never know when a flight may be delayed or cancelled.

You should be fine with diaper cream as well. Even if the diaper cream is over 3 oz, they will still let you through, although it will need to be declared, the same way you would need to declare medication that's larger than 3 oz.

I don't think they'll let you through with the sunblock though, since you don't need it for your flight. You can often find travel sized ones at Target (even the kind for babies). Target also sells little empty plastic bottles that are 3 oz. You could pour some of your sunblock into a little bottle and put that in your zip lock bag to go through security. Then you could put the large bottle in your checked bag.
When we flew in January I had powdered formula in a formula dispenser and bottled water (both opened and unopened). I just had to tell the TSA person I had them. They had to test the opened bottle, but not the unopened one. I had mylicon and Desitin (both under 3oz) in the 3-1-1 bag.

Unless you absolutely need the diaper cream for the flight, I would pack it into your checked bag. Sunscreen most likely wont be allowed through in a larger size, even if it was for the baby. I don't believe it is considered a baby essential the same way milk/juice is.
I recently flew with DD, 21 months. I was able to get through security with 2 juice boxes and a bottle of water. I also had a small butt paste. I had no issues. They tested the liquids but did not make me toss them.

When I flew with DD when she was much younger, I brought pumped breast milk as well as ready to eat forumula and again had no problems.
Food, milk, formula, etc for babies are allowed through security - you just have to declare them to the TSA agent. I always brought enough for 24 hours since you never know when a flight may be delayed or cancelled.

You should be fine with diaper cream as well. Even if the diaper cream is over 3 oz, they will still let you through, although it will need to be declared, the same way you would need to declare medication that's larger than 3 oz.

:thumbsup2 This is what we did too.

A tip for making bottles of formula - I always bought water after we got through security and I asked for a warm bottle from the backroom since DD was used to drinking room-temp bottles.
I live in Minneapolis/St. Paul and I consider the airport to generally be on the "stricter" side as far as following guidelines. I have flown with babies a lot of times (I have three kids, the youngest is 4 months and she has already flown), and this has been my experience on this end:

1) Formula, bottles, etc.: I have always BF my babies so have not traveled with these items myself. When I go through security, I usually get dirty looks from 1-2 TSA people because "You did not take the bottles out. The BOTTLES...for the BABY...we have to SEE them." They generally don't believe me that I don't have bottles, but anyway...They have told me that powdered formula, prepared formula (in baby bottles or the ready to serve kind in the original bottle), or bottles of breast milk are all fine. Water is not allowed and should be purchased on the other side of security. (although I know different places differ on this). I've gotten through with a juice box style box of milk once and I've been asked to discard it and purchase milk on the other side once. One time, my son was drinking a sippy cup of juice while we waited in line, and I intended to toss it (take-n-toss cup) but the person said "Oh, you can take that through. Don't worry about it" and it wasn't tested or anything. But, as we went through the scanner thing, the TSA worker said, "Well, you should have tossed whatever is in that cup, but if they let you through, then I guess it's okay." So, anyway, I guess there is not really a "standard." Just be prepared that if you need it for the flight and you can't purchase it after you go through security, then they will very likely let you through. If you can buy it after, they might make you do that.

2) Sunscreen and butt paste: I have seen large bottles of sunscreen get tossed. I would buy a travel size and put it in a quart size Ziploc bag. As far as the butt paste, I don't know. I would say that would be more likely to get through, but I always bring those single use packets (the sample kind that you get in the mail or at the doctor's office) and I put them in the Ziploc bag. Otherwise, most of those brands have a travel size, but I'm not sure I've ever seen the Butt Paste brand...I can't remember.
Thanks, everyone! Helpful tips, I appreciate that!

I should have mentioned that we aren't checking bags. We ARE hitting up a store when we get there, but I have TONS of sunscreen (worried grandma and very fair Irish child ;) ) and didn't want to spend another $10 if I didn't have to. I WILL stock up on smaller sunscreens now, or suck it up and buy it there.

Unfortunately, DD doesn't do bottles anymore, so I was hoping to get the milk through, but purchasing on the other side looks like a safer option!

Thanks again so much!
Thanks, everyone! Helpful tips, I appreciate that!

I should have mentioned that we aren't checking bags. We ARE hitting up a store when we get there, but I have TONS of sunscreen (worried grandma and very fair Irish child ;) ) and didn't want to spend another $10 if I didn't have to. I WILL stock up on smaller sunscreens now, or suck it up and buy it there.

Unfortunately, DD doesn't do bottles anymore, so I was hoping to get the milk through, but purchasing on the other side looks like a safer option!

Thanks again so much!

Ok so you are not checking bags, does your DD have her own seat? Otherwise she does not have a carry on allowance, I think just the diaper bag, although that may even count towards an adults personal item. If your DD has a seat and is not a lap baby then she will have the same carry on allowance as other ticketed passengers. Have a great trip.
We flew out of Dayton airport last August. My DS was 5 and has special needs. He has down syndrome which is very obvious. I had 2 single serve cartons of Silk Soy milk. I asked the TSA about them and they were super nice. They did run a special cloth over them and apologized several times for it taking several minutes. I was very grateful and not worried about the loss time. I'm not sure if this is the norm or we just got lucky! Have a great trip!
Thanks, everyone! Helpful tips, I appreciate that!

I should have mentioned that we aren't checking bags. We ARE hitting up a store when we get there, but I have TONS of sunscreen (worried grandma and very fair Irish child ;) ) and didn't want to spend another $10 if I didn't have to. I WILL stock up on smaller sunscreens now, or suck it up and buy it there.

Unfortunately, DD doesn't do bottles anymore, so I was hoping to get the milk through, but purchasing on the other side looks like a safer option!

Thanks again so much!

I would buy a bunch of those empty 3 oz bottles from walgreens and put the babies sun lotion in there!
Ok - the main thing is to familiarize yourself with the TSA regs - a pp posted a link to traveling with children. Tis is another good one because it clearly lists the exceptions to the 3-1-1- rule: http://www.tsa.gov/311/index.shtm
"Declare larger liquids. Medications, baby formula and food, and breast milk are allowed in reasonable quantities exceeding three ounces and are not required to be in the zip-top bag. Declare these items for inspection at the checkpoint. Officers may need to open these items to conduct additional screening."

Since your not checking bags you can claim the diaper ointment as medicine but not the sunscreen. If you choose to bring milk and/or juice for the baby that is also exempt and you can bring an ice pack to keep it cold if your not using shelf stable milk/juice boxes.

A word of caution - most airlines won't be able to serve you milk on the aircraft when they come around with the cart so be prepared to have your own or get your dd juice or water onboard.

On most airlines your dd's diaper bag won't count as a carry on item even if she isn't ticketed, best check the airlines website for info on what you can carry on for your dd. Be aware that you can only bring one 3-1-1 bag per "ticketed" passenger.

Have you looked for sunscreen wipes? They are not considered liquid so that's what we pack for use until our checked bags arrive. Here are some safe for baby :

If you choose to purchase empty 3oz bottles and fill them make sure the oz marking is labeled on the bottles.

Thanks, everyone! Helpful tips, I appreciate that!

I should have mentioned that we aren't checking bags. We ARE hitting up a store when we get there, but I have TONS of sunscreen (worried grandma and very fair Irish child ;) ) and didn't want to spend another $10 if I didn't have to. I WILL stock up on smaller sunscreens now, or suck it up and buy it there.

Unfortunately, DD doesn't do bottles anymore, so I was hoping to get the milk through, but purchasing on the other side looks like a safer option!

Thanks again so much!
FWIW - My sister flew in April with her 1 1/2 year old. (Who happens to be very tall and could easily pass for 2; so we're not talking infant here.) She had no problems bringing milk (regular cow's milk) for her. She had put the milk in a baby bottle, because she wasn't sure if sippy cups of milk were allowed, but was told that a cup would have been fine as well. This was in Boston; she also had no problems bringing the milk in the bottle on the way home from Fort Myers. They had very early flights so they weren't 100% sure that anything would be open where they could purchase drinks and wanted to be sure that there was something for the baby to drink during take off.

She also said that there was free milk ("juice box" style) once on board the plane. They were flying Jet Blue.

Also, as someone who has 3 very pale, freckle faced kids, I understand about the need for sunblock. You won't have any trouble finding sunblock down there since you are making a stop at a store. I've done the same thing when flying with only carry-ons. I do like to keep one of the sunblock sticks with me that use for the faces until we can get the other stuff. Those are very small, so you will have no problems with that in a carry-on.
As stated earlier you are allowed to bring milk, juice and formula when traveling with babies/toddlers. I will say your sister was very lucky to get milk onboard, every time I fly, including JB, they don't even have milk for coffee just powder so your sister was right to be prepared. I would not count on milk being served on any airline.

Fwiw I avoid milk if possible when flying in case of tummy issues. If the child is eating solids and can drink juice I hold off until after landing to give milk. The milk won't make a child sick of course but if they do get airsick then milk can "complicate" things.

A sunscreen stick doesn't have to be in the 3-1-1 bag as it isn't liquid.

FWIW - My sister flew in April with her 1 1/2 year old. (Who happens to be very tall and could easily pass for 2; so we're not talking infant here.) She had no problems bringing milk (regular cow's milk) for her. She had put the milk in a baby bottle, because she wasn't sure if sippy cups of milk were allowed, but was told that a cup would have been fine as well. This was in Boston; she also had no problems bringing the milk in the bottle on the way home from Fort Myers. They had very early flights so they weren't 100% sure that anything would be open where they could purchase drinks and wanted to be sure that there was something for the baby to drink during take off.

She also said that there was free milk ("juice box" style) once on board the plane. They were flying Jet Blue.

Also, as someone who has 3 very pale, freckle faced kids, I understand about the need for sunblock. You won't have any trouble finding sunblock down there since you are making a stop at a store. I've done the same thing when flying with only carry-ons. I do like to keep one of the sunblock sticks with me that use for the faces until we can get the other stuff. Those are very small, so you will have no problems with that in a carry-on.
FWIW - My sister flew in April with her 1 1/2 year old. (Who happens to be very tall and could easily pass for 2; so we're not talking infant here.) She had no problems bringing milk (regular cow's milk) for her. She had put the milk in a baby bottle, because she wasn't sure if sippy cups of milk were allowed, but was told that a cup would have been fine as well. This was in Boston; she also had no problems bringing the milk in the bottle on the way home from Fort Myers. They had very early flights so they weren't 100% sure that anything would be open where they could purchase drinks and wanted to be sure that there was something for the baby to drink during take off.

She also said that there was free milk ("juice box" style) once on board the plane. They were flying Jet Blue.

It may also depend on the TSA agent you get. This past Feb 4th my husband and I took our very tiny 3 y/o grandson down to WDW. This kid is so tiny that he could easily pass for a small 2 y/o. My daughter-in-law tells me he is so small, that he is not even on the pediatrician's growth chart at all. He is healthy, just very tiny for his age.:rotfl: He is also addicted to his sippy cup (like most kids would be to a pacifier or favorite stuffed animal). We were leaving on the first early morning flight out, so he slept all the way to the airport and woke up as we were carrying him in. Of course, being sleepy he immediately wanted his sippy cup of apple juice. We assumed that it wouldn't be a problem with him being a toddler. Nope!:mad: One of the TSA agents saw him while we were in line, and came over to tell us that we'd have to dump it before going through the machines. When I politely told him I thought it would be allowed because he was a toddler and obviously nothing bad was in it, since he was drinking from it at the time, the TSA agent very rudely told me to dump it or they would, and since he could walk, he obviously was not an infant, and toddlers could do without their sippy cups for a few minutes until I could get him something else past security. My GS is usually very easy going, but we had a very irritable, sleepy toddler on our hands who was pissed that his sippy cup of apple juice got dumped.:rotfl:


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