Trying to keep up with the weight loss wagon......yet again (new title, same journal)

Hi Lindsay! I think if I hadn't been so HUNGRY! I could have dealt with the espn zone thing better. The biggest thing I have had to learn since giving up gluten is I have to plan ahead. Last minute eating does not always work very well. Thank goodness for Garden Grocer!

I just wanted to say that we made biscuits for brunch with g-f bisquick and they were very tasty! We made our version of bacon, egg and cheese biscuits and a big fruit salad. Not as much fun as going to Bob Evan's for breakfast, but tastier, and healthier, I am guessing! I will talk about this more on my next day of my trip report, but I have slightly fallen off the veggie bandwagon. I would say I'm still 99% vegetarian, but I had a hot dog at WDW :rolleyes1 and I made bacon this morning. I know, NOT the healthiest choices.

Cooking the bacon grossed me out so much I almost pitched it. And now my whole house smells like cooking bacon.:rotfl: Anyhow, I put just a tiny bit on my biscuit with egg and g-f boar's head cheese. YUM!

Still not sure where I am going with this vegetarian/non-vegetarian stuff. It's just really tiring sometimes to be g-f and 100% vegetarian. It will all make more sense in my next day of my tr.

Anyhow, I really enjoyed the biscuit. We made a 1/2 batch and used unsalted butter instead of shortening. Along with a little less egg and skim milk. So not too bad.:goodvibes
love the trip report so far! rose you look wonderful! and i love the princess half marathon tank top. i should have gotten one! looks really cute!

you are one hot mama in that black dress! vavoom!

john's favorite disney restaurant is the brown derby. i really like it too.

so, how did your tom like the pirates movie? pirate:
Great trip report, so far. You look amazing, and what a handsome son you have! ;) I met Debra over marathon weekend, and she's a hoot! When we went in January, I wasn't a vegetarian yet. I'm VERY nervous about the next time we go. It's going to be incredibly difficult to eat no meat products and no sugar. But, I will make do. At least the chef's seem willing to accommodate you. Sorry about the mean waitress. I have been known to walk out of lots of restaurants for that reason as well. Life is too short to put up with grumpy people! :)
Thanks! We think DS is a cutie, but we're his parents, so I guess we have to.;) I just loved Debra--she was exactly like I thought she would be. We had a really nice time at dinner and then we saw her again later in the trip.

I feel like I am really failing with the vegetarian lately, and I don't know why I'm letting it go. Something just has to give. The itbs is starting to overwhelm me a bit and I just want to eat like a normal human being and not have to think about everything. I am being a real whiner tonight! I think you will find that at most places they are very accomodating with vegetarians--especially if you eat gluten and mushrooms.:thumbsup2 And some of it just depends on how much you want to push it--like I found out some g-f desserts that I REALLY wanted to have weren't vegetarian. They had gelatin in them. I think that was the beginning of the end for me. Having dessert is such a huge treat for me, and I just don't know if it's worth it any more to get stressed about g-f and vegetarian. It's wearing me out!

And I really have no tolerance for rude people! There was no way I was rewarding that behavior.

love the trip report so far! rose you look wonderful! and i love the princess half marathon tank top. i should have gotten one! looks really cute!

you are one hot mama in that black dress! vavoom!

john's favorite disney restaurant is the brown derby. i really like it too.

so, how did your tom like the pirates movie? pirate:

Thanks Nancy! Tom liked the movie better the second time he saw it. I think it was hard to live up to all the hype.

And I do love that dress! I washed it out and wore it a second night even though I brought a couple of other dresses along.:goodvibes

We went to a baseball game tonight. I had a baked potato with broccoli, sour cream and butter and onions. My choices at the stadium are: baked potato, peanuts, crackerjacks, and some prepackaged chips. I usually just have a potato and g-f beer.:thumbsup2

I have been having a real pity party lately. My knee is sore from running on Saturday--which probably means more time off. Uggh. I'm sick of not being able to eat what I want when I want. And I'm really sick of not being able to run. I think if I did not have this injury right now, I would feel so much more better able to handle everything else. I even debated eating gluten foods just one more time--you know in case all the other times it made me sick were just a fluke. Uggh. I feel like I have no control over anything right now, which is not a good way to feel if you are a control freak.

Anyhow, whine over. I am going to attempt to run tomorrow. I'm not optimistic. I think I'm going to make a chiro appointment for Wednesday where I'm sure he will tell me to take a couple more weeks off. I'm trying to be optimistic, but I'm just not feeling it tonight. Maybe miraculously my knee will cooperate tomorrow. :goodvibes
Day 3—Saturday:goodvibes

Mike and I woke up around 7:00—Ok, so I woke up earlier than that and woke Mike up.;) I am not a very good sleeper. We decided to walk over to Swan & Dolphin for coffee—they have a coffee bar at the Swan. We both got a decaf and this gorgeous container of fruit. It had strawberries, 2 kinds of melons, pineapples, blueberries and raspberries. Yum! I am not usually a big fan of blueberries, but I’ve decided that’s probably mostly because I’ve never had good blueberries before. We walked back and sat at a table on the BW and had our coffee and fruit. It was wonderful!

We came back and got DS going and we all got cleaned up and got ready to go. I had a hardboiled egg and Mike made DS some pb&j sandwiches to take along. We headed out to AK. We didn’t get there until around 10:00. We were moving very slowly! We got a fastpass for the safari and then went and got in line for Kali River Rapids. Mike and I had never ridden it before. I think it said 40 min and we waited less than 30. I thought it was pretty fun—but way too short. And of course I got soaked—which did not bode well for my hair. We had taken along flip flops so our sneakers stayed dry and we changed back when we got off the ride. Next we rode Dinosaur. The kids in front of us were terrified!

We started heading towards Everest to see how long the line was and Mike realized that he forgot his hat (USC CWS baseball hat—kind of a big deal) so he went back to see if he could recover it and DS and I went to get a fp for Everest. My knee and ankle were really not enjoying all this walking around. DS and I walked back to Dinosaur and found a seat and waited for Mike. He finally came out—with his hat!:cool1: He said he had to go to the place where they sell you pictures and they figure out which car you were on and then wait for it to come back around so that they can check for it.

At that point we were all hot and I thought ice cream sounded good. We found a stand with scoop ice cream that didn’t have cookies and cream ice cream (very bad for g-f) so we thought we’d take our chances. Plus on the g-f list we had they were listed as having ice cream. So we waited in line and went up to the counter and the person at the counter had to call a manager. Ok. So we waited at least 10 more minutes and the manager called to ask what kind we wanted. Uhh, what kind do you have? He finally came out to tell us that they had g-f rice milk ice cream in a prepackaged container. I just wanted regular ice cream.:confused3

So by then we’d been standing there for close to 20 minutes. We talked to the manager for a bit and decided to look at the ingredient list for the regular ice cream. I ended up getting a root beer float with a scoop of chocolate ice cream—he washed the scoop out and might have even scooped it from a new tub. So that was great! (But for as long as we waited it was the TINIEST scoop of ice cream!) Anyhow, it tasted great—but what a hassle. It’s sometimes a huge pain that they have to call a manager at every cs! But if you just say—hey could you wash your scoop and try to scoop in a new part of the tub they look at you like you are nuts. I kind of looked at it as, I was taking my chances and if I got glutened I would live with it—but I wasn’t too worried about it.

Anyhow, after that we headed to the safari. It was pretty fun. Considering how warm it was, there were a bunch of animals out. We walked through the jungle trail and saw a hippo swimming and a baby gorilla. It was so cute! We also saw the adolescent male gorillas—I’m just not going to say anything about this. :thumbsup2

We then headed over to Everest and used our FP. After that everyone was hot and tired and a little hungry—and no one wanted to deal with finding g-f food again, so we headed back to the room. Again, thank goodness for garden grocer. We cooled off in the room and then went to the store on the BW to restock some of our supplies and see what kind of adult beverages they had. We bought some Maker’s Mark and oj and ginger ale, and milk and more pb. Mike and I had a grown up drink and we all got ready to go out for the evening.

We headed to DTD for a bit and did some shopping. The new Lego store is pretty cool. We also went in Little Miss Matched and a couple of other places. Around 6:15 we headed towards the bus stop to catch a bus to AKL for our dinner at Boma. Here's some pics.



Our reservation was at 7:20 and we weren’t seated until around 7:45. By 7:30 I was starving—and I knew even after we were seated it would be a bit until I ate because a chef would have to give us a tour of the buffet. I went ahead and had a Lara Bar. I was starting to feel queasy. Finally we were seated.

The chef who came out was really nice. She explained everything that was on the buffet and told me where to watch for cross contamination. She had hummus and veggies brought out to our table since the crackers by the hummus were a big issue. The food was really good. Boma has fabulous g-f food. There are so many choices and it’s all so yummy! And there are lots of g-f vegetarian choices as well. I really enjoyed dinner. But really I wanted the dessert. I loved the dessert plate that the chef made for me when we were there in February. And the chef told me she would plate up dessert again. I was sooo looking forward to it; especially after how hard it was to just get ice cream this afternoon.

So we told the server we were ready for dessert. And this is what she brought me:

She told me the chef realized that the desserts weren’t vegetarian because they had gelatin in them—or at least the g-f ones did. (I don’t know about the regular desserts.) I really just wanted to cry.:sad2: Really. I miss dessert. I don’t eat a lot of dessert since losing weight, but we can’t go anywhere—no more cheesecake factory. Really just eating ice cream out is tough. No molten lava cake. You get the picture. I did not want raspberry sorbet with berries—even if it was really lovely. I wanted cake—or at least something close to it.

It was all I could do to not have a meltdown sitting there watching Mike and Tom eat their zebra domes, etc. I guess I could have said—just kidding, I’m only mostly a vegetarian. It was all getting old. This is when I start doing the—maybe I don’t really have gluten intolerance. And Mike looks at me like I’m nuts. And then I remember the extra tests I had run. And the fact that my hair was falling out, and my heartbeat was so irregular, and I was getting sick after running, and the brain fog, etc. So I need to be g-f—but do I really need to be g-f and 100 percent vegetarian? I truly was getting worn out and starting to have those—I don’t want to leave the house thoughts. I just want to stay in my bed. Which used to mean eating a ton of junk, which I can no longer eat. So I would just stay in my bed and not eat.

It was a rough night. I know it’s just a stupid zebra dome. But I was tired.

So after dinner we headed back to the room and called it a night around 11:00. We were all pretty tired. I was really tired. Tired of food and tired of the knee pain. Don’t get me wrong, we were having a very nice trip. Really. I mean, c’mon we were at WDW.:thumbsup2 It was hard not to have fun. And it’s just food right?:goodvibes
you are doing AWESOME & you are inspiring! Seriously!

I looked up Gluten on the DIS for reference at Disney & you gave me so much more!

This is the first time I've read you & I will be checkign in often!!! you truly are an inspiration. I'm sorry about the dessert, I may of had the break down--my eyes weled up for you, you've given up so much all ready. There always is that "come on!!!! why me???" point.

My SIL was Dx last week (with the bloodwork & scope) last week & I had the bloodwork done yesterday & for Celiac. My Dr was suprised no one had considered checking me for this in the past. Only IBS--which is the general, "we have no idea what your problem is so we'll throw you into IBS" group. lol

Anyway. thanks. you're full of great info--I've copies your link to forward to my SIL & I'll be checking in!

You're doing a great thing here, sharing like this!!!!! It's like you're a Fairy Godmother! :littleangel:

PS --- I LOVE your RunningSkirts Dress!! I shop there too! :O))
you are doing AWESOME & you are inspiring! Seriously!

I looked up Gluten on the DIS for reference at Disney & you gave me so much more!

This is the first time I've read you & I will be checkign in often!!! you truly are an inspiration. I'm sorry about the dessert, I may of had the break down--my eyes weled up for you, you've given up so much all ready. There always is that "come on!!!! why me???" point.

My SIL was Dx last week (with the bloodwork & scope) last week & I had the bloodwork done yesterday & for Celiac. My Dr was suprised no one had considered checking me for this in the past. Only IBS--which is the general, "we have no idea what your problem is so we'll throw you into IBS" group. lol

Anyway. thanks. you're full of great info--I've copies your link to forward to my SIL & I'll be checking in!

You're doing a great thing here, sharing like this!!!!! It's like you're a Fairy Godmother! :littleangel:

PS --- I LOVE your RunningSkirts Dress!! I shop there too! :O))

Oh, thank you so much! I LOVE the Fairy Godmother--so what a complement! And I think the dress was actually Sports Skirts. I got them confused!:goodvibes

I'm glad your sister was able to get a definitive diagnosis--and fwiw, if this is what you have, I hope you are able to get a definitive diagnosis. Makes it much harder to say--maybe I really don't have this and maybe that (fill in the blank) won't make me sick this time.:thumbsup2 I don't know if I ever had the "official" ibs diagnosis, but if I did it would have been ibs w/constipation. I had a colonoscopy in my early 30s cause I was having such terrible pain and some bleeding. The doctor told me--eat more fiber and take Phillips milk of magnesia. I just learned to live with it. I think there are a lot of people walking around with ibs who actually have a gluten issue.

How is your sister handling her diagnosis? It's kind of a shock, I think, even though I know I was pretty much convinced I had a gluten problem.

As much as I complain (and I feel like I have been complaining A LOT lately) going g-f really is worth it. I was a mess a couple of months ago. I still have a few issues, but it's more like normal stuff now.

So, if anyone is interested in starting a g-f support thread, maybe on the coping & compassion board, please let me know. I know there is a thyroid thread on there. I am happy to keep chatting with whoever wants to chat here, but if enough people think a thread would be useful, I'm up for it.:goodvibes

I went to the chiropractor today. He's happy that things are going well, but doesn't think I should be running. Mostly because it was such a rough couple of months and has been a hard recovery. He doesn't want me to take any steps backward. Having said that, he said if I am going to keep running with my knee being sore (no pain, just sore) I have to stop if anything changes. He knows I've been going a little bit nuts. So, I ran today before the appointment and I might run again this weekend. We'll see how things go. In a weird way, I don't mind backing off a little since I got three runs in during the last week. I don't have to go back for a month or so unless I have any problems.:goodvibes

I am eating too frequently--I got in a bad habit of doing this before I went off gluten--I was getting dizzy if I didn't eat every two hours or so. I think if I tracked calories for a bit I would be in an ok range. I don't know how to eat a whole meal anymore--does that make sense? I get full too soon. Anyhow, I think I'm going to have to go on spark people for a week or so and see how many calories I am actually consuming. I wonder if there are g-f products loaded on spark people?
And it’s just food right?

aw, rose, it's NOT just food. i get it. i mean, i don't completely get it because i don't have a gluten issue and i'm not a vegetarian but i am someone who really needs to watch what they eat because of pretty strong insulin resistance from PCOS. it's not just food. if it were ever just food we'd probably all be 100 pounds and never have to hear the word diet!

food for me is so much more it's comfort, it's fun, it's enjoyment, it's family, etc etc.

so i can really sympathize when all you want is a darn piece of chocolate cake and you can't have it. it's a major bummer! but you are doing a great job at sticking with it!

that's good to know about the coffee bar at the swan and dolphin. we'll have to check it out next time we stay over in the epcot area. disney coffee is just undrinkable but we NEED our coffee fix in the morning so we suck it up. actually the coffee they give you in the dvc rooms isn't half bad but still.

that's great mike was able to get his favorite hat back! john rode splash mountain and forgot to take his hat off. i was with thomas at the time and we watched him go down the mountain. we also watch the hat fly off his head - it was a DVC member hat too ugh! he told the CM about the hat and the CM just said, "let it go man, it's loooong gone." lol!

i still get scared on dinosaur and i know what's going to happen! gets me every time!!

one of these days i'll get to of these days...
Rose I cracked up at the dinosaur pic because mike almost looked as scared as the kids.:lmao: You and tom seem to be loving it.

Im so sorry it is so darn hard to get the things you want to eat. I dont know exactly how you feel but I can totally sympathize. Im sure it does get extremely mentally exhausting.
aw, rose, it's NOT just food. i get it. i mean, i don't completely get it because i don't have a gluten issue and i'm not a vegetarian but i am someone who really needs to watch what they eat because of pretty strong insulin resistance from PCOS. it's not just food. if it were ever just food we'd probably all be 100 pounds and never have to hear the word diet!

food for me is so much more it's comfort, it's fun, it's enjoyment, it's family, etc etc.

so i can really sympathize when all you want is a darn piece of chocolate cake and you can't have it. it's a major bummer! but you are doing a great job at sticking with it!

that's good to know about the coffee bar at the swan and dolphin. we'll have to check it out next time we stay over in the epcot area. disney coffee is just undrinkable but we NEED our coffee fix in the morning so we suck it up. actually the coffee they give you in the dvc rooms isn't half bad but still.

that's great mike was able to get his favorite hat back! john rode splash mountain and forgot to take his hat off. i was with thomas at the time and we watched him go down the mountain. we also watch the hat fly off his head - it was a DVC member hat too ugh! he told the CM about the hat and the CM just said, "let it go man, it's loooong gone." lol!

i still get scared on dinosaur and i know what's going to happen! gets me every time!!

one of these days i'll get to of these days...
Thanks Nancy! How did you find out you have pcos?? does it ever go away or is it an autoimmune thing too?

And too funny what that cast member said about John's hat. Have you all ever eaten at Fresh Market? It's at either Swan or dolphin--can never remember? Anyhow, they have a great breakfast--with a dvc discount. They have a juice bar and an omelet bar and tons of yummy stuff. We went in Feb and I had scrambled eggs and fruit. The fruit was fabulous! And you should defiintely try Boma or Saana--they have fabulous naan (bread). I can't have it anymore, but it was so tasty!

Rose I cracked up at the dinosaur pic because mike almost looked as scared as the kids.:lmao: You and tom seem to be loving it.

Im so sorry it is so darn hard to get the things you want to eat. I dont know exactly how you feel but I can totally sympathize. Im sure it does get extremely mentally exhausting.
Thanks Lindsay!:goodvibes You would think that Mike would know what was going to happen on dinosaur by now.:rotfl:
I am determined to finish this report before I forget more things! --I thought I saved these pictures smaller, so I am really hoping they resize at some point. Sorry for the big ones!

Day 4—Sunday, May 22
So I woke up in a bad mood.:sad2: Actually, I didn’t sleep well. I was still frustrated from the night before and tired. I knew DS was not going to be in a hurry to get up, so I got up and got dressed to go for a run. I was supposed to be taking the entire month of May off, but I’d had enough. Watching people run around BW was killing me! Plus at that point I felt like I had no control over anything in my life—ok so I was probably being a little too dramatic. ;) And I was afraid I would get a bunch of lectures from DS and Mike about not running so I was quiet. Well, Mike woke up. So he came along. The only thing he said was—don’t overdo it, stop if it hurts. And DS woke up enough to say--be careful Mommy. Such a sweet boy.

I was feeling pretty fit and it was pretty warm so I actually ran in shorts and a jog bra. I don’t do that very often, but since going off gluten my stomach is not so bloated all the time, so I might do it more this summer. It’s pretty comfy! We ran out to DHS and back and then around the BW once. It was so fabulous! We did not have a garmin, but we checked when we got home and we went about 2.3 miles in 25 minutes. So pretty reasonable pace. We then walked back over to the Swan for coffee and fruit. Mike thought he had a 20 but he only had a 10. The nice lady at the coffee bar just poured off some of the coffee off both cups and gave us each a smaller cup of coffee and the fruit. She even said when she saw us—I see you are starting your day off well. That made me smile. My knee cooperated pretty well—just got a little sore, no hip problems, so that was encouraging. And with tape on it, my ankle felt good too!

We walked back to BW and found a table to have our fruit and coffee and then went back to the room to get ready to start the day.. Everybody had a little breakfast in the room (hardboiled egg for me) and Mike made Tom some pb&js to take along. Tom is not a good breakfast eater—at least not first thing.

After a lot of debating we decided to head to DHS. We wanted to do Star Wars weekend—at least a little bit. And we missed the opening again. Mike was personally thrilled, cause I kept telling him this would be a laid back trip—he didn’t really believe me—and we were pretty easy going. No one was in a big hurry(meaning me), which he loved!

So this is what we saw when we approached the gates. How cool is that???

They were having a conversation. I am really bummed we missed the opening. We definitely want to go back for another Star Wars weekend! So we headed to Star Tours and I think we got a fast pass and then got in line and rode it once. The wait wasn’t too bad. I texted Debra to see if she was in the park—and she was. We made arrangements to meet her after we rode Toy Story. We went ahead and got in the standby line for Toy Story—we waited less than an hour. The kids in the queue were much better behaved today. Though I think this is the time I got seated with this really weird guy. Mike and Tom love to ride this together. Mike almost switched with me at the last minute, but I told him it was ok.

After TSM I got a coke and we found a spot mostly in the shade to watch the Star Wars parade. Debra ended up being across the street, so she came over and squished into the shade with us. It was very cool! So worth waiting for! Here's some of our favorite pics!

First here's Mr. PH with his ear off--Mike loves it when he does this. One time he dropped it and a CM had to come put it back in for him.;)

Parade pics


I do not know who was driving r2d! (But I guess he is a pretty smart robot, so he must have been doing it himself!)

There were lots of white soldier dudes--I guess I'm supposed to know the difference.:thumbsup2



We went back and rode Star Tours one more time and then headed back to BW. My knee and ankle were talking to me and I wanted to get some ice on them. Plus no one wanted to deal with finding g-f lunch. We had lunch in the room (hummus, cheese and scoops for me) and then Mike and I did a load of laundry and DS took a nap.

I have been trying to remember if this was the day we hung out at the pool for just a little bit with DS or if it was the day before. I really can’t remember! I think it was today. Anyhow, whichever day it was, he did it very begrudgingly. He didn’t even bring a swimsuit (he forgot—on purpose I think). I guess he doesn’t like going to the pool with us too much.

We were supposed to have a late lunch at The Wave, but decided to go with dinner at Dublin Road. So we all got cleaned up and headed for DTD.
Dinner was really nice. They have a dedicated fryer and g-f batter so they can do g-f fish and chips—and pretty much anything that’s fried. I don’t eat a lot of fried food—and almost none now that I am g-f so this was a treat! I went with a g-f salad, g-f onion rings, and a side of mashed potatoes—not very healthy, I know, but we had been hitting 10 miles+ a day so I didn’t feel too guilty. I also had an Irish whiskey flight—it was pretty tasty! Mike had a beer.

Here's my dinner. The onion rings were probably some of the best I have ever had! I really didn't think I would have good onion rings again. I will definitely be going back! The nicest thing about this restaurant--the server handled everything and it wasn't a big drama thing. Very low key, just how I like it!

I LOVED this quote--it was in the shop at Raglan Road.

Somewhere along the way at dinner DS got really ticked off about something (actually I think he was upset about something from before) and he got very snippy with me. I was so mad at him for being such an absolute little ****. So between Boma the day before, my knee stuff, g-f issues, and him being an absolute little turd, I lost it.:sad1: Thank goodness for sunglasses. I just started crying—in the restaurant. Not my finest moment. And then of course he felt terrible—well, ok eventually he felt terrible once he realized that he’d pushed me over the abyss.

What a night! We finally left the restaurant—the onion rings were great, by the way, really crispy—and went by the bakery at Fresh Appeal. I had a cupcake and I did not share with anyone! So there! Mike was ticked at Tom—which doesn’t happen very often. And so no one was talking very much. I did enjoy my g-f cupcake!

Eventually everyone made up and since it was pretty early we headed to DHS. To ride Star Tours—again. Star Tours after onion rings and irish whiskey—maybe not a good decision. But we had fun. We headed over and did Haunted Mansion—my favorite! I love doing it at night. I think we rode it at least twice. We also did Rock n roller coaster. Not sure that we did much else. It ended up being a nice night.

Here's our RnRC pic. No matter how hard I try, I always look ridiculous in this picture!

Our plan for the morning—if I wake up early, which I usually do—MK for park opening!:goodvibes

Thanks for reading!
I loved this update rose!

First let me start by saying if I want to put the finishing touches on dh becomming as disney crazed as I am I need to get him there during SW weekend. Oh my he would crap his pants.:lmao: He is a huge SW freak and would love seeing all the clone troopers and all the other charachters.

I am so glad you were sneaky and went to start your day with a run. I am also glad mike got up and went with you instead of holding you back, and the comment from ds just melted my heart. I bet this really change the way your day could have started out for you.

Im glad you had a good low key non-frustrating meal and those onion rings did look yummy. Sorry for the kid drama but Im glad in the end everyone got over it and at least you got yourself a yummy cupcake out of it.:thumbsup2

It sounds like the night ended great! I cant wait to read the rest.
Hi Lindsay! We didn't even do most of the stuff that you could do for the Star Wars weekend and we still had a blast. There were tons of photo opportunities and autograph sessions, etc. It was really cool to see all the Star Wars characters walking around the park. We will definitely go back!

Yesterday I had a mini-meltdown. I am sick of being g-f. I'm fine at home, but when we go out I am just miserable. Our MiLB team had a 10 day homestand and watching people eat icecream cones and pizza and 6 gazillion other things that I can't have for 10 days was starting to get to me. The funny thing is I didn't even eat most of the stuff last summer! It's the "you want what you can't have" thing.

Luckily Mike has figured out that he just needs to listen to me vent for a few minutes and then ususally it's out of my system.

I need to get busy on the last two days of our TR before I forget what we did!

Time to get going--I'm going to make some g-f biscuits and scrambled eggs for breakfast. :)
Thanks Nancy! How did you find out you have pcos?? does it ever go away or is it an autoimmune thing too?

And too funny what that cast member said about John's hat. Have you all ever eaten at Fresh Market? It's at either Swan or dolphin--can never remember? Anyhow, they have a great breakfast--with a dvc discount. They have a juice bar and an omelet bar and tons of yummy stuff. We went in Feb and I had scrambled eggs and fruit. The fruit was fabulous! And you should defiintely try Boma or Saana--they have fabulous naan (bread). I can't have it anymore, but it was so tasty!

there are alot of tests to see if you have pcos. since it's a syndrome and not a disease many people have a bunch symptoms and most people don't have ALL of them. some women with pcos have very big bellies and fortunately i have an actual waist (most of the time, lol). some people have terrible skin and have hair issues - either growing somewhere it shouldn't or losing their hair. my problem is the insulin resistance and the polycystic ovaries. also my testosterone is a bit on the high side but not too bad. they do blood tests as well as a sonogram of the ovaries. good times.

it's something you will always live with but there are so many things you can do to help the symptoms. unfortunately i've been doing pretty much none of the things i should to help myself like watching my carb intake! i also take metformin but had to stop once i got to the 2nd tri.

we have never explored the swan and dolphin but fresh market sounds great! definitely will keep that in mind. at least once every trip we walk from epcot to DHS (or vice versa) so we will have to stop at the swan/dolphin on the way!


good for you for getting a little run in. i really enjoyed running around the beach club and boardwalk when we stayed there last september. it was HOT in the morning but felt great. i'd do the big outside loop on the sidewalks and it was like 2.5 miles. i'd usually do two laps then meet john and thomas after my shower for breakfast.

i love the star wars pics! i think we're going to try to go next may - 2nd baby's first trip! john and i are both star wars geeks and it just looks so cool! plus, i won't be able to ride star tours this september and i'll definitely be ready to ride it in may!

that is SO funny about mr. potato head's ear!!!! i would have laughed all day about it! can't wait to share that story!

really enjoying your trip report. i wrote one after our first trip with thomas and now i want to get back to writing them. it's so fun to read how other people "do" disney!
I am loving your trip report, Rose. I thought I had posted before, but guess I didn't get back to it. You look amazing. So fit and thin. Your arms are so toned. You have done so well to lose and keep it off.

I can't imagine how hard it is to see everyone at the games and not be able to eat most of the food there. Sure you feel better if you don't eat gluten, but that probably doesn't make it any easier. And for restaurant staff to make things difficult is unfair. I think of you everything I have a patient in recovery that is g-f. We're a gi unit, but all our snacks have gluten in them, so we order ahead from the kitchen whenever we have a patient. We usually order before they go in the procedure room, but if we don't know ahead, it's a long wait in recovery, so a pain for a hungry patient who has fasted for 24 hours. I wish things were easier for you.

I hope you can find a modified vegetarian diet that could work for you and you can make peace with, and might make things easier for you.:hug:

The lego store looks awesome. Doesn't there always need to be some drama/fight during most disney trips? I remember michael's 5th b-day meltdown kicking the door in the bathroom stall at Crystal Palace. :lmao: I know it's not as funny when they are grown up. So a big hug for you.:hug:

Can't wait to read more. I need to live vicariously through your trip right now.
Day 5, Monday, May 23
As usual, I was the first one up. We decided to try to make park open at MK so we all got moving and even with having breakfast in the room, made it down to the bus stop by around 8:20. And then waited and waited and waited. Buses from BW to MK just stink. We always seem to wait both directions.

The bus finally showed up around 8:45am. There were so many people—and so many humongous strollers—that it was standing room only. Now would you think that if you couldn’t cram another single person on a bus, that maybe you would bypass Swan and Dolphin??? Nope. Oh well. Needless to say, we completely missed park opening. And then some older lady was giving some first time visitors some really bad advice which was driving Mike crazy—not much gets to Mike. It made for a very long bus ride.

We finally got there and got stopped by the security guard who must have just come from his other job as a tsa officer because he was thoroughly checking every bag. I always pick the wrong line! Once we got through the gates and were out on Main Street everything was good. It wasn’t too crowded.

The castle walk way was open, so we decided to walk through it and you will NEVER guess who was on the other side of the castle, just waiting for me! My Fairy Godmother! She must have known I was coming.:thumbsup2 So we chatted for a bit—there was only one person in front of us. Tom was not going to have his picture taken, but decided to at the last minute. What a great way to start the day.:goodvibes (Though I think I am looking a little slouchy in this picture!)

Next we headed to Dumbo—the line was already long, but we really wanted to see how the construction is going!:lmao:


After Dumbo we did some more stuff in Fantasyland including Pooh, Peter Pan and Mickey’s Philharmagic. My favorite ride is Tower of Terror. My favorite attraction is Mickey’s Philharmagic. I get teary every time we see it. DS said it’s his favorite period. I asked Mike to take this picture. DS will still hold my hand sometimes--for very brief periods of time. He has always been a hugger.:goodvibes I'm trying to decide if this picture makes my butt look big. But I really like it, even if it does.:goodvibes


After Fantasyland we did Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean. I really wanted to do Splash Mountain—and I think Mike did too, Tom not so much. But at the last minute he decided to come along. We waited about 40 minutes. Tom and I were in the front—and we both were drenched to the bone. But we all had fun. I think this picture is too funny!

After Splash Mountain we started to have the lunch discussion. We were pretty much cleaned out of food in the room. I decided I wanted a hot dog from Casey’s. I fell off the vegetarian band wagon. I just wanted something to eat that wasn’t complicated and a big drama fest. Well it was still a little dramafest. But Mike dealt with it. I got a table. I felt like that was a fair tradeoff.:thumbsup2 I had a hotdog on a gluten free bun. I enjoyed the hot dog and the bun. I need to figure out where to order buns from!

We left MK and took the monorail to epcot. DS wanted to walk around. We got a fastpass for Soarin for later and walked around World Showcase. DS got some tea in GB to take home. I got a root beer float from Africa of all places. Did you know that when you lift the coke cooler lids at the African Outpost they make noises like a coke is being poured and cold air comes out? I think Mike had a beer in Germany. Mike and I debated a margarita but decided to have a drink in the room before dinner. We had bought a bottle of Maker’s Mark at the Screenporch store at the BW.

So after walking around WS we headed back to the room to start getting ready for dinner and start packing a bit. We decided to get an Owner’s Locker so we needed to start organizing. We had dinner reservations at Flying Fish—which was great cause we just walked down at the last minute. I think our reservations were right around 6:00.

We got seated at Flying Fish pretty quick (it was early) and went through the whole talk to the chef thing. I decided to get the cheese plate (they had to do a minor alteration) and a salad. And a grown up drink. For the first time I had them bring out the tapioca rolls. I think I ate half a roll and DS ate the rest. The server thought it was funny that he ate my rolls.

Dinner was pretty good. The atmosphere was nice and we enjoyed the restaurant. Mike and I decided to order the g-f cheesecake for dessert and they brought us out a special anniversary crème brulee—(it was our 24th anniversary). I liked the crème brulee a lot more than the cheesecake. I did think it was cool that they purposely make the cheesecake g-f.
We have decided we are going to make later dinner reservations for the next trip. When Tom was younger we would go to the parks and run ourselves ragged after dinner, but now I think we would rather eat later and if we make it to a park great, and if we don’t that’s ok.




We left Flying Fish (Mike and Tom both really enjoyed their dinner by the way—we will definitely be going back) and headed for Epcot. I love this picture.

After using our Soarin fastpasses we found a spot near the International gateway to watch Illuminations. We hadn’t seen Illuminations in a few trips and we all really enjoyed. We also decided that on our next trip we are going to do more fireworks/parades/shows since everyone seems to be enjoying them. But not in a—let’s campout for a spot for an hour way—too stressful. More in a—let’ s see if we can find a spot and it’s ok if it’s not perfect kind of way. Which is a lot less stressful!

After Illuminations we walked back to BW and were going to call it a night—we were pooped, but there was a REALLY loud party going on at Swan/Dolphin which our room was right across from. Thankfully it ended at 10:00.

All in all I’d say it was a pretty good day. :goodvibes It was our last night and we had a really nice, drama free evening. Can't ask for much more.:)
Just wanted to say hi to Kathy and Lindsay and Nancy. I hope you all are staying cool!:goodvibes
I cant believe your fairy godmother was there waiting for you.;)

OMG I loved the pic of you and Tom walking holding hands. How sweet. I would also say that no your butt didnt look big.:lmao: You look like one fabulous momma of a 20 year old boy. You should be very proud.:goodvibes

It sounds like you had a wonderful last day. and drama free is always good.
gosh, rose, you look SO good in all of these pictures!! i am really jealous! i always look at my pics and think, "HELLLOOOO! BLOAT!" it must be SUCH a great feeling to be able to take pics and be like, yeah i look GOOOOD! i hope you don't think your butt looks fat! it looks perfect! and the hand holding shot is so cute i can't stand it. when tom is giving you a hard time and you want to throw your hands up in defeat, make sure to look at that picture. it's really lovely.

i like how you are taking it easy on your trips now. one day i hope to do that. i'm still way to commando. even when we went when i was pregnant with thomas we were nonstop! poor john thought he would finally have a restful trip to disney. yeah right! i like your idea of going back to the room for a bit to relax and refresh. it must be nice to go to dinner and not have the stink of the day all over you! i am always a sweaty frazzled mess at our dinners!

you know, i STILL haven't had a casey's hot dog! i really want one now! i will have to try to get there on our next trip!
One of those days....I just can't do it today. So I had this great idea that I would try to make g-f tortillas. My kitchen is a disaster zone now and they are awful. Maybe I did something wrong. Used the wrong flour blend--who knows. G-f flour is sooooo expensive. I used to actually like to cook and bake and I hate it now. I have yet to bake something other than black bean brownies that didn't come from a mix and turned out.

Ok, I guess I need to clean up the kitchen. And I am supposed to be meal planning and I have nothing planned. I am starting to hate food. :sad2:


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