Trying to keep up with the weight loss wagon......yet again (new title, same journal)

Hi Rose
I just spotted this Journal and wow great meal plan
I have been going meatless/vegan for about 85% of the time
I do the best if I plan and shop ahead if not I tend to fall back into the easy old habits.
What I found is that vegetarian cooking isn't easy or hard it just not the old routine.
Looking forward to reading back :surfweb:

Have a great day :flower3:
Hi Rose,
Nice meal plan. I'm very impressed. I need to check out he meal planning thread and be more organized.

Michael's allergic to cashews and pistachio, and possibly mango. They're tropical nuts and related to mango, so we avoid mango. He was allergic to milk, soy, peanuts and eggs when he was younger, and luckily he out grew all of those allergies. When he was allergic to all of those, I remember wheat was the only thing he tested negative for, and I was so grateful. It's so hard to avoid wheat completely.

My rule thumb for packaged foods for him, is that if the packaging says it uses shared equipment as tree nuts, or just says may contain traces, I don't let him have it, but if it is in the same facility as tree nuts, I will let him have it, since it's completely produced on separate equipment.

Have you tried almond flour? A friend of mine is doing atkins and we had dinner at her house last week and she coated the chicken and eggplant in almond flour, and it was very tasty. I don't know if it's certified gluten free or not, but it was flavorful.

hope you're having a good weekend.
So, I am done running for at least a month. I didn't even make it an entire mile today doing run/walk intervals before I was in so much pain I could barely walk. After a major meltdown, I've decided I just don't want to even think about it right now. I know I need to go to a doctor or pt, but I just want to ignore it right now. I feel like I replaced the overeating and the bad habits with something that I really enjoyed and I need to get my head together before I go completely off the wagon. This is not going to get better without rest. And I need to find something to replace it that I feel good about whether it's exercise of something else, just not food. I can't believe how emotional I am about this. I am less emotional about giving up wheat than I am about this. This is so much worse. Which I guess is kind of a weird victory--that giving up exercise is more upsetting than giving up food.:sad1:
Hi Rose
I just spotted this Journal and wow great meal plan
I have been going meatless/vegan for about 85% of the time
I do the best if I plan and shop ahead if not I tend to fall back into the easy old habits.
What I found is that vegetarian cooking isn't easy or hard it just not the old routine.
Looking forward to reading back :surfweb:

Have a great day :flower3:
Thanks for reading! I was really getting into a groove with the vegetarian cooking, but the wheat thing is a whole new ball game. I am slowly getting the hang of things. I just have to plan. We've been trying some fabulous new stuff, which has been fun!

Hi Rose,
Nice meal plan. I'm very impressed. I need to check out he meal planning thread and be more organized.

Michael's allergic to cashews and pistachio, and possibly mango. They're tropical nuts and related to mango, so we avoid mango. He was allergic to milk, soy, peanuts and eggs when he was younger, and luckily he out grew all of those allergies. When he was allergic to all of those, I remember wheat was the only thing he tested negative for, and I was so grateful. It's so hard to avoid wheat completely.

My rule thumb for packaged foods for him, is that if the packaging says it uses shared equipment as tree nuts, or just says may contain traces, I don't let him have it, but if it is in the same facility as tree nuts, I will let him have it, since it's completely produced on separate equipment.

Have you tried almond flour? A friend of mine is doing atkins and we had dinner at her house last week and she coated the chicken and eggplant in almond flour, and it was very tasty. I don't know if it's certified gluten free or not, but it was flavorful.

hope you're having a good weekend.
I haven't tried almond flour, but that sounds good. I like to make fried yellow squash in the summer and that might add a good flavor! I'm glad Michael has outgrown some of his allergies. Tom did not have food allergies, but he was allergic to so many other things.

We made tofu and artichoke risotto for dinner. It was really good! I probably ate too much. It really fills you up!

I bought a foam roller today. It hurts more than the stick! I have an appointment tomorrow with a chiropracter who specializes in sports injuries. Fingers crossed that I get some good news!

Oh and somebody asked about mixes. We made a King Arthur g-f brownie mix last night. It was easy to make and it tastes good, but I like the ones I made from scratch with black beans in them better. Defiitely nice though when it's 8:00 at night and you just want brownies! :)

I finally had some "spare" time today to come over here and read your journal. I'm sorry you've had so much trouble with your running. I didn't realize it.

I am interested in hearing all about your new eating journey. It sounds like it has been tough, but is paying off in better health.

I didn't know much about GF eating/cooking. I didn't realize that there was gluten in so many things! Makes me happy that (so far) we haven't had to remove the gluten from DS's diet! He'd go insane!

I'm proud of you for pushing through with this, even when you are frustrated.

Coincidentally, today's recipe of the day at was a Vegan Bean Taco filling. The only thing I wasn't sure about for you was cornmeal. If you can have cornmeal, you might want to look at the recipe... it looked good to me! If you can't find it or don't have time to look, let me know and I'll try to post a link to it. I might make it up later this week, as we have a taco night scheduled for Thursday. I usually have a taco salad with a bit of taco meat and other stuff.... but I'd love to skip the meat. DS likes beans and I think he might be willing to try this filling.... but DD definitely won't.

I wouldn't mind a few of your recipes..... like the white bean cakes, the roasted vegetable magic, and the roasted squash risotto.... whenever you might have time??

Wish I could offer more than just words of support. I will definitely keep you in mind as I go through recipes and such. :hug: .............P

I finally had some "spare" time today to come over here and read your journal. I'm sorry you've had so much trouble with your running. I didn't realize it.

I am interested in hearing all about your new eating journey. It sounds like it has been tough, but is paying off in better health.

I didn't know much about GF eating/cooking. I didn't realize that there was gluten in so many things! Makes me happy that (so far) we haven't had to remove the gluten from DS's diet! He'd go insane!

I'm proud of you for pushing through with this, even when you are frustrated.

Coincidentally, today's recipe of the day at was a Vegan Bean Taco filling. The only thing I wasn't sure about for you was cornmeal. If you can have cornmeal, you might want to look at the recipe... it looked good to me! If you can't find it or don't have time to look, let me know and I'll try to post a link to it. I might make it up later this week, as we have a taco night scheduled for Thursday. I usually have a taco salad with a bit of taco meat and other stuff.... but I'd love to skip the meat. DS likes beans and I think he might be willing to try this filling.... but DD definitely won't.

I wouldn't mind a few of your recipes..... like the white bean cakes, the roasted vegetable magic, and the roasted squash risotto.... whenever you might have time??

Wish I could offer more than just words of support. I will definitely keep you in mind as I go through recipes and such. :hug: .............P

P--thanks so much for the kind thoughts.:goodvibes It has been a month of big changes, but I'm feeling much better about things. I will have to check out the vegan bean taco filling. I found some g-f cornmeal. I just still haven't found tortillas that I want to try. You would think corn tortillas would be easy to find, but they aren't. We've been eating scoops with a lot of stuff. I know they aren't good for you, but it's a treat, and I really miss bread sometimes.

Anyhow, I will post some links to some of the recipes--probably on Wednesday (that's my day off). Have they looked at your DS for gluten intolerance? The more I read about it, the more I think there are a lot of people walking around with it who don't know it. It really stinks, but I really do feel better. There are some skin issues associated with it in addition to a million other things.

We had veggie burgers for dinner. I really don't like the Amy's brand very much. I like the artichoke ones we found at Whole Foods. I'm hoping Kroger will get them. I saved the package to take in and ask about.

I went to the chiropracter today. I really liked him. He's definitely a sports medicine chiropractor. His office is in a gym. Anyhow, he is optimistic that I will be running again soon. He did not say one way or other about the race I was supposed to run at the end of April. But he did say I could try again this weekend. But any pain and I have to stop. He said it's definitely itbs. The treatment was very painful and I have some bruises (which is normal). I had no pain this evening walking up and down the driveway or stairs and I was even able to do the elliptical. I have to do some stretches and strengthening exercises as well as continue to use the evil foam roller. (How can something with the word foam in it cause so much pain???) And I go back to see him Monday. My itb has tape on it for the rest of the week and I've been icing.

So fingers crossed that the treatment will go well. Even if I can't do the race, I really miss running. It's my stress reliever and I am feeling a little lost without it.
So it's been a good week. The weather has been great (though it will be cold again tomorrow). My leg is feeling pretty good, sore and bruised, but not bad. I have been doing the rehab exercises and going to the Y to use the elliptical and the handweights.

Last night we had g-f pizza. We made the crust from a mix--namaste foods brand. It was ok. I forgot to get the sauce we like, so it was kind of boring. Next week I am going to plan a pizza with better toppings. Mike thought it was better than any of the other g-f pizza we have had.

Mike took the leftover g-f brownies to work and everyone really liked them. So yes, I guess the mixes are ok.:goodvibes

Tonight I am making white bean "crab" cakes. Here is a link to the recipe.

I was going to write up our last day of our Princess trip, but I think I might skip it. It was not a very good day. We encountered some rude, uneducated (when it comes to food allergies) cast members. But it wasn't a bad day. Overall we had a really good trip. I think I am going to just let that day go. I think if we went back and had a day like that now, it would not seem as bad, because I feel more equipped to handle it now.:goodvibes I loved seeing all of the topiaries at Epcot. I would really like to go back for the F&G show sometime.:goodvibes
So we made the white bean "crab" cakes for dinner. They are not low fat, but I thought they were very tasty. I used about half the mayo that they called for (you could probably use fat free mayo too). I used g-f bread crumbs. We used a can of white beans drained and a can of peaches in juice drained. I also used thawed frozen corn and skipped the parsley. We baked them instead of fried. And I think you could probably use less parm. We served them with diced tomato. Anyhow, I will definitely be making these again.:goodvibes
So it's been a good week. The weather has been great (though it will be cold again tomorrow). My leg is feeling pretty good, sore and bruised, but not bad. I have been doing the rehab exercises and going to the Y to use the elliptical and the handweights.

Last night we had g-f pizza. We made the crust from a mix--namaste foods brand. It was ok. I forgot to get the sauce we like, so it was kind of boring. Next week I am going to plan a pizza with better toppings. Mike thought it was better than any of the other g-f pizza we have had.

Mike took the leftover g-f brownies to work and everyone really liked them. So yes, I guess the mixes are ok.:goodvibes

Tonight I am making white bean "crab" cakes. Here is a link to the recipe.

I was going to write up our last day of our Princess trip, but I think I might skip it. It was not a very good day. We encountered some rude, uneducated (when it comes to food allergies) cast members. But it wasn't a bad day. Overall we had a really good trip. I think I am going to just let that day go. I think if we went back and had a day like that now, it would not seem as bad, because I feel more equipped to handle it now.:goodvibes I loved seeing all of the topiaries at Epcot. I would really like to go back for the F&G show sometime.:goodvibes

Sorry to hear that your trip ended on a bad note.

So we made the white bean "crab" cakes for dinner. They are not low fat, but I thought they were very tasty. I used about half the mayo that they called for (you could probably use fat free mayo too). I used g-f bread crumbs. We used a can of white beans drained and a can of peaches in juice drained. I also used thawed frozen corn and skipped the parsley. We baked them instead of fried. And I think you could probably use less parm. We served them with diced tomato. Anyhow, I will definitely be making these again.:goodvibes

Thanks for the review. I'll look at the recipe later!....................P
Okay..... I ran over to look at the recipe. 1/2 c of mayo :scared1: Not happening here! Do you think I could use 1/4 c mayo and maybe 1 egg white? ........................P
Okay..... I ran over to look at the recipe. 1/2 c of mayo :scared1: Not happening here! Do you think I could use 1/4 c mayo and maybe 1 egg white? ........................P

I barely used any mayo. ITA I would never put that much mayo in. The egg white is a good idea. Maybe beat an egg white and mix with a tiny bit of mayo just to make it a little creamy. I don't think I even used a quarter cup. And I did not use as much parmesan cheese as they called for either. I don't think it was the lowest fat entree, but as Mike pointed out it was VERY high in flavor, no meat, and we didn't use bread we just ate it with the salsa. Next time I will make the salsa with a tablespoon of evoo and red wine vinegar. It had a delicious flavor, but definitely did not need mayo either.

So if you cut the mayo waaaaay back and add less parm, I thought it was reasonable. I also baked them instead of frying on parchment paper--so no oil there either. They were really wet before cooking but delicious when done!
So, Thursday was leftover night. I love leftovers. We had lots to choose from and all I had to do was heat it up.:goodvibes Last night we got Moe's takeout. Mine consists of a naked junior burrito--beans, tiny bit of rice, fajita veggies, pico and a bit of sour cream. I also had a small queso and a few scoops from home. And a g-f beer.:thumbsup2

I did two miles on the elliptical and then I attempted to run again. I made it a little futher this time but still not even a whole mile. So frustrating. I stopped before the pain was terrible and was able to do my rehab exercises and walk out of the Y without wincing. I came home and iced, again. Since then I've done nothing today but have a mini pity party. I read a book and ate an entire bag of g-f cheese puffs--this is probably the first binge I've had in a year and I am really diappointed in myself. As far as binges go, it wasn't so bad--the whole bag only had 500 calories--gotta love those healthy snacks. But I feel horrible and I knew the whole time I was sabotaging myself. So stupid.

I have to get my head around the fact that this is an injury and not a personal failure and that just because I am injured it does not give me permission to throw in the towel and give up. I have come too far and worked too hard. It's not really helping that the weather here sucks--it was 80 on Tuesday and tonight it is going to snow.:confused3

Ok, no more pity parties or self-sabotaging. I'm going to get my act together and try to salvage something of the day before I have something else to beat myself up over.
So, Thursday was leftover night. I love leftovers. We had lots to choose from and all I had to do was heat it up.:goodvibes Last night we got Moe's takeout. Mine consists of a naked junior burrito--beans, tiny bit of rice, fajita veggies, pico and a bit of sour cream. I also had a small queso and a few scoops from home. And a g-f beer.:thumbsup2

I have to laugh because the only place around here called "Moe's" is a sub shop and I kept picturing you and Mike pigging out on subs every time you mentioned this place!! :rotfl: Obviously it is something different where you live. It actually sounds like a place here in Concord called Boloco Burrito. SUPER delicious..... lots of choices including three kinds of rice, two kinds of beans, three or four different wraps, tofu, chicken, steak, fajita veggies....MMMM!! Love it! And DD love the Nutella milk shakes they make!

I did two miles on the elliptical and then I attempted to run again. I made it a little futher this time but still not even a whole mile. So frustrating. I stopped before the pain was terrible and was able to do my rehab exercises and walk out of the Y without wincing. I came home and iced, again. Since then I've done nothing today but have a mini pity party. I read a book and ate an entire bag of g-f cheese puffs--this is probably the first binge I've had in a year and I am really diappointed in myself. As far as binges go, it wasn't so bad--the whole bag only had 500 calories--gotta love those healthy snacks. But I feel horrible and I knew the whole time I was sabotaging myself. So stupid.

Why do we do stuff like that to ourselves??!! It seems like we have come such a long way and learned SO MUCH about how this healthier lifestyle works.... and then something jumps in our way (good or bad) and it totally throw us under the bus (and into the pantry!).

I guess, for now, I'd just say to keep up with the elliptical if it isn't causing pain. And work on those arms!! Make those bulky men at the gym take notice!

I have to get my head around the fact that this is an injury and not a personal failure and that just because I am injured it does not give me permission to throw in the towel and give up. I have come too far and worked too hard. It's not really helping that the weather here sucks--it was 80 on Tuesday and tonight it is going to snow.:confused3

Ok, no more pity parties or self-sabotaging. I'm going to get my act together and try to salvage something of the day before I have something else to beat myself up over.

Glad your attitude turned around. Was it a decent evening? I had a bit of a similar afternoon, with self-sabotage. Overindulged at the movies (planned some treats, but had more than planned) and then when I got home I kind of gave up and kept on eating!! Dinner went as planned (pretty much anyhow), but the two mint Milano cookies and the Lindt chocolate truffle I had after dinner were definitely NOT on my plan! So, of course, I wake up today with nothing but dread and regret. Dread for the week ahead as I try desperately to make up for yesterday.... and of course, regret for the stupid decisions.

Goes to show you that this is truly an ongoing learning process!

On another note.... I found myself scrutinizing the g-f aisle at the grocery store today. I wanted to buy you something, but I didn't know what in particular you might be looking for.... and I kind of figured that if I could find it here at my local store, that you could probably find it at your Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. But if you are ever looking for something, let me know and I'll be happy to look.

Well.... lunch is digesting and the TM is calling (but not very loudly... I'm kind of straining to hear it today!:lmao: ). TTYL......................P
I have to get my head around the fact that this is an injury and not a personal failure and that just because I am injured it does not give me permission to throw in the towel and give up. I have come too far and worked too hard. It's not really helping that the weather here sucks--it was 80 on Tuesday and tonight it is going to snow.:confused3

Ok, no more pity parties or self-sabotaging. I'm going to get my act together and try to salvage something of the day before I have something else to beat myself up over.
Hope you salvaged the rest of the day and were able to enjoy yourself. The bolded statement is so true, and you have been so strong and positive through all that has been thrown at you, and I know you will not ever give up. You are an amazing woman and you will have the strength and resolve to get through this. Just the fact that your cheese puff binge was only 500 calories says a lot. Hang in there, Rose.:hug:
Thanks Kathy and Pamela.:goodvibes I really appreciate your kind words. Saturday ended up being not so bad. We cleaned up around the house--Mike had already started while I was having a pity party, so by the time I came downstairs to help it was looking pretty spiffy and that really helped with my attitude.

The funny thing about the cheese puff binge was that it was very purposeful. I KNEW exactly what I was doing and I did it on purpose. I knew how many calories it was and I ate them all even though it was just gross after a while. Despite all that I had my lowest Monday weigh-in for the month of March, so no real damage. I do need to think some more about why I did that to myself. We ended up watching a movie Saturday night, and that was fun.:goodvibes

Today we got Moe's--again. I am not doing so good with the cooking, but it's pretty healthy, at least the way I get it. (P--Moe's is a burrito place, but since I don't eat meat or gluten, mine is mostly rice, beans and veggies--yum!

I also went back to the chiropractor. Uggh, it still was very painful, but he said things are definitely loosening up. I have the kinesiology tape on again until Saturday. After the chiropractor I went to the Y and did 3 miles on the elliptical, lifted weights and did my rehab exercises. He said to try again this weekend to run again.

So, a pretty good day. I just need to get my act together and start cooking again.:goodvibes
Thanks Kathy and Pamela.:goodvibes I really appreciate your kind words. Saturday ended up being not so bad. We cleaned up around the house--Mike had already started while I was having a pity party, so by the time I came downstairs to help it was looking pretty spiffy and that really helped with my attitude.

Someone helping me around the house would definitely help my attitude!!

The funny thing about the cheese puff binge was that it was very purposeful. I KNEW exactly what I was doing and I did it on purpose. I knew how many calories it was and I ate them all even though it was just gross after a while. Despite all that I had my lowest Monday weigh-in for the month of March, so no real damage. I do need to think some more about why I did that to myself. We ended up watching a movie Saturday night, and that was fun.:goodvibes

I'm not overly shocked you had a low weigh-in on Monday. I've noticed over the past many months that the weeks when I do really good are the weeks when I have a mid-week splurge! I think it means that you (and I) aren't routinely eating enough calories..... so we maintain, maintain, maintain, even with all the exercise... and then have a big loss when we eat more! Sounds kind of wrong, but I think that is what is happening.

Today we got Moe's--again. I am not doing so good with the cooking, but it's pretty healthy, at least the way I get it. (P--Moe's is a burrito place, but since I don't eat meat or gluten, mine is mostly rice, beans and veggies--yum!

Yum, yum, yum~! I love rice and beans and veggies!!! Do they offer a g-f wrap or tortilla,... or do you just get it in a bowl?

I also went back to the chiropractor. Uggh, it still was very painful, but he said things are definitely loosening up. I have the kinesiology tape on again until Saturday. After the chiropractor I went to the Y and did 3 miles on the elliptical, lifted weights and did my rehab exercises. He said to try again this weekend to run again.

The elliptical work and rehab exercises sound just perfect for now!

So, a pretty good day. I just need to get my act together and start cooking again.:goodvibes

If I could get away with not cooking more often, I would!! Could you do a Moe's type thing at home?? Cook up a batch of rice, cook up some beans, grill up some veggies and keep everything in the fridge for the week ahead?? Just a thought.

Just checking in on you here! See you on the BL thread...............P
Hey Rose.....

How did your week go? Did you get some cooking done? I have discovered that there is a new vegan restaurant in Concord. I'll be in Concord tomorrow for an appointment and thought I might swing in and check out their menu. Wonder if they share recipes?

Not sure if you saw over on the BL thread, but I'm thinking of trying a few weeks of SBD.... I see a lot of beans in my future! I might start with that white bean crab cake recipe!

Talk to you later I hope!..............P
P--when you are at WDW you need to try the g-f cupcakes at dtd disney. Mike and I split one and they were very tasty! I did SBD a long time ago and the belly fat goes quick. My only piece of advice is do not do phase 1 any longer than they recommend. Since I was seeing good results I did it for a month--for some people that might be fine, but it was a mistake for me. Mike had fabulous results with it. Really helped with his cholesterol levels too. When I was on SB I ate a lot of salads with chicken (I was still eating meat), lettuce, spinach, beans, cheese, nuts, and paul newman's dressing. Can you have carrots?? Seems like I had carrots too.

The cooking has tanked this week, but I maintained my weight--I actually lowered my maintain to 138 from 140. It just wasn't a good week. Here's hoping I get my act together this week. I made a poor choice and had gluten last night and have been paying for it all day today. Lesson learned.:goodvibes
So, my stomach is almost back to normal after my very poor choice to purposely have gluten on Thursday. Hopefully I have learned my lesson. We went to Whole Foods today and I got some artichoke burgers, some g-f snacks and some Udi's premade pizza crusts. They are kind of expensive, but I need something quick for nights when we don't have a lot of time. I also sent an email to a company that makes a readily available corn tortilla to make sure they are g-f. They have no gluten ingredients, but you know how that goes.

I don't have a great plan for meals this week, but we have some leftovers in the freezer and I have the staples for a couple of quick, easy things. I am a little anxious because my second test results should come in any day. I don't know why it's stressing me out, but hopefully once I get those my brain will settle down a little. DS should hear about his summer internship soon as well, and we can get busy on finding him some housing. So hopefully some of the things that have my brain churning will have some answers and then I can just worry about rehabbing my leg and eating well, at least for a few days.:goodvibes
Hi Rose!

I finally had a chance to come over to your journal and :thumbsup2. Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time. GF can be so difficult. I tried it once and it was an epic failure. I remember being OCD-ish about cross-contimaimation. Kudos to you for sticking it out! :cool1:

I've heard that when people are told to go GF, they are also told to go lactose free, at least at first. Then, in time, they can re-introduce lactose. I know Lactaid brand lactose-free milk is gluten free. I live off of it. I know it's not vegetarian cheese, but Cabot makes naturally GF/lactose-free cheddar cheeses that I live off of too. Best of luck to you. :goodvibes


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