Trying to find Magic Pen coloring books


<font color=green>I worry about my crops ...<font
Aug 18, 1999
Does anyone know where I can find the coloring books that come with the magic pen--the page is black and white but when you use the special pen that comes with it the page gets colored in. I am trying to find these since we are driving to Florida and I had found one for my daughter last trip and it kept her occupied for a while. But now I can't find them anywhere! Any help is appreciated. I am not even sure if this is what you call them, I asked one of the workers in the bookstore near me and she looked at me alittle strangely!
I see these all the time in the grocery store of all places! :)

I've also seen them at K-Mart, Walmart, Target, etc. My kids love these and I think they are great for the car because they can't make a mess!

Good luck finding some!
I have looked in the walmart and kmart near me and I don't see them. I have looked where the rest of the books are, Is this where you see them? I do have a Target near me so I guess I will try there, thanks!
I have seen them at Creative Toys, if you have one near you...I need to go back and get some for my kids for our drive too.

When are you going?
They even have disney ones at Wal-mart. I saw them today, near the coloing books.DS loved these when he was younger!

Jordan's mom
lorix2--I have not heard of Creative Toys, I will ask around and see if there is one near me.

We are leaving March 26 driving from upstate New York, I am trying to get the kids backpacks together alittle at a time so its easier on my pocketbook ;) and the magic pen books are one of the things I wanted to put in them.

I am going to have to check Walmart again for these!
Debyc - if your search turns out unsuccessful which I hope it doesn't, email me and I'd be happy to mail some out to you - we'd have plenty of time. I don't mind at all because I know how important it is to get the things you want that will make the kids happy and will make you feel good about giving it to them.

Thank you for your offer--it was very nice :D I am going to do some more searching--if I am unsuccessful, I wil contact you.
You're welcome, hopefully you'll find them soon - if not, you know where to get them.
Crayola makes these too - they're called Color Wonder. They have them at Target & WalMart.
Hope you find them!
My daughter pointed them out to me at Food Lion the other day. I like getting them too for the flight.

You might also try your airport gift shop, Cracker Barrel, or other traveler type shops. I think the ones our local airport has are called Magic Pen. Maybe try not sure if they would carry them or not though.

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