Trial Run for Dogs in Resort Rooms

Do you think dogs should be allowed in guests' rooms?

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The difference for me is that these are not hotels. They are resorts. You can’t walk your dog around a hotel. You can around a resort. People don’t stroll the grounds of a hotel to relax and take in the scenery. They do at a resort. You don’t have other wild animals that a dog will come into contact with at a hotel. You do at a resort.
Ok, fair enough. So for "resorts" that allow dogs: TopNotch Stowe, VT, Bethel Inn, Bethel, ME, Phoenician, Scottsdale, AZ. Could go on and on. The overall point was that if this was the massive, end of the world, disaster of unimaginable proportions that this thread makes it out to be then it probably would be pretty well known by now since pet friendly policies have been around for a long time. Definitely can complain about the implementation of this policy. I just dont see the point at guessing at all the potential problems without looking to see if it really is a common problem where others have tried it.
I spoke to a friend who plans on taking their 2 lab mixes. They bark incessantly at everything and one pees indoor continually. I feel sorry for anyone near that room!!
Well, make sure Disney is up to enforcing the rules set forth by the new policy. If dog is being loud, report it. If you see the dog relieving itself in non-approved areas, make sure mgmt knows that too. If responsible dog owners are planning on bringing their well behaved dogs because of this new policy, good for them. But those dogs sound like they're going to be a problem even before they've even set paws on Disney property.
There are so many comments on this thread but very few from anyone who is actually planning to bring their dog to WDW. As I have posted earlier - within hours of seeing this announcement I contacted my travel agent to book us a cabin at Fort Wilderness. We had stayed with our previous dog twice at Portofino Bay hotel and had talked about taking our new dog again at some point.

While at Portofino, despite being in the dog friendly room, I would never have noticed that a dog had been in their previously. Their rooms were immaculate. I am also allergic to dogs and cats (we have a first generation golden doodle so no problems) and have stayed in many pet friendly hotels and have never had a reaction. (I do understand severe allergic reactions as I had one myself over 30 years ago and went into anaphylactic shock and nearly died). There were other dogs there during both of our trips but we never paid them much attention. I also never heard any dogs at night.

We want to bring our dog with to Disney as it is a perfect marriage of our two loves - now that the children are grown and gone - our dog and Disney. While at Portofino Bay we had an in-room dog sitter or sent our dog to doggie day care. For this trip in May I am already booked for day care at Best Friends. Our dog will have a great time playing with other dogs during the day and then be with us in the cabin in the evening. We go to Disney and on Disney cruise line a lot and for those trips we leave our dog at a kennel or at home with one of our children. I don't think many dogs like being in a kennel overnight and it is a lot of work for a dog-sitter. Sometimes the worst part about going on vacation is leaving the dog. So now our dog came come with us - taking a couple of nights to drive to Florida - with some fun dog friendly stops along the way and back. We can have a good time during the day in the parks knowing that she will be having fun (she already goes to day camp once a week) and we will all enjoy being together in the evening. She will never be left alone in the cabin. She doesn't shed but despite that we always have her special blankets to cover the couch and bed if she climbs up on them.

This will more than likely be a one time trip to Disney for her. There are many other places to take dogs and I am sure that we will do so. The point I am trying to make is that we are putting a lot of thought and care into taking our dog on this trip. We don't want to bother anyone - and we won't. We are not going to take her where she is not allowed to go - she doesn't need to go to the parks or anywhere else where dogs are not permitted. I think that would be the case with most other families with dogs as well. It would be nice to hear from them.

I am happy that you are or seem to be a very thoughtful pet owner. But not all pet owners are. I can not tell you how bringing my service dog into a place effects others around me. I found a place I can play bingo because everything is by computer now, so I don't have to see the numbers. Last Dec I got my new service dog and started going to bingo. Before this they never had any dogs in the place, since then they kick out about 1 so called service animal a week, they have had to bomb for fleas twice since last dec. they have had dogs poop on the rung, pee on the rug, bark, try to eat food off the counters and so on and so forth.

Twenty years ago when I got my first guide dog, although I was allowed anywhere with him, I ran into blocks everywhere I went, taxis, buses, restaraunts, saying no dogs allowed. ADA came about and other services animals started popping up and that is great, others started to fight for the rights to have our service animals and doors started to open.

Ten years ago, non service animals started showing up and it has been a real struggle for me. I want to advocate for me and my right to have a service dog, to be allowed to bring her anywhere. But the non service animals who bark in stores, who sniff food as they walk past the apples and banana in the market, or the owners who can not control them and think there dog is perfect really effect me, and really effect how I advocate for the right of my dog.

I applaud those who are very responsible, who will take the dog to doggy daycare at Disney. But Disney has not built a bigger doggy daycare, and I know for a fact it has been at capacity several times that I have been on property. And there are many many dog owners who will be very irresponsible and leave there dog I. The room all day.

But even worse than this is, I already have to deal with the non service animals being past off as service animals, and I believe this new policy will create even more of these so called dogs into places they should not be, and will effect all the hard work I and so many others have worked years to fight for to get the equal access.

We live in a world that most people do not see this as a privilege that they need to take responsibility for, but as an entitlement. My fear is statistics, there are let's say 50% of pet owners who will bring there dog to Disney that are responsible pet owners. That leaves 50% not responsible pet owners who will bring there dog to Disney. Now we know Disney is not the same as a night in Marriott, while you travel from' one state to another. Disney is a resort, not a night stop but a 7,10 or 15 day vacation spot. Way different.

So if that 50% who is irresponsible, let's say 25% leave there dog in the room all day, well that is a freight ending thought to me and horrible abuse to the dog, which in some way Disney is promoting by allowing dogs to stay in the room all day, something they would not do even for a service dog just a month ago.

That other 25% is my real real fear thou. That 25% are the ones who already pass Fido off as a service dog at home but has known better not to bring the dog to Disney, but now they are giving permission. That 25% is what really frightens me and all the rights that I am many others have worked so hard for.

That 25% is going to try to put Fido on an over crowded bus, where the dog will get frightened and scared. That 25% will try to bring that dog into a crowded over packed theme park and put the dog on rides, and the. As he is scared, tired, hot and confused as to what is happening to him, that owner is going to put that dog near kids and people on a hot pavement for a three o'clock parade. That owner is going to try to get that dog into restaurants and near food carts. That owner also knows that the dog is not spayed and neutered and now there may be another very irresponsible pet owner passing there dog off as a service dog who also has a dog that is not spayed or neutered and one dog chases another dog thru a crowded of scared people, very much distracting my dog. Oh these irresponsible pet owners are already out there, but they will multiple as this policy goes on.

I have seen it, like in the bingo place I go, everyone who went for years and years without saying they had or have a service dog, all of a sudden has one because they see me with mine. I go to Costco and have to deal with barking pets that are so called service animals, and I have to find the manager and show them the ADA law that allows then to kick Fido out for barking I. The store. I have seen these so called service animals eating the apples from the shelf or eating off tables in restaraunts. yes these are out there and I deal with it so much, but when I go to Disney, it was contained because most people would not be able to pass there non service animal dog off as a service animal for the whole length of a vacation, this policy I hope won't but I fear will make these problems very real and very hard for those of us with real service animals who are needed.

That is why I say if Disney is to do this, they need to do all things Disney and raise the price and double it, it will stop many of the irresponsible ones from bringing there pets. They also need to mandate that the pets are at the best friends kennel daily and not left in rooms. Maybe give a huge discount to the kennel so they can make sure every dog on site as a pet is in the kennel.
For anyone who is interested, here is the rate sheet for boarding your dog at Disney's kennel...Best Friends Pet Care, which is literally across the street from POR. It's quite lovely.

Worth noting, it's cheaper to board here than in your room and you get more amenities (like potty walks and such). There is also a DVC discount.
Sincere question, when you stay at hotels in general, how do you deal with pet allergies, I find that highway hotels are not exactly on top of Pets nor clean extremely well. Also what about rental cars, or other airport transportation.

We don't book at hotels that accept pets - it's just not possible with my families' allergies. We usually drive to WDW, but on a plane to California this past year we had a woman with her emotional support dog (I know this as we heard her talking about it). My husband's symptoms began about 1.5 hours into the flight and he suffered for the next 24 hours. I'm trying to figure out how we can be informed of when a flight is going to have an animal on it - so he can at least take medication before/during the trip. Since we seldom fly, I didn't realize this was common practice.

In other news, our TA was able to switch us to Coronado for our November trip, so I'm pleased with that! We are only 4 for this trip, but if my oldest son was going, that resort wouldn't be an option and we would have stayed offsite. I will echo previous posters that my biggest complaint is the way this was handled. I had booked pet free, to be told 35 days before my vacation that the resort was now pet friendly. I've spent too much time the last 48 hours researching my options - frustrating to say the least. I'm happy my situation worked out - very sad for others that did not.
I'm not a fan of the policy and am fortunate that I do not have any severe allergies. Sincere question, when you stay at hotels in general, how do you deal with pet allergies, I find that highway hotels are not exactly on top of Pets nor clean extremely well. Also what about rental cars, or other airport transportation.

i always mention my allergy and ask for a deep clean. even if i have to pay extra. most companies don't want a possible lawsuit so i rarely have problems. if i do run into a problem, my medications are always on me. of course there is no way of something being clean 100% so i make sure i am prepared.
Ok, fair enough. So for "resorts" that allow dogs: TopNotch Stowe, VT, Bethel Inn, Bethel, ME, Phoenician, Scottsdale, AZ. Could go on and on. The overall point was that if this was the massive, end of the world, disaster of unimaginable proportions that this thread makes it out to be then it probably would be pretty well known by now since pet friendly policies have been around for a long time. Definitely can complain about the implementation of this policy. I just dont see the point at guessing at all the potential problems without looking to see if it really is a common problem where others have tried it. these resorts allow the dogs to be unattended in the room all day? If not, I don't think you can really compare.

An unattended dog can do a LOT of damage to a hotel room in 7 hours.
Nothing to do with allergies - just don't want dogs around on my holiday - I have owned a dog in the past but I would never have taken it on a Disney holiday. For goodness sake just put them in a kennel at home and let the rest of us enjoy a dog free break.

This is how I feel. I am not a dog person. We have both animal allergies and phobias in our family.

Aside from that, I really don't want to see, hear or smell dogs on my vacation. I have been to pet friendly hotels before, and will never stay in one again. I hated seeing dogs in the lobby, barking, slobbering, sniffing people, yipping, squealing etc. I would never stay in one of the Disney pet friendly hotels. On vacation, I don't want to see people walking dogs, don't want to see dogs going to the bathroom, don't want to hear barking, just don't want to be around them. IRL I avoid dogs at all costs, if I am out walking and see a dog, I cross the street. My friends that have dogs put them outside as a curtesy if I am coming over, generally I avoid at all costs, and it would be unavoidable if staying in a pet friendly resort.
Ok, fair enough. So for "resorts" that allow dogs: TopNotch Stowe, VT, Bethel Inn, Bethel, ME, Phoenician, Scottsdale, AZ. Could go on and on. The overall point was that if this was the massive, end of the world, disaster of unimaginable proportions that this thread makes it out to be then it probably would be pretty well known by now since pet friendly policies have been around for a long time. Definitely can complain about the implementation of this policy. I just dont see the point at guessing at all the potential problems without looking to see if it really is a common problem where others have tried it.

Ritz-Carlton Bachelor Gulch, Avon, Colorado;
Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Resort, Casino & Spa, Lake Tahoe, California;
Dahlonega Spa Resort, Georgia; to name a couple other pet friendly resorts. People are making a mountain out of a mole hill with this pet thing.
Probably because Disney is censoring the negative responses posted on all of their social media platforms.
Which isn't at all surprising and isn't at all a "Disney shame shame shame" thing either. There are many times where what you say can be deleted or requested to be modified.

Currently, which will change, the DIS's poll on FB has 53 likes, 28 angry, 11 loves, 3 wows, 1 sad face which totals to 96 reactions If we remove the wows (which could be a good or bad reaction) that means out of 93 actual reactions (removing the wows) 64 people have positive reactions while 29 out of 93 (again removing the wows) people have negative reactions.

Or to put it in another words 68.82% of people have a positive reaction and 31.18% of people have a negative reaction on the DIS's own poll. The pendulum will swing over time and it could end up flip flopping for sure just providing the current reaction.

The comments aren't being censored as much there as FB has a different policy on what people say. these resorts allow the dogs to be unattended in the room all day? If not, I don't think you can really compare.

An unattended dog can do a LOT of damage to a hotel room in 7 hours.
If you look online at all the hotels and resorts I mentioned they say they allow pets, some of them have weight restrictions. They do not state specifically one way or the other about dogs being unattended. Just like anything else in a hotel room if you damage it you are responsible so if I am staying at the Ritz I would probably be pretty hesitant about leaving the dog roam, lol.
I don't think the noise, the risk of poo, the risk of bites is huge but I do think it has changed goal,posts. I feel very sorry for the people with bad anxieties and allergies
I feel bad for people ... Like me ... Who have paid thousands for a holiday that happens at one of these resorts in the next 5 weeks with no notice,
Someone earlier made the point that in other places it doesn't matter where you stay. We do,lots of,road trips I. The USA and to be Honest I don't care where I stay in the area so long as it is pet free. It is just a bed and a shower. I don't hate dogs ... I just chose not to sleep in rooms they have used. Disney resorts are part of the whole experience. We spend time there, we enjoy the ambience, the theming etc. I don't want the value resorts and can't afford the deluxe. I am booked in POR and have no option to move and don't want to go off site. I am not worried about most of it I just want Disney to guarantee that I can sleep in a pet free room when I want to... That is what I booked in Good faith

I agree with all the points .. Children ... And adults ... Can be noisy, there are many noxious things o. Floors, carpets, beds etc. But this is not something we bought into when We booked.
Disney is not an entitlement ... We all work and save hard for it, dream about it. It's magic. JUst give those of us who want to sleep,in petfree rooms some reassurance that our views matter too. It's what we booked ... We just want to know it will be OK.
We don't book at hotels that accept pets - it's just not possible with my families' allergies. We usually drive to WDW, but on a plane to California this past year we had a woman with her emotional support dog (I know this as we heard her talking about it). My husband's symptoms began about 1.5 hours into the flight and he suffered for the next 24 hours. I'm trying to figure out how we can be informed of when a flight is going to have an animal on it - so he can at least take medication before/during the trip. Since we seldom fly, I didn't realize this was common practice.

In other news, our TA was able to switch us to Coronado for our November trip, so I'm pleased with that! We are only 4 for this trip, but if my oldest son was going, that resort wouldn't be an option and we would have stayed offsite. I will echo previous posters that my biggest complaint is the way this was handled. I had booked pet free, to be told 35 days before my vacation that the resort was now pet friendly. I've spent too much time the last 48 hours researching my options - frustrating to say the least. I'm happy my situation worked out - very sad for others that did not.

I would call the airline you are thinking about making a reservation and explain the situation and find out what the policy is on when an animal will be on board (whether service, emotional or carry on animal) If it is a service animal and you have an allergy the service animal and passenger have priority and you will have the choice to stay on that plane or go on a later flight (policy at SW where DH is a pilot)

It is always better to book any reservation early in the day in case a flight is cancelled or due to allergies you need a later flight.
I would call the airline you are thinking about making a reservation and explain the situation and find out what the policy is on when an animal will be on board (whether service, emotional or carry on animal) If it is a service animal and you have an allergy the service animal and passenger have priority and you will have the choice to stay on that plane or go on a later flight (policy at SW where DH is a pilot)

It is always better to book any reservation early in the day in case a flight is cancelled or due to allergies you need a later flight.

O/T but I dig your username and your avatar. We have been a greyhound family for almost 20 years! Watching my sweet girl curled up on her bed right now.
I would call the airline you are thinking about making a reservation and explain the situation and find out what the policy is on when an animal will be on board (whether service, emotional or carry on animal) If it is a service animal and you have an allergy the service animal and passenger have priority and you will have the choice to stay on that plane or go on a later flight (policy at SW where DH is a pilot)

It is always better to book any reservation early in the day in case a flight is cancelled or due to allergies you need a later flight.

Thank you! Didn't realize this was an option, but I will definitely do this for any future flights.
Ok, fair enough. So for "resorts" that allow dogs: TopNotch Stowe, VT, Bethel Inn, Bethel, ME, Phoenician, Scottsdale, AZ. Could go on and on. The overall point was that if this was the massive, end of the world, disaster of unimaginable proportions that this thread makes it out to be then it probably would be pretty well known by now since pet friendly policies have been around for a long time. Definitely can complain about the implementation of this policy. I just dont see the point at guessing at all the potential problems without looking to see if it really is a common problem where others have tried it.

I don't actually see anyone complaining about the end of the world scenarios. Those comments seem to be limited to accusations from those who support this change or see it as no big deal. I don't think it's "end of the world" or a "disaster of unimaginable proportions." But I don't have to wait and see what happens to know that I don't want to stay in a hotel/resort with dogs due to both phobia and allergy issues. And as a family of 5 I'm extremely upset that my options are now CBR, staying offsite or staying in one of the more expensive Deluxe resorts (pretty much out of the question). I don't think it's unreasonable at all to be upset about these things. And for people with service animals who know that other dogs can be a threat to their service dog, I don't think it's unreasonable to worry about. For people who may just get the sniffles from dogs but don't want to have to deal with that on vacation, I don't think it's unreasonable either. It doesn't have to be an end of the world situation to negatively impact someone's vacation experience.

And who would want to spend the immense amount of time and money on vacation to just wait and see how it's going to play out when they know from their own personal experiences that they don't want to, or can't be around, dogs. Many of us, especially on the Disboards, spend extensive hours researching resorts, dining options, fast pass options, making and changing reservations and ADRs, looking for tips and lesser known tricks, all trying to make it the "perfect" vacation for our families. Why would we want to go through all of that effort to enhance our experience and then just wait and hope for the best when we know from personal experience that dogs may trigger our allergies, asthma, phobias, or may even just find them irritating and not want to be around them.

As for the assumptions of dog owners not following rules or some of the specific worries about dog behaviors I also feel like given personal experiences it seems very reasonable to assume it wouldn't likely be any different at Disney than it is in our own neighborhoods.
Not sure I completely buy the allergy argument many are trying to make (not saying I disblieve how server the allergy is.) yet if somebody has such a bad reaction wouldn't they come prepared for an animal reaction anyway? You can come in contact with a dog at the airport, on the airplane, in an uber, a service dog at the hotel. It's not like there aren't people who have allergies already enjoying Disney. Disney serves items that contain peanuts but we aren't hearing panic from people allergic to those-even though there might be peanut remnants in a hotel room. People have allergies to bees and yet still enjoy walking around the resorts without a huge fear of bee stings. These people just take the precautions they can to enjoy a drama free vacation. So why the hysteria about dogs at Disney and possible allergies. Again if you have such a bad allergy to dogs aren't you prepared for incidental dog contact whether it's Disney or elsewhere?
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