Traveling Companions From Hell

CharlesTD said:
... but the rest of them man I want to tie them up and dump them in 7 seas lagoon after just an hour of being with them.

Hmmm? :rotfl: That is an idea, we are staying at the BWV's so I think the lagoon between BWV's and BCV's would do nicely..... pirate:

Such wonderful ideas, thank you for sharing :rotfl:
We always travel with a large group, Some days we stay together some days we don't. We had one trip Labor day 2002? Egads.. I don't know if it was the heat or what but people were certainly on my nerves that trip!!!

Everyone else had resort rooms and I and the kids had a 2 bedroom at Beach Club, Ya, all remember that trip report I assume? ( But, I digress.)

First off I had 2 year old twins who were not eating in teh heat, so I had been to Goodings and stocked up the Villa for about a millon dollars...... And I would make sure they ate somthing at least at night... Anyway...My adult siblings and neice were coming to the villa and making themselves a bagel or a sandwich and I was so confused as to where the heck everything was going..After having spent all the dough at Goodings I ended up with room service 3 times. I was more than ticked off by this. But I stewed and never said anything..

Towards the end of the trip it was the day before Labor day and about a 120 degrees and we were at Magic Kingdom. all like 16 of us? This was mistake one. Literally we were melting and the park was total gridlock. One SIL who is a total commando was freaking out because we were not fast enough.... She was running and yelling at us to Move, move, move!!!!!!!!
I admit we made a few comments like we were going to get her a Brazilain tour guide flag. We yelled Brazil!!!! a few times..But she just kept on rolling... We indiacted several times we were melting, spontaneously combusting... but no matter she kept running.
Anyway.. we get to clumbia Harbor house she wants to eat, everyone else was like well, I am too hot to eat I am melting... you get the picture. Well she flipped out!!!!! I NEED TO EAT!!!!!!!! we all kind of looked at each other and said soooo go ahead, we are not going in. Now theres like 12-15 people looking at her like she has cracked including my brother her dh. Lots of nervous laughter, And she screams the bad swear word that starts with an F, Throws us all the finger, and goes running throught the crowd towards Fantasyland. Very undisney like behavior!!!!!!
We all just said want to go the pool? We went back to BC and swam for the rest of the day. had a lovely lunch take out from Beaches and Cream.
From that day on, she still comes with us when we travel but books seperately with her mom and nephew. They do thier own thing and we do ours and very rarely meet up with each other!!!!
iankh said:
We had explained to them that WDW was not the cheapest vacation in the world, but if you surrendered to it, you could have a blast. The 6 day trip was on.

The trouble started soon after we arrived. They complained about eveythng. They complain often. It seemed like they complained continuously.

They complained about the parks. They complained about the people. They complained about the prices.

They esspecially complained about the prices.

I didn't know you knew my parents.
twinmomplus2new said:
We always travel with a large group, Some days we stay together some days we don't. We had one trip Labor day 2002? Egads.. I don't know if it was the heat or what but people were certainly on my nerves that trip!!!

Everyone else had resort rooms and I and the kids had a 2 bedroom at Beach Club, Ya, all remember that trip report I assume? ( But, I digress.)

First off I had 2 year old twins who were not eating in teh heat, so I had been to Goodings and stocked up the Villa for about a millon dollars...... And I would make sure they ate somthing at least at night... Anyway...My adult siblings and neice were coming to the villa and making themselves a bagel or a sandwich and I was so confused as to where the heck everything was going..After having spent all the dough at Goodings I ended up with room service 3 times. I was more than ticked off by this. But I stewed and never said anything..

Towards the end of the trip it was the day before Labor day and about a 120 degrees and we were at Magic Kingdom. all like 16 of us? This was mistake one. Literally we were melting and the park was total gridlock. One SIL who is a total commando was freaking out because we were not fast enough.... She was running and yelling at us to Move, move, move!!!!!!!!
I admit we made a few comments like we were going to get her a Brazilain tour guide flag. We yelled Brazil!!!! a few times..But she just kept on rolling... We indiacted several times we were melting, spontaneously combusting... but no matter she kept running.
Anyway.. we get to clumbia Harbor house she wants to eat, everyone else was like well, I am too hot to eat I am melting... you get the picture. Well she flipped out!!!!! I NEED TO EAT!!!!!!!! we all kind of looked at each other and said soooo go ahead, we are not going in. Now theres like 12-15 people looking at her like she has cracked including my brother her dh. Lots of nervous laughter, And she screams the bad swear word that starts with an F, Throws us all the finger, and goes running throught the crowd towards Fantasyland. Very undisney like behavior!!!!!!
We all just said want to go the pool? We went back to BC and swam for the rest of the day. had a lovely lunch take out from Beaches and Cream.
From that day on, she still comes with us when we travel but books seperately with her mom and nephew. They do thier own thing and we do ours and very rarely meet up with each other!!!!

Problem nicely solved, isn't it!! :)

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