Transportation to US/IOA from HIFS


Oct 10, 2000
Is there public transportation from HIFS to these parks? IF so, can someone give me directions on how to access it?
I know your hotel provides transportation free to Disney parks and a nominal charge to Universal parks. Also check out Lynx (buses) and the trolley and mears as well.

We stayed at HIFS last month. It's a great'll enjoy it. We had a rental car, but while we were deciding whether to rent a car or not, I asked about transportation and was told HIFS can arrange transportation with, I think, one day's advance notice using a private shuttle of some sort. You tell them when to pick you up at the hotel, and when to meet you at the park for the return trip. Don't remember exact price, but it seemed a little expensive for our family of five (I seem to recall it was more than the daily price of my car rental). As for Disney transportation, just be aware that there are two or three AM buses heading to the parks, and two or three PM buses returning to the if you plan to visit more than one park, or take midday hotel breaks, it would be tough relying only on the hotel transportation. I would suggest calling hotel directly for more details. Good luck, and have a great time.


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