Transportation between Disney


Earning My Ears
Jan 30, 2001
Does anyone know of an economical mode of transportation between WDW and USF/SW. We are planning on flying down and staying on property at WDW. We plan on using a Town Car service for arrival and departure but how does one get around and what does it cost if you want to venture to the other side? I do not want to rent a car! I am terrified to drive in strange environments and high traffic areas. I want to leave the driving to them. Please any ideas/suggestions/words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

hi dismom,

welcome :D
you could use mears transportation
You could take a cab.
You can use a town car service like Tiffany

I would say it depends on the # in your party. We used Tiffany to get to WDW from Universal and back. they offer a $5 off coupon on their website.
If you are just 2 people it would pay to use mears. There is also public transportation but personally the amount of time you would waste waiting would not make it beneficial for the saved money. Mears is share a ride. Tiffany is a private car.
Hope this helps you. :)

In January, from All Star to Universal, Mears was charging $10.00 round trip. This didn't seem bad, but would depend on how many in your party. The bus will drop you off at the same location for US or IOA and it is quite a ways to both through escalators, walkways and citywalk. Allow at least 20 minutes to get back to the bus.
I have used the mears shuttle service to go to seaworld, IOA, and US and had no problems at all. I highly recommend them to everyone!!!!
We shuttle every year between WDW and USF by using Mears. It's fast, efficient, and inexpensive.
We used Mears as well. Never experienced any problems with them.
Depending on how many in your party, you may find a taxi to be a good value and it's definitely the most convenient. We had five in our party and our taxi fare was $24.00 each way. Ask for a rate from the taxi driver - don't use meter pricing - there is no problem getting predetermined prices. This was from the HIFS to Universal which would be just about the same distance as a disney resort to Universal. I like you did not want the hassles of driving so we did not rent a car and took taxis a few times.

Lori :cool:


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