Transportation Around the World


DIS Veteran
Jan 6, 2000
We are leaving three weeks from tommorrow (WOOO-HOOOO) and I would like to know from all you FW vets as to what parks and places I should DRIVE to and what parks and places I should RIDE to. One of the most enjoyable aspects of my last trip to WDW and staying at ASMo was catching a bus to anywhere without any problems. But my wife informs me that she has read that the transportation from FW to the parks can be a hassle. I would like to not have to wait for a bus for more than 10-15 min. I know this sounds impatient but we will have our three DK's with us (7,5,4) so not having to wait too long will be nice) Thanks for all your input, and for those of you who will be there Feb 4-10th stop by our site and say HI ( we will have a red Merc Villager with Indiana plates and plenty of green ribbon around our site). CAN'T WAIT!!

Roughly the size of a barge
During our visit in November our rental van sat at the cabin the whole visit, we always used Disney transportation and never had a problem. We studied the transportation guides and tried to educate ourselves and always gave ourselves plenty of time. We went to all of the parks for EE and got there in plenty of time. I think at certain times of the day/evening you have to expect waits--like park closings!
We had a golf cart which made it very easy getting back & forth to the marina, that was 1 less bus to wait for.
Have a great trip! Some of the drivers are a hoot!
Hi DJBounce,

As a general rule of thumb, if you have to go
through TTC then drive. The TTC can be a
nightmare. We take all direct transportation
from FW to the parks. This being MK by boat
and AK by bus. We drove to Epcot and MGM.
The AK bus also stops at BB. I would ride to
MK,AK,BB and drive everywhere else.

By the way, my wife just reminded me of a
tip about the bus transportation I would
like to pass along. At the TTC, a bus that
pulls up to the stop for FW passengers may
not be a FW bus. Look at what the sign on
the bus says. We started asking the bus
drivers the destination before we would get
on. One late nite we spent an extra hour
and a half getting home because we did not
read the sign on the bus. Not fun with our
3 dd's and my wife was 5 months pregnant
with dd #4. Good luck.


[This message was edited by ALostBoy on 01-14-01 at 12:28 AM.]

[This message was edited by ALostBoy on 01-14-01 at 12:33 AM.]
Hello, fellow Hoosier! We live north of Indy.

Can't help you much on the transportation from FW. We went down in Oct, but drove everywhere because we heard the same nightmare stories. We only got lost once or twice, but we're pretty familiar with the place. Once was in the MK parking lot. Somehow when my DH let us off near the gate, he couldn't go back the way he came or something. He had to drive all the way around again. I think the other time we missed our exit around MK to FW. Can't exactly recall. We're too used to the AS resorts where you just jump on ONE bus and it takes you there. That's nice. No transfers. Have you been to WDW before? Check out the monorail one evening. It's fun to ride. We got to ride up front one time. We loved that!

Been there, done that, going back!
Off-site 87, 88
All Star Music 97
All Star Music 98
All Star Movies 99
Ft Wilderness Oct 00
BWV/WLV Oct 01

I agree with ALostBoy's observations.

I think, though, that the boat ride to the MK is wonderful and worth doing a couple of times. The boat itself takes 12-15 minutes to cross the lakes. Add on time to get to the Marina via bus or walking (depending on where you are) too. You'll have views of River Country, Wilderness Lodge, Discovery Island, The Poly, Grand Floridian, the Contemporary, and The Magic Kingdom itself. It's a great ride!



My next question is: Is there a direct bus from Fort Wilderness to Epcot and MGM or is there a direct bus to the TTC? I'm confused now. IT sounds like there is a direct bus to AK, right?

Roughly the size of a barge
You hop the Epcot Monorail adjacent to the TTC Bus station inside the gates. For MGM hop the bus at the TTC. For Animal Kingdom take the bus at the Settlement bus stop.

Andrew Lubow

"Live every day as if it were your last. Some day you'll be right!" Benny Hill
Hi! Here's a short guide:

Magic Kingdom: Take the boat, or take a bus to the TTC, then transfer to a MK monorail.

Epcot: Take a bus to the TTC and transfer to the monorail.

MGM: Take a bus to the TTC, and transfer to a MGM bus.

Animal Kingdom: Take the Animal Kingdom bus directly from FW.

Downtown Disney: Take the bus to the TTC, transfer to a DD bus.

Boardwalk: Take the bus to the TTC, take the monorail to Epcot, and from there take the boat to the Boardwalk.

Good luck! We love the Disney transportation - we park our car at our campsite and don't move it til we leave!

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator


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