Train FW


Cast Member
Jan 15, 2000
Ok all you you FW nuts. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif I have a ? for you.Lets see who can answer this one. When did the train 1st open or when did they put it in at FW???
Next when did they remove it from FW??????
Plus way did they pull it out?????
Who knows the answer to this......... /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


{Dreams Come True }

Sorry, I wish I had the answers for you - but I've always wondered this myself! The tracks still run through the campground.

Our first year camping was 1989, and the train was already gone by then.

It would be fun to resurrect it, wouldn't it!?

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
My mom knows the answers to all of this but unfortunately she is camping up in Maine right now. If you take the MK Train class you can get all the answers. If I remember some of it correctly the train was stopped because it didnt transport enough people. They went totally to trams [remember when they used those?] and buses. Now they just have buses. There have been rumors that the train would come back as a connection between FW, WL and the new WL villas but it is pure rumor. The tracks that are in FW are in very bad condition. Also, the train itself was not stored properly and is beyond restoration.PVist my brick W04 972PFort Wilderness 73,74,79,80,83,89,93,95,97,Christmas99/New Year2000PDixie Landings 95,96,98PWilderness Lodge 94POff property Feb/March 2000BR BRDisneyland 77,81,85,94
I don't know this one either. I do remember the train though.

Robin P.
FW 75-80,89
offsite 88,93,94,95,96,97,98
FW 99
Next Trip Dec.2000 FW
From what I have been told by a CM is that the train was to small to do the job that it was needed to do. It went "down" for repair and never came back up never enough money in the budget. They have now given one of the engins to a local museum. And the cars are now used at Pleasure Island. Below I attached a link so you can see pictures of the old train.


Remember it all started with a mouse.
I also miss the FW Steam Engine. We were told years ago when we first noticed it missing that it was too costly to run and underused. A CM also told us that it was shipped to Tokyo Disneyland but I first saw one of it's cars at Pleasure Island in 1990. In 1992 we were at FW again and found one of it's cars sitting alongside the bike/walk path that follows the road from the reception outpost to the loops. It made a perfect picture spot for my train crazy 1 year old. On that same trip we had rented bikes and took a shortcut through a service area from FW over to Osprey Ridge Golf Course and saw one of the cars being used for CM breaks. The last time I was at FW, I couldn't locate the one along the trail. Now finding the train and it's cars has become a bit of an obsession kinda like hidden Mickey's. Any other sightings? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

74 FW
78 off-site
82 FW
86 FW
89 FW
90 Disney Inn (Now SoG)
93 FW
94 Disneyland Hotel
97 DL (Now PO-Riverside)
98 FW Cabins
00 DI Bungalows
00 off-site
was first put in operation in 1973. It was taken out of service in 1977. I believe that because Disney used old steam engines there were alot of maintainence problems. So they discontinued it. There used to be a car near one of te bus stops in the village. I took pictures of my family sitting in it.

Off Site- 12/75
Ft.W- 12/83
Ft.W- 1/99
WL- 4/99
Disney Magic-12/30/99
Hi everyone. This topic was discussed about 5 months ago in good detail, so you may want to do a search and re-read the thread. Being a big fan of FW, I also miss the train. I first visited FW during spring break in college during the 70's, and just kept coming back to it. The one thing I don't miss about the train was the noise it would make in the eary morning hours, especially if you were staying in a tent, on a loop, near the track. God forbid if you had too much fun the night before, like at Crockit's Tavern where there used to be a Honky-Tonk Piano with a sing-a-long, and make your own pizza toppings bar. (Does anyone remember that ?)

In any case, it was old Walt himself that hekped do the layout of FW, long before his death, whom also drew the train and track in to the plans for FW. Many months ago in a nastalgic talk with my two little boys I brought up the topic of the FW train, and did a search for photos of it. I came up with this URL link. Apparently, alomost three decades after FW opened for business, there are enough of us FW fans that want to keep its heritage alive and documented.

Even now, as I age and have joined the DVC for some of the creature comforts of a luxury resort, I must still return to my roots at FW. Last week, March 15th to the 24th, I took my family for 9 days at the Boardwalk, our DVC home resort. During our planning of this trip, my boys (ages 7 and 9) insisted on at least one day at FW so they could go to the Hoop-Dee-Doo and also the campfire. Obviously, I didn't even resist.

Nowadys I don't stay up as late as I did during college, nor do I party nearly as much. So, when I see the remnants of the old track and bed, it hurts to only remember the train of a bye gone era. Today, I wouldn't mind the noise it made at all. Too bad my boys will never have a chance to see or ride it.

Sorry to all if I got too long winded.


95 POL
96(2), GF,Offsite
8/00 DVC member @ BWV
3/01 BWV, FW
3/01 DVC member @ WLV
11/01 BWV !
I remember the pizza toppings. It became a family tradtion to go there on our first night of our vacation week. Funny how the little things turn out to mean so much.
I have overheard the kids telling their kids about "Building a Disney Pizza". All part of the Magic. Brer_Papa

1975 - off site
1983 - FW
1985 - FW
1987 - FW
1989 - FW
1991 - FW
1994 - WL
1995 - WL
1997 - WL
1/1999 - FW
5/1999 - WL
12/27/99 Contemporary
12/30/99- MAGIC
3/00 - PO
10/01 - AKL
Dave, We suffer from the same addiction to FW.
I have 2 boys 10 and 7 and we own at BWV and VWL.
Unfortunately I never went to WDW when I was a kid and am now forced to live vicariously through my sons. We have always spent at least 2 nights every visit at the campfire movies and usually go to the hoop-de-doo every year. I just recently read about the trains and am looking forward to locating some of the tracks on our next trip in Feb 2002


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